Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 453 The Movement Of The Wood Family In The Hidden World
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Chapter 453 The Movement of the Wood Family in the Hidden World

Summer left directly from the window, and Lachlan came out of the room into the living room.

Miranda and Nora were sitting on the couch, watching cartoons on TV. When Lachlan approached, Miranda snorted and gave him a cold look. "Finished talking?" Lachlan smiled awkwardly, his previous dominance in front of Summer seemed to disappear instantly. "Yeah..."

Miranda pointed to the kitchen with a stern face. "Go wash the dishes!" Although Miranda knew some things now, it didn't mean she would go easy on Lachlan. When it was time to be angry, she still had to show her anger.

Upon hearing this, Lachlan quickly nodded and said humbly, "Okay."

"And tonight Nora is sleeping with me; you can have your own room," added Miranda coldly.

Nora also snorted at Lachlan at this point and said seriously, "Daddy, if you do bad things with other pretty ladies in future, I won't like you anymore! Hmph!" Hearing this made Lachlan break out in a sweat.

This little girl had completely betrayed him! And what did she mean by doing bad things? The ungrateful child didn't know that he was doing everything for her sake?

Lachlan dutifully went to the kitchen to wash the dishes and came out to spend an hour watching TV with the two of them. Then, the three of them went for a stroll around the neighborhood for half a day. Upon returning, as soon as Lachlan entered his room, he exclaimed, "Huh?" He closed the door with a look of surprise and after sniffing the air, his expression became somewhat peculiar.

Although his room appeared unchanged and had been restored to its original state by Miranda, Lachlan's senses couldn't overlook the lingering aura left by her.

"Has Miranda been in my room?" Lachlan muttered to himself and then quickly stepped into the study.

After a moment, Lachlan sat there with the diary in front of him, along with the Dragon-shaped Jade Pendant that had turned grayish-white. Although Miranda had returned everything to its place, Lachlan still knew that things had been tampered with. He even distinctly saw a tear stain on one page of the diary.

Miranda had read his mother's diary!

In other words, she knew some things.

Lachlan couldn't help but sigh helplessly. Finally, he understood why she had been acting strange tonight.

"Honey, why did you have to know?" he said with a bitter smile. "This is something between my daughter and me... it has nothing to do with you."

Lachlan sighed again.

The next moment, he directly placed the Dragon-shaped Jade Pendant and his mother's diary into a mustard seed bag to avoid any further complications.


The reclusive Wood family!

Inside a conference hall!

A corpse was prominently placed on the floor. If it wasn't Verdant Pine, then who could it be?Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

The body had been sent back by the people from the Hudpids Sect, considering that he died not far from Hudpids Village.

The atmosphere in the conference hall was heavy.

Verdant Pine's head had been smashed open, which made his death all the more humiliating and gruesome.

The Wood family's patriarch and other core members had grim expressions.

"The matter has been investigated thoroughly! Verdant Pine was killed by Landon from the Graham family, and the one who actually made the move is a mysterious old man!" said Trace Wood, the patriarch of the Wood family, in a cold voice.

Although the body had just been returned, news of Verdant Pine's death had long reached the reclusive Wood family.

Over the past few days, the Wood family had gathered information from various sources, and they had already grasped the details of the incident from other noble families participating in the Clan Grand Competition.

After all, when Verdant Pine intercepted Lachlan, there were also members of the Black Moon Cult and others passing by. Those people witnessed what happened.

"How is it possible? How can the Graham family, a small family, have someone capable of killing a Golden Core expert?" one elder couldn't believe it.

"Yeah! How could the Graham family have such a powerful individual? They killed a Golden Core expert with a single slap? This kind of strength must be at least Nascent Soul Realm," another person analyzed.

Trace nodded, "Indeed! The previous reclusive Graham family didn't have such existence, and the current Graham family is even less likely. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been suppressed like this over the years!"

"So, there are two possibilities now!"

At this point, he paused, his tone becoming solemn. "First, that Landon is not actually a descendant of the Graham family. It's strange to think that such a monster could appear from a declining ordinary ancient martial family. It's possible that he is a genius from another powerful Ancient Martial Forces who is pretending to be a descendant of the Graham family. That's why there are strong cultivators above the Nascent Soul realm secretly protecting him. The second

possibility is that the mysterious old man accidentally killed Verdant Pine.

According to the information I gathered, this mysterious old man had appeared in the Sacred Medicine Valley of the Hudpids Sect. At that time, he was confused and had no self-awareness. So, it's

possible that this crazy old man attacked Verdant Pine not to protect Landon but as an unconscious act

of misfortune for Verdant Pine."

Upon hearing this, everyone present nodded in agreement. Indeed, these seemed to be the two most likely possibilities.

Continuing, Trace said, "Regardless,

our family has lost an elder, and we cannot simply let this go. If we don't react, no one will take us seriously n the future. That's why I'm sending people to Edoland to investigate this matter thoroughly. Especially to find out more about Landon. Of course, this mission may come with some risks. So, who among you is willing to go?"

As the words fell, the elders and guardians of the family present fell into silence, their faces changing uncertainly. This was not an easy task. If there was indeed a mysterious old man protecting Landon, they might end up being slapped to death as well.

"This mission is not about directly

attacking Landon but merely investigating him. Although there are risks, they are not that extreme. Do you all want me, as the patriarch, t personally take action? Or do you

want our family to become a

laughingstock among the reclusive sects?" Trace asked with a furrowed


Upon hearing this, an elderly man in his sixties or seventies stood up. He bore some resemblance to Verdant Pine and had a similar appearance.

"Very well! We'll leave it to Semaj," Trace said, a smile appearing on his face. The person who stood up was none other than Verdant Pine's younger brother, Semaj Wood, also a strong cultivator at the early Golden Core stage.

Of course! Since Verdant Pine had been killed, who else but his own brother would go?

"Don't worry, Mr. Wood! I will investigate thoroughly. If Landon is truly a descendant of another powerful faction, so be it. But if it's the second possibility, I will make sure he has no place to be buried and avenge my brother's death!" Semaj declared with determination.

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