Daddy the Miracle Medic (Lachlan and Miranda)

Chapter 311 Is This A Hobby?
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Chapter 311 Is This A Hobby?

Chapter 311 Is This a Hobby?

The beautiful woman had smooth skin and a face that was exquisitely stunning.

Even Lachlan, who spent all his time with the goddess CEO, had developed a certain level ofaesthetic appreciation and couldn't help but be dazzled by her beauty.

However, at the moment, her expression seemed somewhat unpleasant. Her face was cold andunfeeling, as if someone owed her billions of dollars. The arrogance between her eyebrows gavepeople the feeling that she looked down on everything.

"Grandpa, Dad!" After coming out of the room, Savannah Graham greeted Raul and Matthias.

"Sit down," Raul nodded and pointed to the empty seat next to Lachlan for his junior.

At this point, Matthias smiled and introduced Lachlan to Savannah, "Mr. Willis, this is my daughterSavannah. You are about the same age; you can get to know each other more."

He then turned to Savannah, "Savannah, why don't you pour Mr. Willis some wine?"

Savannah frowned slightly but reluctantly picked up the wine jug and filled Lachlan's cup.

Lachlan looked at her carefully with surprise in his eyes. Could it be that this girl was also a masterin Uppecia? Was she at his level?

As if sensing Lachlan's gaze on herself, Savannah's expression became even colder, and there wasresistance in her eyes.

"Daddy, this pretty lady seems unhappy!" Nora on Lachlan's other side peeked over curiouslybefore whispering softly.

After eating for a while, Matthias suddenly asked, "Mr. Willis, I have something I don't understand.Can I ask you?"

Lachlan looked puzzledly at him, "What is it? Please feel free."

Matthias smiled, "I just don't understand why someone with your strength and background wouldwant to marry into the Lowe family. They may be one of Edoland's top families, but they're not reallyanything special!"

Lachlan chuckled, "Because my wife is beautiful! And besides, I like being an live-in son-in-law."

Everyone present stared strangely at him...

Like being an in-law?

Well... it wasn't impossible for someone to have such preferences...

*cough cough*

"Miranda?" He laughed awkwardly...

At this point, Matthias chuckled and pointed at Savannah, asking, "Mr. Willis, how does Savannahcompare to Miranda in terms of looks?"

"Of course Miranda Mommy is more beautiful! Hmph!" Nora blurted out before Lachlan could sayanything.

Nowadays this little one was even more protective of Miranda.

Savannah frowned and looked at her father with a mixture of disbelief and resistance.

Lachlan smiled and said, "Miss Graham is as beautiful as the moonlight. In terms of looks alone sheis on par with Miranda."

Upon hearing this statement, Matthias and Raul burst into laughter.

Then Raul proudly looked at his great-granddaughter and said, "Mr. Willis, not only is Savannahstunningly beautiful but she's also a genius cultivator from our family who has reached the peak ofthe Uppecia stage. She's only one step away from entering the Core Formation Realm."

"And let me tell you," he continued with even greater pride, "my family is far superior to the Lowefamily. Mr. Willis, if you want to become our son-in-law, then joining our family would be an evenbetter choice for you!"

Matthias nodded in agreement while giving Lachlan a suggestive smile; they both knew thatLachlan had an extremely powerful background, possibly even ancient-level!

If they could get their hands on him from such a prestigious family, it would undoubtedly bebeneficial for them.

Although currently the Graham family was quite prominent in Edoland, they were consideredbottom-tier among ancient martial arts families; it wouldn't take long before Ancient Martial ArtsAlliance kicked them out altogether.novelbin

This was why Matthias and Raul had developed some "twisted" thoughts after learning aboutLachlan's background.

As soon as he finished speaking, Savannah's face turned icy cold while Lachlan wiped his sweat offnervously before regaining his composure, "Mr. Graham, I think your perspective might be skewed!My desire to marry Miranda has nothing to do with how much power the Lowe family holds! In myeyes all families including yours are equal."

"I married into the Lowe family because I liked Miranda, not because I wanted to rely on her family.And Miss Graham and I have no relationship whatsoever, so don't make any jokes about it!"

Ugh! Why are Matthias and Raul acting like Erik did back then, trying to introduce their family'sbeauties to him?

Ahem... when did I become so popular!

Matthias and Raul looked embarrassed at Lachlan's words.

They were speechless for a moment.

Just like a certain second-generation said, "I never look at whether the other person has moneywhen making friends, because even if they have more money than me, they can't be richer thanme."

Lachlan was in the same situation!

He didn't need to rely on someone else's family to support himself or show him off.

So what difference did it make if the Graham family was stronger than the Lowe family for Lachlan?

"This... we're sorry! But Mr. Willis, you and Savannah are peers. It's okay to make friends." Matthiascoughed awkwardly and tried to ease the tension.

"Of course, it is my honor to be able to make friends with Miss Graham." Lachlan nodded with asmile.

"Hmph!" However, as soon as he finished speaking, there was a cold snort from Savannah.

As a genius girl from the Graham family, Savannah was very proud. Even when facing other youngmasters of ancient martial arts families, she didn't pay attention properly.

Her father and great-grandfather intentionally introduced her today but Savannah resisted greatly.At this time hearing that Lachlan still had an attitude of looking down on herself made Savannahsomewhat unhappy.

She looked at Lachlan with disdain in her eyes, "Sorry Mr. Willis, but I'm not interested in being yourfriend! My friend must have talent comparable with mine rather than just having powerfulbackground while being mediocre!"

Savannah lifted her chin slightly, "Your clan must have many resources and better conditions forcultivation compared with my family? But you only reached mid-level Uppecia strength which is onelevel lower than mine now."

"It's hard to imagine what would happen if you had similar conditions as me; maybe you wouldn'teven break through Uppecia realm?"

"Besides, I've heard from my father and great-grandfather that you were... seemingly disabledbefore? Heh heh..."

Lachlan's face showed a strange expression as he thought to himself, "As for myself, where do Ihave any family or strong background? If I had the same conditions as you, damn it...

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