Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 79 I Bet With You
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Chapter 79 I Bet With You

Chapter 79 I bet with you

Upon seeing Harlow, Miranda's face immediately darkened and she turned away withoutacknowledging her. Meanwhile, Lachlan was only interested in examining the raw stones andcouldn't be bothered with arguing with a woman.

Betty and Orion furrowed their brows, with the latter asking Lachlan, "Who is she?"

"My sister-in-law. Don't mind her," replied Lachlan dismissively.

"Ha! Who do you think you are? My family's son-in-law?" sneered Harlow.

At that moment, a young man who had been exchanging words with Anton raised his eyebrows insurprise as he glanced at Miranda before contemptuously sizing up Lachlan. He then asked Harlow,"Is he new live-in brother-in-law?"

"Hey! Watch your mouth! You can't talk about Mr. Willis like that!" warned Betty sternly.

"Daddy, I don't like these aunties and uncles!" pouted Nora as she held onto Lachlan's hand andwhispered to him.

Hearing someone speak ill of her father made the little girl angry too.

"It's okay. Let's just ignore them barking like dogs," said Lachlan calmly to Nora.

Lachlan smiled and lifted Nora up in his arms. Upon hearing this, the young man's face darkened ashe pointed at Lachlan and cursed, "You bastard, who the hell are you calling a dog? A uselessfreeloader like you dares to act so arrogantly! You only know a few remedies that helped your ladyconcoct some crappy medicine. I heard you received orders worth million dollars and now think

you're hot stuff? Do you even know that my family can easily make billions with just one shipment ofgoods? This batch alone is worth 80 million dollars!"

Harlow held onto the young man's arm with an air of superiority and pride as she introduced him toMiranda. "Miranda, let me introduce my boyfriend Kacper Atkinson to you. Kacper's father isKreanford's largest wholesale dealer of jade raw materials who specializes in importing fromoverseas. In the future, all their assets will belong to Kacper; we're talking about at least hundredsof millions here! It's funny how different our choices in men are."Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Kacper looked smugly at Lachlan holding Nora and said to Miranda, "Ms. Lowe, even if you want aman for yourself, don't settle for second-hand goods with child!"

"What does it have anything to do with you?" Miranda asked coldly with anger and disgust evidentin her beautiful eyes.

She pulled on Lachlan and said," Let's go!" She didn't want any trouble or listen to their snideremarks.

At this point Orion was furious too as he glared at Kacper wanting nothing more than teach him alesson. "You're asking for it!"

"Never mind them, let's focus on picking out the jade," Lachlan interrupted Orion and continued tocarefully observe the pile of raw stones while holding Nora.

Harlow sneered at the scene, "Look at him, as if he can see something! Idiot!"

"Haha, is he helping Mr. Ellis inspect the goods? These are all top-quality raw stones mined fromMoclington's rich pit. Do you know how to identify them? Can you see anything?" Kacper mocked.

Lachlan stared at this batch of raw stones with an ever-changing expression on his face.

There was also an elderly man in his sixties holding a flashlight and various instruments carefullyexamining these raw stones. He kept praising their quality!

This old man's surname was Carney and he had a resounding nickname in the industry called "Sky-eye Carney". He was a specialist hired by Anton for a high price to help him inspect this batch ofgoods' quality.

"Mr. Carney, how is it?" Anton didn't care about conflicts between other people but only cared aboutthis batch of goods' quality.

"No problem! These raw stones are all top-quality ones with a high probability of producing greencolor. Mr. Ellis, you can rest assured that they're worth buying," Branden Carney nodded confidentlyand said.

Hearing this, Anton smiled slightly and nodded in agreement.

However, at this moment, Lachlan suddenly spoke up and said something shocking.

"I think Mr. Ellis should not buy this batch of goods! These stones are all garbage!"

Everyone was stunned and looked at Lachlan in shock.

"You're talking nonsense!" Kacper angrily retorted.

"Lachlan, you're just jealous that Kacper is better than you, so you're deliberately slandering himhere? Can your eyes even tell the difference between good and bad raw stones?" Harlow sneered.

Branden snorted with anger. "Young man, you can eat anything but your words must be careful!What do you mean? Do you think I would cheat Mr. Ellis?"

Anton also had a dark expression. "Kid, are you here to cause trouble for me?"

He glared at Betty as if to say why did she bring such a person to make trouble for him?

Betty pouted and looked at Lachlan with a questioning look.

"Lachlan, what are you doing?" Even Miranda looked confused.

"Mr. Ellis, have you paid yet? If not, I advise you to cancel this batch of goods or else I guaranteethat it will be a total loss!" Lachlan ignored everyone's reactions and continued to speak confidently.

"Ha... You think you know everything just because you have a few tricks up your sleeve? Have youever cut a stone before? Open your eyes and take a look, these are all top-quality materials! Youdon't know anything and yet you dare to speak nonsense here!" Harlow mocked loudly.

"What's wrong? Do you want revenge on me for what I said earlier? Do you really think anyone willbelieve you? Mr. Carney has already confirmed that this batch is flawless, with high green content.Are your eyes better than his?" Kacper sneered coldly.

"Betty, take your so-called friend and go play somewhere else!" At this point, Anton scolded herdaughter sternly.

Lachlan shrugged when he saw the situation. "I've said enough. If you don't believe me, it's yourloss." He turned to Miranda and said, "Honey, let's go. We're wasting our time here."

"Hmph! Young people need to be responsible for what they say. You've been talking nonsense herefor so long and now want to leave?" Branden snorted heavily as he blocked Lachlan in front of himand angrily asked, "You said all these materials are garbage; do you dare bet on it?"

"How do we bet?" Lachlan asked calmly.

Branden pointed at an uncut stone, "You claim that even this one is garbage too right? Then let'sopen it up and see! With the quality of this rough stone alone, it would fetch at least 1 million dollar

at auction."

"So, if it turns out to be green, you'll pay me 1 million dollar, but if it fails, I'll take on the risk and payyou back the same amount. How about that?"

The rough stone was about a meter square and had an excellent quality! The surface was a deepgreen with clear patterns that sparkled when lit up. This type of stone had almost a hundred percentchance of producing high-quality imperial green jade. It all depended on whether or not it couldproduce the best quality.

Branden was confident he could humiliate Lachlan by making him taste his own medicine for beingso arrogant. But what if this kid didn't have the guts to gamble?

However, as soon as Branden finished speaking, he saw an evil grin appear on Lachlan's face.

"Okay then, I'll bet with you!"

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