Daddy the Miracle Medic (Lachlan and Miranda)

Chapter 368 Romeo’S Opportunity
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Chapter 368 Romeo'S Opportunity

Chapter 368 Romeo's Opportunity

Hearing the words from the other side, Romeo's eyelids twitched violently, and he exclaimed inshock, "Who... who are you?"

"Quit acting ignorant. Do you think you don't know who I am? Daring to mess with us, NCOrganization, I think you and your daughter are tired of living!" The cold voice said.

"So, you're a big shot from NC Organization? Saber wasn't killed by us; it was Lachlan! You need toget the facts straight and not wrongly accuse innocent people!" Romeo defended as politely aspossible.

"Innocent people? Even if you didn't directly kill him, you're still involved! And do you think I'm hereto reason with you? Tonight at 8 o'clock, you and your daughter come to the unfinished building onBoisrial Road. We'll settle the score properly. Just the two of you, better not play tricks, or yourwhole family will suffer!!!" The person on the other end declared coldly and then hung up.

Romeo stared at his phone, his face filled with panic and fear.

"Dad, what's wrong? Is it someone from NC Organization?" Harlow asked anxiously.

Rohan, who was driving in front, also wore a serious expression.

"Yes! They want us to meet them tonight at 8 o'clock on Boisrial Road at that unfinished building,saying they want to settle the score with us!" Romeo swallowed hard.

"What? What should we do?"novelbin

"Should we go? Should we bring Rohan to protect us?" Harlow asked fearfully, her complexionturning pale.

Romeo glanced at Rohan and sighed, "NC Organization is powerful. Although Rohan is a master ofDark Force, I'm afraid he won't be able to protect us. Moreover, this dark force is ruthless andunreasonable. I'm afraid if we go... especially you, Harlow, falling into the hands of NC Organization,the consequences could be unimaginable."

Upon hearing this, Harlow nodded, "Yes, although we didn't directly cause Saber's death, they mightnot listen to reason. Dad, we can't go, absolutely not!"

Harlow looked at herself, thinking, "I'm so beautiful, with such fair skin and a great figure. If I go,won't I be targeted by the people from NC Organization?"

"But if we don't go, they probably won't let us off easily! Sooner or later, they will find us, and theconsequences may be even more serious next time," Romeo said with a worried expression.

"Oh, what should we do?" Harlow asked in panic.

Romeo took a deep breath, contemplated for a while, and then brightened up, devising a plan.

"I've got it! The people from NC Organization keep saying things about us, probably because theythink we are easy to handle. That's why they blamed Saber's death on us. In other words, theybelieve we don't have any backing. I think we need to show them our background and strength,make them wary, and maybe we can turn a big problem into a small one. At the very least, weshould be able to resolve it by compensating them with money, without jeopardizing our lives! So,we need to tie ourselves to the Lowe family."

Upon hearing this, Harlow clapped her hands, "Exactly! Although NC Organization is known as thelargest underground force in the Corlinet River Delta, as they say, even a powerful person cannot

defeat a local bully. Our family is a first-class family in Edoland, with many experts. Our localinfluence is not to be underestimated. As long as we let them know that we have the Lowe familybacking us, they should think twice. They wouldn't want to offend a powerful local family for just oneperson, right?"

Romeo nodded, "That's the idea! So tonight, instead of going to that unfinished building, we'll go tothe Lowe Residence."

In the late afternoon at four o'clock, at the Lowe Residence!

Victoria was sitting by the pond in the yard, enjoying the view of the fish. At this moment, she sawRomeo and Harlow walking in with smiles on their faces.

"What are you here for?" Victoria's face turned cold when she saw the father and daughter, and sheasked with displeasure.

Although Victoria had joined forces with Romeo and his daughter during Lachlan and Miranda'swedding to humiliate Emmanuel, it didn't mean she had forgiven Romeo. Victoria held grudges andcouldn't forget the fact that Romeo once tried to harm her.

"Mom, we came to see you," Romeo said with a look of affection.

Harlow also smiled brightly and placed various precious supplements at Victoria's feet, saying,"Grandma, your complexion is getting better and better!"

Victoria snorted, pointing fingers and scolding, "I've stopped being secretly harmed, so of course mycomplexion is better."

Upon hearing this, a strong sense of guilt and remorse appeared on Romeo's face, and he kneltdown with a thud.

"Mom, I know you still blame me! Back then, I was truly bewitched, influenced by Eliza's scheming!"

"That malicious woman is now behind bars. These days, I've been filled with remorse! I know youcan never forgive me for a lifetime, and I don't expect you to forget the past. I just hope to take goodcare of you and make amends."

Victoria looked at her son, who was kneeling before her, crying bitterly. She sneered, "Hmph, really?Are you here to stir up trouble and take advantage of the family's influence?"

Upon hearing this, Romeo and Harlow's expressions changed.

"Mom, what do you mean?" Romeo asked in surprise.

"What do I mean? Your newly opened company hasn't even started operating, and there's alreadyan explosion at the factory. Do you think I don't know? Are you facing accountability, and you wantto use the family's connections to get out of it? Or perhaps, you want to borrow money from me?"Victoria asked coldly.

Knowing that Victoria was aware of the explosion, Romeo and Harlow secretly breathed a sigh ofrelief. They thought she might have found out about NC Organization's involvement.

The next moment, Romeo wiped away his tears and appeared sorrowful, saying, "Mom, you'vemisunderstood me this time! I'm not here to borrow money from you. On the contrary, I want to giveyou all my savings. I just want to compensate you and be filial!"

"Oh?" Victoria showed a hint of surprise.

Romeo nodded sincerely and, without hesitation, transferred two hundred million right in front ofVictoria.

"Mom, I feel guilty for the upbringing you gave me. This is the only way I can express my remorse."

In fact, despite investing in the company and the factory before, Romeo had much more than twohundred million. However, he certainly couldn't give Victoria all his savings. This amount was just togain her favor.

Victoria looked at her bank account notification, then deeply glanced at her son.

"Romeo, what... what are you doing?"

"What do you really want?"

Romeo looked at Victoria with sincerity and affection, walked over, knelt in front of her, and held herhand, saying, "Mom, I don't want anything. I just hope you can forgive me. If you can, let your sonaccompany you for dinner tonight to show filial piety. Can we?"

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