Daddy the Miracle Medic (Lachlan and Miranda)

Chapter 170 I’Ll Kill If You Tell Me To?
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Chapter 170 I'Ll Kill If You Tell Me To?

Chapter 170 I'll Kill if You Tell Me to?

Emerson's fist slammed into Terrance's chest, causing the expert from the Britt family to spit bloodand fly backwards.

"Dark Force late peak?"

Terrance struggled to get up, spitting out more blood as he spoke in a horrified tone.

"You think you can kill me with just that?"

Emerson snorted disdainfully, his body radiating killing intent.

"Kristina, take you husband and son and run! I'm no match for him, but I'll do my best to hold himoff!" Terrance gritted his teeth and charged forward again.

Philip and his family were completely dumbfounded.

"How is this possible? Terrance really isn't a match for this geomancy master?" Darwin stammered,surprised that Lachlan had guessed correctly.

"What do we do? What do we do? Let's run!" Kristina looked panicked as if facing imminentdisaster.

Philip turned to Lachlan. "Mr. Willis, can you handle Emerson?"

Lachlan chuckled lightly. "If I couldn't, why would I be standing here?"

Seeing his calm demeanor, Philip quickly begged him, "Mr. Willis, please hurry up and subdue thisvillain!"

"I said it before - it'll take 50 million now," Lachlan replied expressionlessly.

"Okay! 50 million is no problem!" Philip gritted his teeth in response.

"Honey don't listen to him! Let's run!" Kristina tugged on Philip urgently.

"Yeah Dad! If even Terrance isn't a match for Emerson, how could Willis possibly be any good?"Darwin chimed in. "He's just a con artist taking advantage of the situation!"

"Your wife and son have big mouths - 60 million now," Lachlan sneered coldly at them all withoutbatting an eye!

Philip's face twitched several times at the outrageous sum demanded by Lachlan.

"Lachlan you...!" Darwin was about to explode with anger when...

"70 million!"Lachlan didn't even blink!

"I..." Darwin was furious but didn't have time to say anything else before Philip slapped him acrossthe face. "Shut your mouth!"

Just then, Terrance was swept away by another kick from Emerson, his body spraying bloodeverywhere. He landed heavily on the ground, couldn't move anymore!

"Want to run? Where are you going?" Emerson looked over with a fierce expression, his voice full ofkilling intent.

The McLaughlin family of three saw that Terrance was finished, and they were all scared pale andpanicked.

As for the ordinary bodyguards in the McLaughlin family villa, they had already disappearedsomewhere.

"Lachlan, didn't you say you could handle him? Then hurry up!" Darwin shouted anxiously when hesaw Emerson walking towards them with murderous intent.

"Yeah! You just want money right? We'll give it to you! Come on!" Kristina's voice also changed toneas she called out.

Terrance was defeated too quickly. They couldn't run away now!

"80 million!" Lachlan said coldly.

"You two shut up!" Philip said angrily. The next second he pleaded urgently with Lachlan, "Alright!80 million! Mr. Willis, please stop him!"

Lachlan's demands made Philip feel like he was being bled dry but there was no other way at thispoint. Their lives could only depend on Lachlan now.

"Okay." Lachlan nodded and finally moved forward towards Emerson.

"You haven't seen my strength yet?" Emerson was stunned for a moment after severely injuringTerrance and seeing this guy still dare to come over here?

"I have seen it! Dark Force later stage peak." Lachlan nodded then spat out a sentence that almostmade Emerson spit blood, "A complete mess!"

"What did you say? My strength is a complete mess?"

"You're looking for death, kid! I'm gonna kill you!"

These words seemed to greatly insult Emerson as if he were a cat whose tail had been stepped on.His whole person became ferocious as he rushed towards Lachlan with killing intent.novelbin

"Dad, let's take advantage of this opportunity and run away quickly! Do you really believe thatLachlan can be his opponent?" Darwin's eyes flickered several times as he spoke

"This kid is too arrogant. He actually dared to provoke him like this! Let him die if it helps us buysome time so we can escape faster," Kristina also said

"Run? Where are we going to run? Even if we ran to the ends of the earth today, this matter won'tbe resolved."

"Let's hope Mr. Willis really has the strength!" Philip said with a solemn expression.

At that moment, Emerson had rushed forward and threw a powerful punch at Lachlan's head. Itseemed that those words from Lachlan had genuinely triggered a murderous intent in Emerson. Hisfist, filled with tremendous force, even created several sonic booms as it rapidly approachedLachlan.

In a split second, Lachlan acted! He snorted coldly, and his fist shot out without any embellishments,meeting Emerson's punch head-on with a resounding collision.


After a thunderous sound, Emerson's arm visibly twisted with an unnatural angle, and he staggeredbackward.

Once he regained his footing, his right arm hung lifelessly, like a limp noodle.

"My arm!"

"You actually disabled my arm!"

Emerson wailed, his face displaying a mixture of sorrow, anger, and shock, with tears of pain in hiseyes.

At this moment, the Philip family, including Philip himself, let out a collective sigh of relief. Lachlan'ssingle punch, which broke Emerson's arm, was a clear demonstration of their vast difference instrength.

"Enough!" Lachlan said calmly.

"Enough? How can it be enough? I've prepared for more than twenty years for this day! I wanted toavenge my mother, and now you've crippled my arm! Why? Why did you help them?" Emersoncried out in frustration, his face filled with indignation and sorrow.

"Really? A ruthless villain responsible for countless harm and murders, crying over a broken arm?"Lachlan raised an eyebrow and asked somewhat incredulously, looking at the tearful Emerson.

Hearing this, Emerson clenched his teeth and yelled, "Countless harm and murders? When have Iharmed anyone? When have I committed countless murders? I've never killed anyone. I was onlyseeking revenge against Philip and Kristina for nearly killing my mother. But as for others, whenhave I harmed anyone? I just came down from the mountain; when have I committed countlessmurders? Even the old man Terrance, I didn't attempt to harm him just now!"

Emerson appeared wronged and indignant, explaining his perspective.

Lachlan, puzzled by Emerson's words, furrowed his brow even more and watched the emotionalEmerson. He felt that there might be more to this situation than met the eye.

"Kill him! Why waste time talking to him?" At this moment, Kristina turned to Lachlan and spoke in asharp tone, with an urgent and commanding voice.

Lachlan looked back at her. "You want me to kill him just like that? Do you think I'm your lackey?"

"You... we paid you money. Shouldn't you be doing things for us?"

"If this thug doesn't die, he'll come back and harm our family! Kill him!" Kristina said sharply, lookingat Emerson with a vicious look in her eyes.

She was eager to see Lachlan put him to death!

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