Daddy the Miracle Medic (Lachlan and Miranda)

Chapter 427 Sleepless Night
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Chapter 427 Sleepless Night

Chapter 427 Sleepless Night

Thunderstorm knelt on the ground, begging for mercy and making a solemn vow like he was signing a military order.Lightless snorted coldly, his face darkening.

Meanwhile, Black Star looked at Thunderstorm with disdain and mockery. "Kill everyone involved in this matter? Can you do it? Do you have what ittakes?"

Hearing this, Thunderstorm knelt there with flickering eyes before showing a look of willingness to die for the organization to Lightless."I will fight to revenge for our organization!” he said passionately.

In fact, he knew that he probably couldn't handle it alone. The person who could take down Yuhdence's headquarters was likely stronger than himand had more than just Grandmaster-level skills!

There were even two Transmutation Force experts in their headquarters that Thunderstorm knew he couldn't handle by himself. That was why hedidn't dare act recklessly and continued on to Edoland.

Lightless waved his hand coldly. "I'll personally take care of this matter.”

Hearing this, Thunderstorm showed excitement on his face as he exclaimed loudly, “Yes! President, your strength is unparalleled! I am willing tofollow you until death!"

Lightless gave him a cold glance before turning to ask Black Star, “How is our investigation going? We need to be cautious while working in Edoland.”

Black Star nodded sharply and replied, "We've already investigated thoroughly. The main suspect behind this tragedy should be Lachlan - someonewho has strong abilities and has killed Grandmaster-level experts before - Mason’s brother-in-law who was previously captured by Thunderstorm.”

"At the same time.” He continued, "his wife and daughter have also killed one of our Transmutation Force subordinates before. Their relationship withthe Lowe family is quite complicated; they were even kicked out once.”

Upon hearing all these details, Lightless showed signs of suspicion mixed with caution on his face.“Lachlan? Landon... are these two related somehow?"

Black Star shook his head while smiling, "Rest assured President, Lachlan has nothing much related with Graham family. In fact they had someconflicts over buying medicine issues too.”

Lachlan later reached a secret agreement with the Graham family for the sale of elixirs.

Although the NC Organization was powerful, their ability to investigate was limited in a short period of time. They only discovered the conflict thatoccurred between Lachlan and the Graham family over the recipe for the "Nourishing Essence Pill.”novelbin

In addition, the incident where they sent someone to avenge Wild Wolf in Edoland, Black Star, as the head of the Kreanford branch, did notpersonally intervene in such a “minor matter,” so he had no idea what Lachlan looked like.

It was only today, in a hurry, that they learned about Lachlan, but the subordinates only provided information and did not give Black Star any photosor videos.

Black Star could not possibly connect Lachlan with Landon. In his view, "Landon" left the Hudpids Sect with them, and he and Lightless received thenews on the way back, so they rushed back.

But under normal circumstances, "Landon" was probably still on the road, right? The incident at the main hall entrance in Yuhdence happened atnoon, and it was impossible for it to be connected to "Landon" in any way.

Black Star didn't even consider this possibility. Hearing this, Lightless’ face relaxed."That's good," he said

Black Star continued, "As for the Lowe family, they are not worth mentioning either. They have no connection to the Graham family. President, youcan rest assured."

"Good! Let's first eliminate the Lowe family, then go and kill Lachlan, destroy Mason's influence, avenge our fallen brothers, and pay tribute to the lostbranch." Lightless nodded, a murderous intent emanating from him

With that, Black Star and Thunderstorm showed excitement. The President's strength far surpassed the Grandmaster Realm and had reached theterrifying peak of the later stages of Uppecia. In this world, the President was absolutely invincible. With the President leading the way. they wouldundoubtedly be able to seek revenge and settle their grievances.

Lachlan’s villa in Emerald Green Estates.

Although Mason had left, Cara and Emmanuel stayed here for the night.

Lachlan and Miranda, in front of Cara and Emmanuel, always behaved lovingly towards each other.

Especially with so much going on today, they didn't want Cara and Emmanuel to worry about their relationship issues.So that night, under Cara's supervision, Miranda and Lachlan entered a bedroom.

On the bed, Lachlan and Miranda lay there, fortunately with Nora between them, avoiding some awkwardness

At this moment, Nora was lying on .her father’ s arm, both of her littlehands were holding onto himas sheslept soundly. Content belangs -

Lachlan and Miranda were lying on their respective sides, still wearing clothes and unable to fall asleep."Are you asleep?”

At this time, the cool voice of the goddess CEO sounded, lowering the volume.

Lachlan cleared his throat softly and said, "Almost. Why aren't you asleep yet?”

Miranda snorted lightly, "If you're not asleep, I don't dare to sleep!"

Upon hearing this, Lachlan chuckled and asked, "Why, afraid I might do something bad while you're asleep?"

Hearing this, a blush appeared onMiranda's pretty face, but luckily <*Lachlan was lying with his facet upand probably couldn't see it'Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org >


Lying in bed with this jerk, her heart was filled with mixed feelings.

She had thought that she would be resistant, but in the end. she discovered that she wasn't.

There was only a slight nervousness, a sense of insecurity, and even... a little anticipation?

Ugh! Absolutely not.

Miranda secretly scolded herself.

"Will you?"

Miranda heard Lachlan ask this, turned her pretty face towards him, and retorted, "Um... hard to say..."Lachlan smiled and said, "Tsk..."

As soon as the words came out, he was met with a disdainful look from the goddess CEQ.

Seeing this, Lachlan was instantly speechless, feeling as if his dignity as a man had been challenged?

Just as he was about to deliberately reveal a lecherous look and scare her, Nora in his arms suddenly moved“Mmm...”The little girl first made a sound of discomfort, then suddenly sprayed a mouthful of warm liquid out of her mouth.

Immediately after, her small body started convulsing!

Lachlan's face changed nNdramatically, and Miranda also.:sensed something was wrongsandquickly turned on the bedside lamp.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

At this moment, Nora had her eyes tightly shut. her little face filled with an expression of pain.

Blood kept flowing from her mouth and nose, looking extremely terrifying!

Seeing her daughter like this, Lachlan's heart felt like it was being cut with a knife, and tears welled up in his eyes."Nora!"

Miranda was also frightened, her pretty face showing deep concern and panic, as she quickly picked up the child."What's wrong with Nora? Nora...”

“Lachlan, call for emergency help! Take her to the hospital!”

She shouted in alarm and then urgently called out to Lachlan.

However, Lachlan shook his head with an ugly expression.

"No need to call, going to the hospital won't help..."

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