Daddy the Miracle Medic (Lachlan and Miranda)

Chapter 189 Are You The One Accusing Mr. Willis?
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Chapter 189 Are You The One Accusing Mr. Willis?

Chapter 189 Are You the One Accusing Mr. Willis?novelbin

Sam received the news and rushed over here, but he only knew that the film crew had beenattacked by a killer. He didn't know any specifics, let alone that Lachlan and Miranda were alsoinvolved in this incident.

When he saw Miranda at this moment, he was surprised.

"I'm here of course. Lachlan and I were also present during this incident," Miranda nodded.

"Where is he?" Sam's expression tightened as he scanned the crowd in front of him.

Apart from seeing the armed guards and Eduard's shock, he did not see Lachlan anywhere.

At this moment, when they heard Sam's conversation with Miranda, those crew members showedsurprise on their faces. Sam was being so polite to Lachlan's wife?

Previously when facing the other side of the film crew driving them away, Lachlan said that he wouldcall Mr. Reid which everyone took as a joke.

However now it seemed like they really did know each other!

And looking at Sam's behavior towards her showed their relationship was not ordinary!!

Maurice wiped off his sweat nervously while trying to hide behind people in the crowd.

Thinking about his disrespect towards Lachlan and Miranda before made him feel uneasy insidefearing that if she found out what happened she might say something in front of Sam again.

At this time Eduard coldly snorted next to him saying, "Mr. Willis is being detained for interrogation!Someone falsely accused him of killing members of the film crew!"

"Mr. Reid, was it your people who did it?"

"It should be! After all there doesn't seem to be anyone else."

Hearing these words, Sam's face changed suddenly as he looked towards those people from thefilm crew asking coldly, "What happened?"

"We don't have anything to do with it, Mr. Reid! We didn't do anything!" They quickly tried distancingthemselves from any involvement.

"We even shouted earlier that we wanted to testify for Mr. Willis!"

"Yeah! Joe was killed by those killers; it has nothing to do with Mr. Willis! We all saw it!"


These people quickly expressed themselves trying hard clearing their names but hearing thesewords, Sam knew deep down inside that Lachlan never killed anyone from their team, making hisface turn dark!

"If Mr. Willis didn't do it, then who framed him? Who had enough guts?" At this point, Nine LivesHeaven's Tragedy's female lead actress stepped forward - she was just previously an unknownsupporting actress on set...

Her eyes flickered uncertainly as she said, "Maybe... it was Tiffany. Previously, due to somemisunderstanding, Mr. Willis slapped Tiffany once. But even now, Tiffany hasn't finished writing therecord yet. Is it because Tiffany is unhappy with Mr. Willis? So..."

Tiffany relied on her fame and was used to being arrogant and domineering on set.

There were already many people who couldn't stand her!


Sam's face changed constantly.

"Whoever goes in to take a look will know?"

"Lionel, let's go? Let's release the person!" Eduard sneered and urged Lionel again.


"Miss Payne, are you sure that you saw Lachlan kill Joe Grant at that time?"

In the interrogation room, the gray-haired man asked Tiffany who was sitting there.

Lachlan stared coldly at this female star, "Miss Payne, you better think twice before speaking!"

A hint of hatred flashed in Tiffany's eyes as she looked at Lachlan.

At this moment, the swollen handprint on half of her face was particularly conspicuous.

"Officer, I remember it was him!"

"You see how he looks like this and his tone of voice. Can I accuse him of threatening me again?"

Tiffany sneered and asked.

"Tiffany Payne! You're accusing falsely! You'll also be held legally responsible for this! I advise younot to talk nonsense! That person at that time had his head cut off by a black-clothed ninja.Everyone saw it clearly!" Lachlan gritted his teeth.

He wished he could give this woman a few more slaps from the past.

"I'm sorry but what I saw was definitely you killing him! As for how others saw it; I don't know butmaybe they were all afraid of your murderous ways! But me, Tiffany, I won't fear your power!"

Tiffany pouted as she touched her forehead looking dizzy then added, "Of course, I don't rule outthat things were too tense back then, and I got scared which led to an illusion! After all, you slappedme once so my head is still ringing now. Anyway, I just said what I saw."

Upon hearing these words, Lachlan glared angrily at her, "You..."

Tiffany smirked triumphantly, relishing in Lachlan's helpless expression. "You dare hit me? Let metell you, you won't get away with it!" she exclaimed.

"What does your strength matter? So what if you can take down a bunch of assassins?" shecontinued. "Do you think you can fight against the law and the country's violent machinery?"

Suddenly, a loud noise interrupted her rant as someone kicked open the door to the interrogationroom. Ralphie retracted his foot and stood at attention by the door.

Eduard stormed in with a grim face while Lachlan, who was handcuffed to his chair, lookedsurprised at Eduard's sudden appearance.

"How did this big shot get in here?" he thought to himself.

The uniformed personnel inside immediately stood up warily and even reached for their guns! Lionelalso entered and gestured for them to calm down.

The next second, he looked at Eduard incredulously and complained, "Eduard! Can't you be morecareful? This door costs tens of thousands. You have to pay if it gets damaged!"

"Fine then," Eduard retorted irritably. "If you're so capable, send someone over to our security zonefor compensation."

Lionel rolled his eyes helplessly. Was he crazy enough to send someone over there just formoney?!

"Why don't your men release mine first?" Lionel asked instead.

At that moment, Sam walked in from outside and saw Tiffany sitting across from Lachlan. His faceinstantly turned sour with displeasure!

Eduard wasted no time confronting Tiffany as soon as he arrived, "Is it true that you accused Mr.Willis of killing people on set?" He grabbed her hair without any regard for her status as a celebrityor anything else.

"Ahh! What are you doing?! Who are you? Help!" Tiffany screamed as she felt like her scalp wasabout to be ripped off.

"Who am I? I am Eduard Harris, the Chief of Police in the Edoland Security Zone," Eduard grittedhis teeth.

"Mr. Harris, what are you doing?" Tiffany's expression turned panicked and frightened upon hearinghis identity.

"What am I doing? Open your eyes wide and take a look at this intelligence report!"

"The target of this mission is you, led by Miyasaki Kojiro! If it weren't for Mr. Willis, your fate as anactress would be sealed! And you, a despicable person who not only fails to appreciate Mr. Willisbut also tries to shift blame onto him?"

"You, damn it!" Eduard seethed with hatred.

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