Daddy the Miracle Medic (Lachlan and Miranda)

Chapter 364 The Upcoming Show
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Chapter 364 The Upcoming Show

Chapter 364 The Upcoming Show

Harlow left in humiliation, wishing she could skin and torture Lachlan. She thought she had himwrapped around her finger, but it turned out he was playing her all along.

"Harlow, how did it go?" Romeo eagerly asked when she returned to the cafeteria.

Suppressing her annoyance, Harlow didn't tell her father about her failed attempt to seduce Lachlanand being made a fool of. Instead, she coldly replied with a smirk, "Don't worry, Dad. He won'tsuspect a thing. Let's activate the bomb and get out of here."

Romeo nodded in agreement, "Alright."

On the other side, after Lachlan drove Harlow away, he soon noticed that the timed bomb inside thebelly of the ornament had unexpectedly activated.

With his eyes infused with dragon energy, he could see that there was a little over an hour left untilthe bomb exploded. Earlier, Romeo and Harlow had set the time a bit longer for added safety. Theymight stay for dinner, so it made sense to detonate the bomb after they left.novelbin

This way, it would eliminate suspicion and prevent any accidental harm to them. After all, Saber hadmentioned that although the bomb was small in size, its destructive power was terrifying. It seemedto be a condensed liquid explosive, quite sophisticated.

Lachlan was in no hurry. After a cold laugh, he left the office building. As he came out, he happenedto see Romeo's Audi Q7 leaving. At this moment, in the car, Romeo and Harlow also spottedLachlan.

Seeing his carefree and nonchalant demeanor, they instantly let go of their worries. Just by lookingat this guy, they were sure he hadn't discovered anything.

"Lachlan, wait for your death! It would be perfect if you and Miranda finish your meal and return tothe office building. Then, everything, including the building and the people inside, will be blown up!"Harlow gritted her teeth.

"Yes! If we can blow up this guy along with it, that would be too perfect!" Romeo grinned, showing acruel and anticipatory expression.

Meanwhile, back in the cafeteria, Lachlan called Miranda aside after she had been dining with theemployees.

"What's up? Also, what were you up to just now?" The goddess CEO stared at Lachlansuspiciously. The company's core members, including Mason, had called out to toast this guy, onlyto find him missing.

"Oh, just went to check the gifts received today. Hehe..." Lachlan chuckled and said.

Hearing this, Miranda exclaimed, "Huh?" and gave this scoundrel a speechless look. "Never mind,"she added, shaking her head in exasperation.

Lachlan touched his nose awkwardly. "Let's not talk about that. I want to ask you, do you knowwhere Romeo's Lowe Light Pharmaceutical company is located?"

Miranda nodded. "Yes, I do! It's in the southern suburbs, quite far from the city center. It takes abouthalf an hour to drive from here."

"Oh, half an hour, huh? No rush then, let's eat a little longer."

Lachlan responded with a meaningful smile and then returned to the dining table to enjoy the foodand drinks.

Half an hour later...

General Manager's office of Lowe Light Pharmaceutical company.

Harlow and her father returned, finding Samuel and Saber waiting for them. Samuel calmly sippedhis tea, while Saber unexpectedly had a woman in his arms.

Seeing this scene, Romeo's expression changed, and a fleeting anger flashed in his eyes. Eliza hadtaken the blame for them, and Romeo wasn't short of money, so he naturally had other womenaround him. This woman was essentially a mistress he maintained with his money.

Witnessing his mistress being embraced and fondled by another man, Romeo couldn't help but feelfurious. However, he knew he couldn't afford to offend Saber, let alone the NC Organization, so heheld back his anger.

"Ah, Mr. Lowe is back?" Samuel greeted, smiling.

Saber grinned, placing the woman on his lap. "Mr. Lowe, your little secretary looks not bad. I'm arough guy; you don't mind me playing with her, do you?"

The woman made a helpless sound and looked towards Romeo for help, but she didn't dare resistSaber.

"No, not at all! If you're interested in her, it's her good fortune."

Romeo forced a smile, suppressing his inner frustration.

"Haha, that's good!" Saber laughed heartily. "Little enchantress, go over there for now. I will pamperyou later, hahaha..."

"Mr. Lowe, Miss Lowe, how did things go?" Samuel asked, getting back to business.

"All set! There's a little over half an hour left until the bomb explodes!" Romeo nodded, speaking ina deep voice.

Harlow looked triumphant. "Miranda and Lachlan definitely have no suspicions. We just need to waitfor the news!"

She mentioned Lachlan with a glance full of deep resentment. Despite being humiliated by himtoday, Harlow felt it was worth it. That guy probably still felt proud and smug, right? Maybe he eventhought she had developed feelings for him, wanted to seduce him? Let him be pleased! He wouldbe in for a shock soon!

"Good! Miss Lowe, once Miranda's new factory area explodes, you can look forward to joining theMedical Business Alliance of Corlinet Delta!" Samuel expressed his satisfaction.

Miranda, Lachlan, you two idiots dare to disrespect me? I'll make sure you understand theconsequences of offending me!

Saber from the NC Organization revealed a cruel grin, his interest seemingly heightened. In front ofRomeo, he went over to pick up the secretary again, tossing her onto the sofa.

Romeo's expression instantly became somewhat unnatural. Harlow pulled him out of the office, andSamuel followed out.

Soon, they heard unpleasant sounds from inside the office.

"People from the NC Organization do things in quite a...," Samuel chuckled, easing the awkwardatmosphere. He then turned to Romeo and said, "Mr. Lowe, there's no need to get angry over asecretary. Once your company joins the alliance and develops, you'll have as many women as youwant."

"I know, I'm not angry!" Romeo waved his hand with a serious face, and the three of them walkedinto another room to discuss the specific details of joining the pharmaceutical alliance.

Meanwhile, they kept an eye on the news, eagerly anticipating the explosion of Lowe'sPharmaceutical's new factory. Such an event would surely make headlines, perhaps even trend onsocial media.

On the other side, with the time approaching, Lachlan took Miranda out of the cafeteria.

"Let's go, I'll show you a good show!"

Lachlan smiled mysteriously at Miranda, hinting at something exciting.

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