Daddy the Miracle Medic (Lachlan and Miranda)

Chapter 231 Excited Mr. Austin
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Chapter 231 Excited Mr. Austin

Chapter 231 Excited Mr. Austin

Upon hearing this, Lachlan's face changed instantly!


Did Isa also get his hands on Miranda?

"You bastard, what are you going to do to Miranda?"

"I warn you, if you dare touch her, I will make sure you have no place to bury your body!"

Isa burst into a maniacal laughter. His physical defects since childhood made him particularlytwisted psychologically.

Even after witnessing Lachlan's immense power and feeling terrified, his desire for revenge onlygrew stronger.

"Hahaha... is that so? Come on then! Come and kill me!"

"Where are you? Speak up!" Lachlan gritted his teeth.

"Would I tell you where I am? You can look for me before I play with Miranda. Hahaha..." Isalaughed in a sickly way before hanging up the phone directly!

Lachlan's expression changed constantly.

The next second he looked fiercely at one of Anthony's subordinates. The latter had both legsdisabled and was screaming in agony but stopped abruptly upon feeling Lachlan's gaze upon him.

"What... what do you want?"

"Spare my life... spare my life!" The subordinate begged fearfully and anxiously as he feltthreatened by Lachlan's eyesight.

"Do you know where Isa is? Tell me or else I'll make sure that living becomes worse than death foryou."

Lachlan asked coldly while not knowing that after the call ended, Isa had already taken Mirandaaway directly!

Isa was naturally cold-hearted and extremely suspicious; he never truly believed anyone nor trustedanyone who could betray him.


Emerald Green Estates - Lachlan's villa!

Under the night sky, a figure stepped lightly towards the villa gate and pressed the doorbell button.

When Eduard first gave this villa to Lachlan as a gift, Reeva came here as a guest once too; sheknew her way around it well enough now.

She heard from her grandfather about Lachlan's solo battle against the four external Grandmasters,and she suddenly felt an overwhelming excitement! This young girl was somewhat of a martial artsenthusiast, so she was extremely curious about that particular fight.novelbin

Knowing that Lachlan should be back by the early hours of the morning, she estimated the time andcame over, eager to hear Lachlan talk about the battle firsthand.

However, after ringing the doorbell for a while, there was no response from inside. There was nosign of anyone opening the door.

"Are they all sleeping so soundly? At this hour, Lachlan should have just returned, right?" Reevamuttered to herself.

For some reason, she felt a vague sense that something wasn't quite right!

After hesitating for a moment, she circled around the villa and found a spot where there were nosurveillance cameras. She jumped over the wall and landed in the yard!

As soon as she arrived at the living room door, her face changed instantly! There was a personlying there with blood all over his body, mixed with some internal organs.

Reeva quickly turned him over and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that it wasn't Lachlan.She checked his pulse, which was very weak and could disappear at any moment.

Reeva quickly called for emergency help and then rushed into the house with an uneasy feeling.After checking around, she couldn't find any trace of Lachlan or his daughter Nora except for findinga trembling nanny in one of the guest rooms who seemed to be scared out of her wits.

"Something's wrong!" Reeva's face changed as she had some bad guesses. She immediatelycalled Caelan.


In another privately built villa!

Isa, Kayden and their henchmen just moved Miranda here.

During this time, he also had the subordinate who had escorted Rene out of the factory bring hisyounger brother over. Just as he had someone carry Miranda to the bedroom, he received a callfrom Caelan.

"Grandpa, why are you calling me at this time?" Isa adjusted his breathing before answeringcuriously.

"Where are you? Have you arrived in Edoland? I'll bring that divine doctor over right now!" Caelanasked calmly but sternly on the phone call

"What? It's almost four o'clock in midnight now! You want to come here with that divine doctor at thishour?" Isa was confused by what he heard

"Do you know anything about medicine? The divine doctor said your condition requires Yin-Yangharmony adjustment! So we have to treat you during sunrise or sunset when day meets night!"

"If we don't come earlier than midnight today then when should we come?"

"Have you arrived in Edoland yet? If not then hurry up because maybe we can still make it on time!"

"Otherwise we will have to wait another day!" Caelan replied irritably.

It had to be said that Caelan's reason sounded very convincing even though it was made up onspot. Upon hearing what he said, Isa felt excited and hopeful without any doubt about itsauthenticity

"I'm already here!"

"Well then bring that divine doctor right away! I'm..." He quickly told his grandpa where he wascurrently located while they chatted more about "the great master healer".

After hanging up the phone, Isa couldn't help but rub his hands together. The thought of his physicaldefect being cured soon filled him with excitement and anticipation. In the next second, he lookedup at the building with a glint of silver malice in his eyes.

"Miranda, I will have you soon! Hahaha..." He said as he took three steps and ran towards thebedroom upstairs.

After opening the door, Isa looked at Miranda lying on the bed tied up there and couldn't help butswallow saliva. He felt like he could taste this tempting fruit very soon.

Miranda stared coldly at him with a beautiful face that was flushed red due to anger. Her delicatebody was restrained by ropes which made Isa feel hot all over.

"You are so beautiful, Miranda!" Isa licked his lips and said with an evil smile. "You will belong to mevery soon."

"Isa, you should be careful because Lachlan might kill you for this," Miranda warned him sternly.

"I promise if you dare touch me, Lachlan will make sure that your death is extremely painful!" sheadded while trying to convince Isa not to do anything foolish.

"You are Mr. Austin; rich and powerful men like yourself don't need women like me," she continuedpersuading him while reminding him of who he was dealing with here.

Isa's eyes were fixed on her as if he were crazy or something, "The woman I want must be mine!"

"Lachlan? Although he is strong, it will take some time for him to find us here!" He laughed wickedlybefore continuing, "By then I would have already had my way with you! And even if Lachlan kills melater on, what does it matter? My goal is to make sure that he suffers greatly before dying!"

"And let me tell you something else; a world-renowned expert is coming over right now to cure myillness! This person not only has incredible medical skills but also possesses extraordinarystrength!"

"My grandfather told me that this expert has single-handedly killed four grandmasters in martial arts!Killing Lachlan would be nothing compared to what he's done before."

"I hope Lachlan comes here sooner rather than later so we can see how powerful this expert reallyis."

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