Daddy the Miracle Medic (Lachlan and Miranda)

Chapter 38 There Is A Third Option
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Chapter 38 There Is A Third Option

Chapter 38 There is a third option

Romeo's face darkened, and he let out a cold snort before lowering his hand. He knew he couldn'tbeat Lachlan in a fight; if they got physical, they would surely lose.

"Miranda, we delivered your grandmother's message! You have two choices: either kick this guy tothe curb or wait to be kicked out of the Lowe family!" Romeo said to Miranda.

In his eyes, how could Miranda have doubled the profits of Lowe's Pharmaceutical in just twomonths? So she only had these two options.

Miranda's beautiful eyes flashed with helplessness and confusion. Despite her strong exterior, shewas ultimately a weak woman. At this moment, she felt powerless.

The entire Lowe family revered their matriarch and even her own grandmother had given her anultimatum. What could she do? Who else could she rely on?

Her parents? They hadn't come personally to deliver the message or force her into anything - thatwas already their biggest "favor."

Could she count on Mason? Although he had some influence in business matters, he couldn't reallyhelp much now and dared not go against their grandmother's wishes either.

However, at this moment, a cold and determined voice rang out.

"My wife has a third option! That is to increase the company's profits tenfold within two months! Letyou all understand that even if she doesn't marry into a wealthy family, she can still rise with theLowe family!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

The next second, Romeo and his family sneered at Lachlan.

It seemed like they had heard the biggest joke in the world.

"I'm laughing so hard! A lowly dog like you doesn't even understand what business is? Your masterhasn't spoken yet and you dare to bark!" Harlow mocked bitterly while covering her face.

"I want to see how you can increase profits tenfold in two months!" She continued sarcastically.

"Eliza, Harlow, let's go!" Romeo sneered coldly before leaving with his family.

After they left, Miranda breathed a sigh of relief and her dominant aura dissipated. The next secondshe sat down on the sofa feeling somewhat powerless.

She looked at Lachlan with bitter laughter in her eyes as she said, "How could I possibly increaseprofits tenfold within two months? You're just boasting for me to save face."

Miranda seemed to have already imagined how embarrassed she would be after two months.However, Lachlan spoke firmly, "Don't worry; I've got your back. I'll help you."

Miranda paused for a moment, a hint of disdain flashing across her pretty face undetected. She alsothought Lachlan was full of it, but she held back from mocking him out loud. After all, he was justtrying to comfort her...

However, only Lachlan knew that his words were not just empty talk. If Miranda's company focusedon any other industry besides medicine, he wouldn't be so confident. But with even a slightmodification to one of the prescriptions in Dragon Emperor's Canon, it could become a best-sellingdrug or health supplement.

Meanwhile, on the other side...

The Romeo family of three left Imperial View Villa Area with sour expressions on their faces. Harlowespecially glared with hatred in her eyes.

"Dad! Mom! That self-righteous bitch Miranda dared to hit me!" Harlow complained indignantly whileholding her swollen cheek.

"Don't worry daughter," Eliza gritted her teeth in anger. "That little bitch won't have a good ending!"

Romeo snorted coldly and his eyes gleamed with malice.

"Trying to increase Lowe's Pharmaceutical's profits tenfold within two months? That's just wishfulthinking!" Romeo sneered at Miranda. "Not only will she not achieve that, but the company will alsosuffer losses and even collapse!"

It was worth noting that Romeo was in charge of Lowe's Pharmaceutical, a position he had held formany years. Many of the company's key employees naturally followed his lead. Moreover, he wasalso using the name of Miranda's grandmother to further his own interests.

To vent his anger on Miranda today, Romeo didn't hesitate to sacrifice Lowe's Pharmaceutical.

Meanwhile, Lachlan drove Miranda to work and she received a call from her secretary Shelly on theway.

After hanging up the phone, Miranda looked extremely upset.

Earlier this morning, many executives in the company suddenly resigned or requested leave forvarious reasons. She knew it was all because of her uncle meddling behind-the-scenes!

"What happened?" Seeing how upset she looked, Lachlan knew something had gone wrong.

"Many executives in our company have resigned or requested leave!" gritted her teeth as shespoke.

In the midst of anger, there was panic and helplessness.

With so many key employees leaving, how could the company continue to operate?

Even if they were to immediately recruit new talent, it would be too late!

Miranda grew angrier as she thought about it and decided to call her grandmother.

The Lowe family's matriarch owned all of their industries.

Miranda couldn't believe that her grandmother would allow her uncle to sacrifice the company'sinterests just to suppress her.

"Grandma! It's Miranda! Uncle... "novelbin

Miranda explained everything to her grandmother, but after hanging up the phone, she looked evenmore upset.

"Your uncle must have his reasons for doing this." That was the response from Miranda'sgrandmother who had forced Miranda into marrying into the Austin family at any cost, even if itmeant sacrificing a company.

The Austin family was one of the most prominent families in Kreanford, the state, and amongEdoland's elites. The Lowe family only had some influence in Edoland; they couldn't compare withthe Austin family at all.

Once Miranda married into the Austin family and established a relationship between their families,they would reap immeasurable benefits.

The Lowe family will rise through their connection with the Austin family.

Compared to sacrificing a pharmaceutical company that made less than 100 million annually, whatdid it matter?

"What should I do? What am I supposed to do?" Miranda was truly panicked, feeling like there wasno way out.

The company wasn't really hers; she was just the CEO.

Romeo's move had cut off her last hope. Even with Miranda's business acumen, she couldn'tchange anything.

Was this the end of her struggle?

Miranda closed her beautiful eyes and leaned back in the car seat, exhausted and helpless. Shedidn't want to show any weakness or let anyone see how helpless and wronged she felt, so sheclosed her eyes. However, a crystal tear still slipped from the corner of her eye.

Just then, she suddenly felt a warm hand grab onto hers delicately.

"Let me talk to those troublemaking executives separately," he said reassuringly. "I promise theywon't leave the company."

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