Daddy the Miracle Medic (Lachlan and Miranda)

Chapter 424 Putting Yourself In The Right Place
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Chapter 424 Putting Yourself In The Right Place

Chapter 424 Putting Yourself in the Right Place

Half an hour later, Victoria arrived at the A-1 villa in Emerald Green Estates with her third and fourth sons and daughter.

Mason greeted them, but his expression remained neutral in front of his elders.

"Uncle Owen, Uncle George, Aunt Jennifer! You're here!" Mason nodded at the trio with a smile.

However, when he looked at Victoria, he hesitated to say anything. His upbringing taught him to greet her no matter what

But even after all these years of calling her “grandma,” he couldn't bring himself to do it anymore.

"Please come in.” Mason gestured politely.

“Hmph! Mason, don't you recognize your grandma? Are you mute?" Victoria's face darkened as she scolded him for not greeting her properly.Mason felt a wave of disgust and resistance rising from within him as he looked at Victoria's angry face.

"Do you still recognize me as your grandson?” He asked calmly before turning around and walking inside without waiting for an answer from her.Owen and the others sighed and didn’t know what to say to Mason. They could only advise the old lady not to stoop down to their level.

Now they realized that they were here today to ask for help. "When the lips are gone, the teeth will be cold." If the Lowe family were to be in trouble,Owen and the others would likely suffer as well.

Therefore, everyone in the Lowe family, including Victoria and Romeo, was quite uneasy.Next, the group entered Lachlan's mansion!

This was their first time coming here. Looking at this mansion that could be considered the most luxurious in Edoland, Victoria and Owen'sexpressions couldn't help but change.

At this moment, they saw only Lachlan sitting in the living room, waiting.Emmanuel was too drunk to be aware of his surroundings and was escorted to the guest bedroom on the first floor to rest.

As for Cara, Miranda, and Nora, they also went into the guest bedroom, choosing to avoid meeting them directly and leaving everything for Lachlan tohandle.

Cara did want to give Victoria a piece of her mind, but Miranda persuaded her to hold back.

What was the point of arguing with someone as selfish and heartless as Victoria? Just let Lachlan handle it however he saw fit.After Victoria and her group entered, they saw Lachlan sitting on the sofa. and their faces became somewhat unnatural.Mason brought them in and sat directly next to Lachlan, taking a stance where Lachlan was in charge.

"You're here? Feel free to have a seat," Lachlan said casually, looking at Victoria and Miranda's aunt and uncles.


"Willis, who do you think you are, sitting here like a big shot? What happened to your manners?” Victoria, seeing Lachlan sitting on the sofa withouteven standing up when they came in, immediately asked indignantly.

Owen and the others' faces flickered, but they remained silent.

Lachlan coldly glanced at Victoriawhen he heard het words. "Mrs.Lowe, knowsyour place! If mnot .mistakeig; You've come to beg mesright? A As < someone who is being”sought after, is there a prob em withme-sitting here?" He pointedto helivtng room door. "If you want to talk,sit down! Otherwise, get out!"

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Victoria stood there in shock, her face filled with anger, and her body trembled slightly. She hadn't expected Lachlan to have such an attitude. He wasbeing overbearing and disrespectful to her, an "elder."

"You..." Victoria pointed at Lachlan, her face turning pale with anger. Taking a deep breath, she said, "What about the others? Why is it only you here?Where is my eldest son? Where is my granddaughter? I want to talk to them!”

Lachlan, in a cold voice, replied, "Right now, I am their representative! If you want to talk, I will talk to you on their behalf! Of course, you can choosenot to talk and just leave!"

He looked at Victoria, a hint of mockery on his face. "Mrs. Lowe, I truly did not expect that you would still have the audacity to ask for your eldest son.Your eldest son almost died because of you, so where is your dignity?"

With a loud thud, Victoria's cane slammed heavily on the ground. "Lachlan, you dare to be so disrespectful to me! No matter what, I am still Miranda’sgrandmother!”

Lachlan, with a sneer on his face, responded, "It seems like you don't want to talk anymore! Please leave!"

"Mason, show them out. Oh, by the way. check if this old lady damaged the floor tiles in my house. If they're damaged, make her compensate. Theycost tens of thousands..."

He was about to get up and escort them out.It was truly ridiculous! This old lady seemed to have not realized the situation and was still acting arrogant even now."Mom!" At this moment, Owen saw Lachlan's attitude and urgently shouted at Victoria.

George quickly stood up and came over, holding Lachlan’s shoulder to prevent him from getting up. "Lachlan, don't leave! Let's talk properly. Don'targue with the elderly. My mom is just confused."

Upon hearing this, Victoria sat there, her face twitching. "George, what did you say? Who are you calling confused?”

"Mom, that’s enough! We came here today to ask for help. Don’t you want to save your own life?" Jennifer pulled Victoria's arm. trying to persuadeher helplessly.

Owen also spoke from the side, "Mom, do you want to drag the family down with you? Right now, only Emmanuel's family and Lachlan can help usfight against the NC Organization!”

Victoria looketkat her children, anovelbin

strong sengcof resentment and

anger on-her face. As someone who

had beetroverbearing in the Lowe:

familyher whole life, she coulda

beasachlan’ s attitude, as if hé had

given her a great humiliat on.

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In her eyes, Lachlan was still just a son-in-law of the Lowe family! However, upon hearing the persuasion of her children, coupled with Lachlan'sindifferent attitude, she finally realized her situation.

At this moment, Victoria glanced at Mason again. But all she saw was her "grandson" sitting there. ignoring her, with no intention of interfering withLachlan’s decision-making.

"Lachlan..." Victoria took a deep breath and sat down, bearing the humiliation.

Today, the reason she had brought

Miranda's ‘we uncles and Aunt

Jennifer wasto appeal to their ~

sense of family. How could she nat

know wnat she had done wrongs

before? She was afraid that if-she

came here, Emmanuel's family

wouldn’ t forgive her or shew her

respect. Content belongs. i


By bringing her other three children, she hoped that Emmanuel and Miranda would help out for the sake of Owen and the others. Maybe they couldhelp without any conditions, purely out of family affection.

One had to admit that even at this point, this old woman was still playing this kind of wishful thinking.

However, after arriving here, she found that besides Lachlan, there was only Mason, who clearly sided with Lachlan. Emmanuel and Miranda werenowhere to be seen.

This immediately shattered her plan of using family ties, and she knew she had to sit down and "negotiate" with Lachlan.

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