Daddy the Miracle Medic (Lachlan and Miranda)

Chapter 184 The Female Celebrity Being Slapped
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Chapter 184 The Female Celebrity Being Slapped

Chapter 184 The Female Celebrity Being Slapped

They all said their time was precious, but they were just going to some lunch banquet? His wife wasbusy with work and finally managed to find time for their wedding photos. Why should theyaccommodate them? Wasn't everyone's time valuable?

As soon as the words fell, everyone turned to Lachlan. The staff at the bridal shop looked hesitantwhile the production crew and the manager of the scenic area had unfriendly expressions.

"This gentleman, you do know Miss Tiffany Payne, right? Miss Payne is a top-tier star and shedoesn't have time to wait. Please cooperate with us!" The manager of the scenic area frowned andspoke coldly.

Tiffany was a rising female star in recent years due to her classical features that were enhanced bymakeup in her performances on screen. She starred in several costume dramas which made herfamous. Maurice Ellison was an arrogant young man who had gained some fame as a martial artsactor since he always emphasized his real kung fu skills as his selling point.

At this moment, Miranda's face showed some displeasure as she spoke coldly, "So what if they'restars? Do they have privileges or something? Your scenic area didn't mention anything about filmingbefore! Everything has an order!"

As soon as Miranda's voice sounded out, everyone looked at her even those from the productioncrew who were mostly handsome men and beautiful women including extras present on set whowere also stunning beauties of high quality! Among them was Tiffany herself - a top-tier femalecelebrity!

However, it seemed like everyone was overshadowed by Miranda even though she wasn't part oftheir group nor did anyone know who she was until now!

Even Tiffany - known for being ethereal-looking - paled in comparison before Miranda!

"Wow! Who is this woman?! She's so pretty!"

"If she could enter showbiz then surely she'd be popular nationwide!"

"Is that guy's wife from earlier?! What luck he has!"

Many people couldn't help but whisper to each other.

Even Maurice, the martial arts actor who had just defended Tiffany, looked at Miranda and licked hislips with desire.

"What do you mean by 'everything has an order'? I make hundreds of thousands dollars in asecond. Can you compare to me?" Tiffany asked Miranda with a hint of arrogance.

These whispers reached Tiffany's ears and made her look at Miranda with intense hostility. Althoughshe didn't want to admit it, her limelight had been overshadowed by another woman.

Before this moment, wherever she went, she was always the center of attention.

"I'm sorry but I also have millions of dollars worth of orders that need my attention after thisphotoshoot," replied Miranda calmly without any trace of inferiority in her tone.

Hearing this response from Miranda made Tiffany sneer, "Ha! You're making me laugh. Millions?Yeah right!"

She then snorted coldly and said, "Enough talk! You guys better leave now or else don't blame mefor being impolite! Mr. Reid is waiting for me at lunch and if we're late there will be consequences

that you can't afford!"

Upon hearing these words for the second time, Lachlan raised an eyebrow and asked, "Mr. Reid?Who is he?"

"Who else could it be? He's the heir to the Reid Group and Kreanford's richest man!" replied Tiffanyarrogantly as if everyone should know who he was.

"Tiffany is highly regarded by Mr. Reid so you better not mess with us," added Maurice coldly whilestill favoring Tiffany even though he was impressed by Miranda. Lately, he had been pursuing herrecently hoping that if he could win over Tiffany, then maybe he could become famous too throughassociation with her fame.

"Alright already! Miss Payne has connections that are beyond your reach so just leave now beforecausing trouble," said Jamarion impatiently waving his hand as a sign for them all to go away.

"Let's just go," suggested the bridal shop manager trying to diffuse the situation.

"Hmph! Those who know their place should leave immediately instead of thinking they can get awaywith anything because they think they are attractive!" taunted Tiffany towards Miranda out outjealousy.

Hearing these words made Miranda tremble slightly due to being insulted like that.

Although it was them who came to take over, in the mouth of this female star, it seemed as if shewas being unreasonable.

Lachlan grabbed Miranda's small hand and pulled her behind him. His face was dark.

"This is something you should say to yourself! Don't think that just because you're a star, everyonewill indulge you! Get out of here! Otherwise, I'll have the Reid's Group blacklist you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone froze for a moment before looking at Lachlan withstrange expressions in their eyes.

"What did you say? You want the Reid's Group to blacklist me? Sir, are you joking?" Tiffany pointedat herself and asked with a smile on her face.

"Who do you think you are?" Maurice sneered and teased him.novelbin

The rest of the crew members all showed contemptuous expressions and laughed mockingly atthem.

"They are really interesting!"

"Haha, yeah! She said she has orders worth millions while he said he'll have Miss Payne blacklistedby the Reid's Group!"

"They aren't related by blood but they sure can talk big."

The manager of the scenic area impatiently said to Lachlan, "Alright already. Stop talking nonsense.Are y'all leaving or not? If not then I'll call security to kick y'all out!"

"You can try it!" Lachlan shook his head coldly and replied in an icy tone.

Tiffany snorted, "You really don't know what's good for you!" She then shouted at those mendressed like bodyguards, "Bodyguards, get rid of them for me! It's such a waste of time! Two pestsruined my good mood for the day."


As soon as she finished speaking, there was a crisp sound followed by Tiffany screaming in painwhile flying away from where she stood spinning around.

Lachlan wiped his hands clean and spoke coldly, "Is my wife someone that can be insulted byanyone?"

Everyone stood there stunned watching Lachlan.

A male hitting one of today's hottest female stars?

After landing on the ground half her pretty little face swelled up quickly with red handprint clearlyvisible!

Her nose started bleeding profusely too.

But Lachlan didn't show any mercy whatsoever!

"You... you hit me? You bastard!" Tiffany yelled, covering her face and glaring at Lachlan in anger."Bodyguard! Bodyguard! Beat him to death!"

She had been adored by everyone since she became famous. How could a passerby dare to slapher? If this got out, it would definitely be tomorrow's headline news!

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