Daddy the Miracle Medic (Lachlan and Miranda)

Chapter 3 Retribution Is Coming, You Can’T Handle It
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Chapter 3 Retribution Is Coming, You Can'T Handle It

Chapter 3 Retribution is Coming, You Can't Handle It


Jason's mouth dropped open, looking as if he had seen a ghost.

The nurse beside him was also dumbfounded, wearing an expression of disbelief.

How could this be? How did she suddenly come back to life?

Was it a hoax?

"Daddy... is that you?"

"Daddy, don't leave!"

At that moment, Nora groggily opened her eyes.

Lachlan's departure to raise money had clearly left the little girl feeling uneasy.

All she wanted was for her father to be by her side during her final moments.

"Nora, you're really awake!"

"Daddy is here. Daddy will stay with Nora and won't go anywhere."

Tears streamed down Lachlan's face as he cried tears of joy and poured his warmth into Nora'sbody even more recklessly than before.

She woke up!

It actually worked. Nora really came back to life.

Lachlan was trembling with excitement, feeling like he had gone from hell to heaven. The sensationwas so overwhelming that even a grown man like him couldn't help but cry.

He held Nora's small hand tightly, as if he had grabbed hold of the entire world. He was afraid that ifhe let go, it would all turn out to be an illusion.

No one could understand the joy and anxiety of regaining something they had lost until theyexperienced it themselves.

"Daddy, your hand is so warm and comfortable!"

"Why are you crying, Daddy? Don't cry, I don't want you to cry."

Nora's pale face turned red as she reached out her other small hand and wiped Lachlan's face.

"Okay, I won't cry anymore. I'm very happy!"

"Hahaha! You're okay now! My Nora is alive again!"

Feeling the clumsy touch on his face from that little hand made Lachlan feel more grounded thanever before. He laughed and cried at the same time like a nervous wreck.

"Daddy, I want to go home."

The little girl didn't know what had happened; she just didn't want her dad to spend any moremoney on her medical bills.

"Okay, I will take you home."novelbin

Lachlan hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement. He removed all the tubes attached toNora's body and picked up his daughter in his arms ready to leave.

"Hold on there! You still haven't paid your medical bill yet; you can't leave!" Jason stood in front ofLachlan.

"How much money?" Lachlan asked coldly.

"38. 88 thousand dollars!" Jason said, taking out a list.

"What? How is it possible that there are so many?"

Lachlan's face darkened as he took the list and asked.

"Nonsense, do you think ICU lets you stay for free? Do special medicines not cost money?" Jasonsneered.

"Why are there still special medicines being used on the prescription? Didn't you stop my daughter'smedication because I owed fees?"

Lachlan saw through the trick in the list and angrily questioned it.

"Oh, I made a mistake just now. Your daughter's special medicine didn't stop today! Hurry up andpay, if I hadn't given your daughter the medicine, could she have survived?"

Jason's eyes flickered for a moment, and he shamelessly boasted.

"What is this progesterone injection? You deceitful doctor, trying to confuse me because I can'tunderstand?"

Lachlan grabbed Jason's collar angrily, wishing he could kill that bastard right then and there.

Progesterone injection is generally used to prevent miscarriage in pregnant women or to treatmenstrual disorders.

Nora was only five years old, how could she possibly need this?

This heartless doctor not only refused to save lives but also prescribed expensive medicine thatswindled patients.

It was really pushing people towards a dead end!

"Let go, what do you want to do? I advise you to pay up obediently. Do you want to play rough?Don't you know about my influence in Edoland?" Jason threatened arrogantly.

Even after being exposed, Jason remained unfazed and continued his haughty warning.

"Hmph, I'd like to see how much influence you really have. Dare to be so reckless?" Just then, acold voice rang out.

Miranda walked in with an angry expression on her pretty face that made her look even colder thanusual.

She didn't want to come in originally; Lachlan and his daughter had already experienced enoughseparation and death. Miranda didn't want any part of it.

But now she couldn't stand by any longer.

"Hmm? Who is she? Your wife?" Jason asked with a sneer when he saw Miranda's angryexpression. He thought she was Lachlan's wife since no one had seen the mother of the child sinceNora was admitted into ICU. He never expected her to be such a beautiful woman?

"My friend," Lachlan hesitated for a moment before answering.

"Friend? Hmph, I don't care what your relationship is. Hand over the money now or no one'sleaving. You dare cause trouble in the hospital, I'll call the cops on you!" Jason threatened.

"Such arrogance. I'll ask your president how a hospital can have scum like you," Miranda said coldlyas she pulled out her phone.

Upon hearing this, Jason sneered, "Oh? Are you going to call the president?"

Although Miranda had an air of elegance and didn't seem like an ordinary person, Jason didn't takeher seriously either.

If she was friends with someone like Lachlan who was broke and couldn't even afford to keep hiskidney, how important could she be?

Miranda wasted no time and dialed a number, "Mr. Davidson? This is Miranda. I'm in pediatricintensive care unit room 3. Can you come over?"

"Oh wow, sounds serious. Do you have the president's number? Did he answer?" Jason mocked.

Miranda just sneered back at him and stood there coldly without saying another word.

In no time, the door to the room swung open, and a slightly chubby middle-aged man walked in.

"Mr. ... Mr. Davidson?"

Upon seeing the newcomer, Jason's complexion changed instantly. He hadn't anticipated thatLachlan's friend could just make a call and have Sean Davidson, the hospital's president, actuallycome over.

"Ms. Lowe, what are you doing here? This is..." Sean asked Miranda politely but with suspicion.

Seeing Sean's attitude, Jason felt a knot in his stomach and broke out in a cold sweat. He didn'texpect that Miranda actually knew Sean, and the way he was acting gave Jason an ominousfeeling.

"Tell Mr. Davidson what happened. I believe he will give you justice," Miranda signaled to Lachlan.

Knowing what was coming next, Jason looked at him pleadingly.

Without even looking at him, Lachlan handed the bill to Sean and said, "This is the detailed list ofcharges given to me by Dr. Saunders. From the time I owed money until now, it has been less thantwo days but it cost over 30 thousand dollars."

"My daughter is only five years old and has leukemia of bone marrow cells; however, there aredrugs for abortion and high blood pressure on this bill - we're just missing birth control pills! Andalso 24-hour dosages that amount to ten kilograms? Even if it were for an elephant's IV drip, itwould be too much!"

After listening to all this, Sean's face changed several times before slapping Jason across the facewith his hand.

"Jason! You've done a great job! You're such a disgraceful person who has brought shame upon ourhospital! From now on you're fired!"

Hearing this news left Jason completely stunned as he begged, "Mr. Davidson, please don't do this!I did make some mistakes but I promise not to do them again - give me another chance!"

"Mistakes? Is that what you call them? What you did was fraud - playing with people's lives!"shouted an angry Sean.

At that moment, Miranda let out a dissatisfied hum and said, "Just firing him? I think we should handthis over to law enforcement for a thorough investigation! If it is not available for you, Mr. Davidson, I

can have someone from my company's legal department follow up!"

"Yes, yes! Ms. Lowe, you're right. We need to investigate thoroughly when it comes to these pestsin the hospital. Don't worry, I guarantee that we will handle this matter seriously!"

"I'll call the Bureau of Enforcement right now!"

Upon hearing this, Sean shuddered and quickly said so.

Originally he wanted to protect Jason but after hearing what was said he immediately changed hismind.

He couldn't afford to offend the Lowe family. Miranda wanted to take down Jason and there was noway he could protect him.


Jason collapsed like mud on the ground and cried out pleadingly, "Mr. Davidson please don't dothis! Ms. Lowe, I was wrong. I won't do it again!"

"Mr. Willis! Mr. Willis please have mercy on me. Please let me go!"

In the end, this corrupt doctor crawled at Lachlan's feet with snot and tears begging for mercy.

He knew that if all of his shady dealings were exposed, he would be lucky if he only got ten or eightyears in prison.

This life of his was over!

Lachlan snorted coldly and kicked Jason away with one foot.

"Mercy? Have you ever shown any mercy towards those patients and their families who were ruinedby you?"

"You've been too despicable as a human being so now karma has come knocking at your door."

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