Daddy the Miracle Medic (Lachlan and Miranda)

Chapter 42 After Slapping Once, There’S Still Another Slap
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Chapter 42 After Slapping Once, There'S Still Another Slap

Chapter 42 After slapping once, there's still another slap

After hanging up the phone, Zak's brow furrowed tightly, unable to hide his disappointment.

Beside him, Scarlet sneered. "I thought he was really something special, but it turns out he's justanother greedy guy. He only wants to use your connection to make money for himself! Sodisappointing!"

The wealthy heiress shook her head and spoke with a heavy dose of disdain towards Lachlan.

"I never expected Lachlan to be so desperate for success! He wants me to promote his new bloodclotting medicine in the military?" Zak shook his head as well, now having a much lower opinion ofLachlan.

"Dad, don't help him! Hmph!" Scarlet pouted her lips.

"Let's wait and see. He said he made a sample that I can try out. If it works okay, I'll turn him down.But if it actually works well... I might give him some help as a favor." Zak spoke calmly.

"Hmm... let's see the sample first before making any decisions. I don't believe his medicine couldwork better than what we already have in the military." Scarlet sounded unimpressed.

Meanwhile on Lachlan's end, after hanging up the phone call with Zak, he also sensed an attitudeshift from Zak towards him.

"Ah... the more you use favors from people like this guy and Zak, the less they're worth."

He shrugged off his change in demeanor without much concern since he didn't expect anythingintimate or personal from him anyway.

"Let's just use up these favors and move on," Lachlan thought to himself, determined to helpMiranda through her troubles. Just then, his phone rang and he recognized the number with a slapto his forehead. He had almost forgotten about this.

"Hello? Miss Bates?" he answered, trying to sound casual.

"Well well well, you still remember me?" Reeva teased on the other end of the line.

"How could I forget?" Lachlan chuckled nervously.

"You promised me some secret techniques," she reminded him. "How about we meet for lunchtoday?"


At 11:30 am, Reeva and Lachlan met at Ranlins Manor - a farm-themed amusement park known forits delicious cuisine and leisurely activities. They didn't bother with one of the quaint wooden cabins;instead they found a spot in the main hall to sit down together.

"Hey, did you bring it?" Reeva asked impatiently as soon as she saw Lachlan.

It was no secret that this was a big concern for a beautiful woman like her. Otherwise, Reevawouldn't have contacted Lachlan herself - she just couldn't wait any longer.

"I brought it!" Lachlan smiled and handed her a handwritten copy of the Fierce Phoenix Heart Sutra.

Reeva took it uncertainly and asked, "Are you sure this will improve my physical condition?"

"Not only that, but practicing this should make you very powerful! However, if you use it to bully theweak or do evil deeds, don't blame me for using my skills to stop you!" Lachlan warned seriously.

The Fierce Phoenix Heart Sutra was one of the techniques stored in Lachlan's memory. He wasn'tsure how powerful it was compared to his own Dragon Soul Immortal Technique which he hadpracticed himself. But he knew for sure that it was much stronger than those so-called martial arts intoday's society.

Hearing this warning from Lachlan made Reeva snort dismissively. "I won't do anything evil with it.And if you try to stop me by force... well..."

This girl thought highly of herself because she had trained with her grandfather since childhood andalready developed her energy at such a young age.

She believed that although Lachlan might be good at medicine, he couldn't possibly be better thanher in martial arts just because he had obtained this technique - after all, having access tosomething didn't necessarily mean mastering its use.

Regardless of medical skills or martial arts, they all require years of hard work to achieve success.Lachlan was young, but his medical skills were already so accomplished.

He must have devoted himself entirely to medicine and couldn't possibly have the energy to studyanything else.

When Lachlan saw the disdainful expression on this girl's face, he didn't pay much attention andjust smiled.

At this moment, Reeva thought of something and a blush appeared on her pretty face. Afterhesitating for a while, she tentatively asked, "By the way, Lachlan, your medical skills are soamazing. Can you treat... that kind of illness?"

"What kind?" Lachlan was taken aback.

"That kind! Oh my..." Reeva stomped her foot in embarrassment.

Lachlan looked at her with a strange expression before saying: "You're pretty healthy and don't haveany venereal diseases."

"It's not me! And it's not venereal disease either. It's... it's just difficult to use! It's my cousin who gotinjured there when he was young. Can you... treat him?" Reeva bit her lip and said with a bright redface.

"I see... should be no problem!" Lachlan said speechlessly.

"Great! When can I bring him over for you to take a look? If you can really cure him, my family willdefinitely thank you," said Reeva,

"Okay!" Lachlan chuckled and didn't take it too seriously.

Just then, a group of people walked into the lobby.

At the forefront was a young man dressed in Armani with sunglasses on and Lamborghini keyshanging from his waist.

He looked very trendy and had that kind of walk that exuded confidence.

Behind him were a bunch of followers, all tall and strong with fierce momentum.

"Mr. Webb!"

"Young master!"

As soon as the young man entered, the head waiter and several waitresses here respectfully calledout to him.

It seemed like they were very afraid of this young man.

The young man didn't even bother looking at them as he headed upstairs.

But in the next second, after scanning through the lobby with his eyes, his gaze suddenly fixed onReeva's body.

Immediately after that, he walked straight towards her with his entourage in tow.

Reeva was already charming enough to begin with; if they were just talking about looks alone, shecould score nine out of ten points. Moreover, she had been practicing martial arts for years whichgave her a special aura about her body language.

At that moment, her pretty face was flushed and dripping with allure.

The young master took one look and was immediately drawn in.

"Hey beautiful, eating here? Want to join me?" Josiah Webb smiled at Reeva as he approached.

He didn't even glance at Lachlan sitting next to Reeva as if he were invisible.

But before he could finish his sentence, Josiah swung his hand and slapped Lachlan across theface!

Lachlan reacted quickly but never expected Josiah to hit him. He didn't care about Reeva since shewasn't his wife or lover. If she wanted to sleep with someone else, it had nothing to do with him. Sohe never thought that Josiah would slap him.

A flame ignited in Lachlan's eyes as they locked onto Josiah with a hint of malice.

"What are you looking at? Get lost! Can't you see I am talking to this beautiful lady? You're just aworthless dog sitting here..." Josiah shouted angrily, his dominance and arrogance reaching itspeak.


However, before he could finish his sentence, he was sent flying through the air!

After slapping Josiah with one hand, Lachlan slowly stood up and wiped his hands with a wet towel.

"If you want me to leave, I will. But for that slap just now... I'll have to return it twofold!"

"Now, all that's left is one more slap!"novelbin

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