Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 95 I Like How Fortunes Change
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Chapter 95 I Like How Fortunes Change

Chapter 95 I like how fortunes change

Theo and Natalia never expected that Lachlan would actually spend 1 million dollars to buy backthe factory, and even paid a deposit of 500k dollars in advance.

This guy really turned his life around!

Thinking about how he had mocked and humiliated Lachlan before, Theo's heart almost jumped outof his chest.

"Lachlan! I was just joking with you, you can't take it seriously! You know me, I don't think before Ispeak!" Theo pleaded desperately.

"Do you deserve it?" Lachlan asked coldly. He was completely disappointed in Theo.

In fact, Theo had no skills or education background. After graduating from high school, he didn'thave a proper job. It was only because of their friendship that Lachlan gave him a chance to workas a workshop director and eventually promoted him to factory manager with a high salary.

However, instead of being grateful, Theo stabbed Lachlan in the back when he needed help themost.

Now that they met again after all these years, Theo's true colors as an opportunistic person weremore evident than ever before.

How could Lachlan give such a person another chance?

As soon as Lachlan finished speaking, Theo fell to his knees, "Lachlan! You can't be so ruthless! If Ilose this job again... I won't be able to survive! Lachlan..."

At this moment Natalia also came over and knelt down with a thud, "Boss... I know I was wrong too!Please don't fire me... I will work hard for you from now on and never play any tricks again."

This woman was scared! She was afraid of losing her job, and even more afraid that if Lachlan firedher, the new accounting supervisor will discover the fake accounts she'd been keeping. If thathappened, Lachlan could easily have her thrown in jail!

"Lachlan, even if you don't care about me, think about my wife and my two daughters. I have afamily to support. My wife just got pregnant again!" Theo pleaded with tears streaming down hisface as he knelt before Lachlan.

"Why didn't you help me out when Nora was sick? The most valuable thing in this world is helpingsomeone in need. The most despicable thing is kicking someone when they're down!"

"I'm sorry but I'm not forgiving like that," replied Lachlan coldly. "I believe in karma - what goesaround comes around." With that, he kicked Theo aside and walked away.

Theo was left on the ground feeling hopeless and devastated. He had lost everything - his job asthe factory manager was gone along with everything else he had worked for.

Suddenly Natalia appeared with an angry expression on her face and clawed at Theo's face leavingbehind several bloody scratches.

"You bastard, how dare you lie to me? What did you just say? Your wife is pregnant again? You toldme that you were going to divorce your wife and marry me, but you fucking lied to me!"

"You slut hook up with everyone! I will be a fool if I marry you!"

"What kind of thing are you? If you don't work for this factory anymore, would I even look at youstraight in the eye? Pah!"

At the entrance of the factory, a quarrel between a man and a woman was starting to unfold...

And at this time, on the other side!

After returning from Lowe's Pharmaceutical, Romeo's family gathered together.

Only half of Romeo and Harlow's faces could be seen, both swollen and red. However, there was alook of pride and excitement between their eyebrows.

"Eliza, Harlow! Just now the old lady called me again and said she wants to transfer the shares ofEmmanuel and that little bitch Miranda in the company to me!"

"Let me take that little bitch's place and do a good job!" Romeo smiled contentedly.

Upon hearing this, Eliza and Harlow's eyes immediately lit up.

"Then Dad, won't you own 40% of the company's shares?" Harlow asked excitedly.

"Haha, then our family is going to make a fortune! I heard that the company has just launched fournew drugs, and they are selling like crazy in Merton!"Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Eliza's eyes sparkled. "That's right! That little bitch Miranda and that damn guy could never haveimagined that all of their efforts would lead to our triumph!"

Romeo laughed triumphantly. He knew that the four types of medicine not only sold out in Merton,but other major distributors were also urging them to hurry up and ship them out.

Everyone was clamoring for it like they were starving.

It was a situation where medicine was hard to come by.

Previously, besides Flynn in Merton who had taken the first batch of goods, Miranda had signedcontracts with other major distributors agreeing to split the production of drugs among them so theycould at least have some stock on hand to sell.

So everyone was eagerly waiting for it.

Especially after seeing Flynn selling big in Merton, these major distributors were getting anxiousone by one.

Faced with this situation, Romeo felt like he had too much room for maneuvering.

"But..." After laughing smugly a few times, Romeo's tone changed.

"Honey, what is it?" Eliza asked.

Harlow also looked at her father.

"But that little bitch Miranda set the prices too low. The Lowe's Golden Wound Medicine and LoveLight Capsules are practically not making any money, especially the Love Light Capsules! Damn it,what is she pretending to be a saint for? Other people sell these miracle drugs for thousands oreven tens of thousands per box, but she only sells them at factory price of 30 and even sets a retailprice limit of no more than 50 for agents. Can you believe how stupid she is?" Romeo sneered.

"Exactly! Everyone needs these life-saving drugs and they'll pay whatever it takes unless they don'twant to live anymore! I say we can easily sell them for 500 per box!" Eliza said.

"What do you mean 500? Glivec sells theirs up to 4, 000! And Love Light's effect is said to be evenbetter than its. It can save people from critical conditions! We should sell them for at least 1, 000!Once our name is established in the market, we can raise the price to at least 4, 000!" Harlowgreedily exclaimed.

"That's right! And Lowe's Golden Wound Medicine should also increase by ten times. We won'thave trouble selling it even if we charge 100 per bottle! And as for Lowe's Scar Removal Cream andHair Growth Essence, we can double their prices too! That little bitch Miranda doesn't knowanything about business! She thinks our Lowe family pharmaceutical company is a charity orsomething?" Romeo smirked, his eyes glinting with satisfaction.

"Well, my dear husband, you forget that you own 40% of the company. With this kind of sale, we'llbe rolling in dough! And I'm sure even the old lady will praise your business acumen andmanagement skills." Eliza's face lit up with joy at her husband's words. Harlow was equally excitedand blushing with anticipation.

The three of them shared a hearty laugh, feeling as though all their hard work had finally paid offthanks to Miranda and Lachlan's previous efforts.

All the frustration they had experienced from being repeatedly slapped in the face had turned intosmug satisfaction and pure delight at this moment.

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