Daddy the Miracle Medic (Lachlan and Miranda)

Chapter 380 Immortal And Unyielding? Are You Qualified?
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Chapter 380 Immortal And Unyielding? Are You Qualified?

Chapter 380 Immortal and Unyielding? Are You Qualified?

That night!

In the desolate Delorsano Mountains, Thunderstorm and several skilled members of NCOrganization were waiting with Triangular Eyes.

As per their agreement, around eleven o'clock that night, Charlie and a dozen or so skilledmembers of the Lowe family arrived carrying four coffins.

Charlie looked around and saw that under the pale moonlight, Thunderstorm's group appearedeven more sinister. "Are you Vice Hall Master Thunderstorm of NC Organization?" Charlie asked ashe approached.

"What the f***? Does Thunderstorm not know he's Vice Hall Master? Why are you emphasizing it?"Triangular Eyes sneered at Charlie.

"Are you... looking to die?"

Triangular Eyes pointed at Charlie and cursed fiercely. But Charlie knew his purpose for comingtoday; he didn't want to stoop to Triangular Eye's level. He turned to Thunderstorm and said,"Thunderstorm Hall Master, what happened before was a momentary impulse on both sides. Plusyour people directly attacked and killed members of the Lowe family which caused casualties onboth sides."

"Tonight I brought these four men's bodies here! I hope that NC Organization can resolve ourgrievances with the Lowe family."

As soon as his words fell silent, Thunderstorm coldly snorted, "So what you're saying is it's ourfault?"

Charlie felt a surge of anger in his heart but came with an attitude of making peace out of chaostoday. He smiled and said, "No no no! I don't mean that at all. Today we came here just to show ourattitude towards NC Organization! We have already brought these four men's bodies over; besidesthis, if there are any other conditions from your side, we can discuss them!"

"I believe that even you don't want us to be mortal enemies forever, right? Surely not?"

Upon hearing this statement from Charlie, suddenly there was an eruption of laughter fromThunderstorm as if he had heard one big joke in this world.

Triangular Eyes along with other skilled members present also laughed mockingly.

Finally after their laughter died down, Thunderstorm glared menacingly while speaking coldly, "Havey'all been stupid since staying in Edoland for so long? Do y'all really think being some bullshit first-rate clan in Edoland means anything?"

"You think you're qualified enough to go against us until death?"

"What a joke!"

As Thunderstorm spoke, he suddenly stood up with a murderous aura surrounding him. "Damn it,they sent me four coffins in the middle of the night. Are they trying to threaten me? Want to makepeace? Fine! My condition is that I'll kill all of you!"

"We were planning on expanding to Edoland recently, so let's start by taking down your family, andestablish our dominance. Hahaha..." With a roar, Thunderstorm charged towards Charlie and hiscompanions with a strong bloodthirsty energy.

The rest of NC Organization followed closely behind him with fierce killing intent.

Charlie and his group's faces turned pale as they were caught off guard by NC Organization's directattack. They thought their own forces of over ten Bright Force and Dark Force experts would beenough to deter them but it seemed like NC Organization didn't even consider them worthyopponents.

In no time at all, the valley was filled with screams and bloodshed.

At two in the morning...


The door of Lowe Residence was smashed open by one of the coffins.

At this moment everyone from Lowe family was waiting for news from Charlie inside LoweResidence. When they heard commotion outside, everyone rushed out into front yard.

When they saw the coffin crashing through the door and flying in, everyone's faces were filled withdeep suspicion.

In the next second, Victoria waved her hand, and two guards from the Lowe family went over to liftthe coffin lid.

A strong smell of blood immediately filled the air!


The two guards who lifted the coffin screamed in fright.

Victoria, Romeo, Owen, and the others were also pale with fright.

Inside the coffin, Charlie lay there, barely clinging to life, surrounded by over a dozen severedheads. All of them were the elite members of the Lowe family who had followed Charlie this time.

Thump, thump, thump...


Victoria took several steps back, then sat on the ground, trembling all over.

The others also seemed to be overwhelmed with fear and anger.

"What's going on? What is this?"

"Why? Why did they all die?"

"The NC Organization killed all the elite members we sent!"

"These heartless animals. We wanted reconciliation, and they resorted to such cruel methods!"

"How could this happen? Combined, Charlie and the others had considerable strength. And yet...they're all dead?"

After the initial grief and anger, the Lowe family members began to feel a deep sense of panic.

The experts they sent this time were the backbone of the Lowe family. Among them were severalpowerful Dark Force warriors, including Charlie, and more than a dozen skilled Bright Forceexperts.

And now, almost all of them were dead!

Unlike the previous incident when Lachlan injured a group of Lowe family experts, Thunderstormand the others showed no mercy.

In other words, the most powerful experts of the Lowe family were practically wiped out.

Moreover, judging by the attitude of the NC Organization, they clearly had no intention ofreconciling.

Could it be that they wanted to annihilate the Lowe family?

At that moment, Victoria and all the members of the Lowe family felt an overwhelming sense ofimpending doom.

"What happened? Charlie, what the hell happened?"

Victoria sat on the ground, her voice hoarse as she desperately shouted at Charlie, who seemed tobe on his last breath.novelbin

Charlie was carried out by someone, and after spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, he weaklyrecounted the events.

After hearing the whole story, everyone's faces turned ashen.

"It's over! NC Organization really wants to wipe us out!"

"We're finished! The Lowe family is finished..." Some even pointed fingers at Romeo and Harlow forcausing this mess.

"What do we do now? What do we do?" Everyone panicked; some looked at the headless corpselying on the coffin while others broke down emotionally.

It felt like disaster was looming!

Victoria trembled all over; her face drained of color due to fear and confusion because if NCOrganization really wanted to destroy them completely, then she would not be able to escape

unscathed as she was responsible for leading her clan.

What should she do? She didn't want to die yet!

A moment later...

Inside Victoria's residence, only she and Romeo, his daughter, remained in the room.

"Now, the three of us are in the same boat! This whole situation started because of you. If the NCOrganization truly wants to annihilate our family, you both will undoubtedly perish as well!"

"And I'm afraid I'm in the same boat!" Victoria's tone was gloomy.

Romeo and Harlow were filled with fear and unease at this moment.

"We know!"

"Grandma, what should we do? Should we run? Run far away as quickly as possible!" Harlow'svoice trembled with a sob.

Victoria snorted coldly, "Run? Where can you run to? The NC Organization has such a vastinfluence that even if you flee abroad, they will be able to find you if they want!"

She scolded Harlow through gritted teeth!

She was already advanced in age and couldn't endure such turmoil. Not to mention whether theycould actually escape, even if they could, it was highly likely they would die along the way.

The next moment, a dark, cunning, and ruthless expression flickered in Victoria's eyes.

"Now, I have a plan! If we want to survive, we have to go after Mason!"

"Mason?" Romeo and Harlow exclaimed in disbelief simultaneously.

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