Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 433 Fooled Over
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Chapter 433 Fooled Over

Chapter 433 Fooled Over

Next, Lightless took out his specialized satellite phone and had Black Star give it to Victoria so she could contact Lachlan.

Lightless could see right through Victoria's thoughts, but he wasn't in a rush to kill anyone just yet.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Lachlan had returned home after seeing Nora off and was practicing various moves in his large courtyard

In his hand was none other than the Glacial River Dragon Sparrow Blade, which he swung through empty space with each strike.

His swordsmanship was powerful and exquisite; every strike carried an aura that seemed capable of splitting mountains

The technique he was practicing at this moment was called "Sky-Cleaving Startled Swan,” a move that consisted of nine different sword techniques.

He had selected this move from among his inherited memories since he now possessed the Divine Weapon known as Glacial River Dragon SparrowBlade and infused it with his own soul. It required a corresponding sword technique to match its power.

From first to ninth style, Sky-Cleaving Startled Swan’s power increased gradually. The first strike alone packed thirty percent more force thanLachlan’s usual attacks. By the fifth strike, its strength doubled; by eighth strike tripled; and by ninth became five times stronger than normal attacks!

However, using Sky-Cleaving Startled Swan consumed an enormous amount of energy!

With Lachlan's current level of cultivation and strength. if he were to execute five strikes starting from first style consecutively, then all energy withinhis field elixir would be depleted instantly!

At first, Lachlan's movements were a bit awkward and stiff, but after repeating them several times, he had already grasped the essence of the Sky-Cleaving Startled Swan technique.

The understanding of swordsmanship largely depended on the control of the "sword."

When a warrior reached the state of “unity of man and sword,” learning any sword technique became much easier.

For Lachlan, the Glacial River Dragon Sparrow Blade, infused with his own "sword soul,” was like an extension of his body.The moment Lachlan grasped the Divine Weapon in his hand, he naturally entered a state of unity between man and sword.At that moment, his phone, which was in the pocket of the clothes he had taken off, began to ring urgently.

He glanced at it and saw an unfamiliar number.

Without much thought, Lachlan answered, "Who is this?"

"I'm Victoria. Come to the old mansion. I've already arranged the share transfer contract. Once Emmanuel signs it, we can proceed."Victoria's voice carried a hint of bitterness, seeming very unwilling

Upon hearing this, Lachlan responded with a teasing tone, "So fast?"

Ha. so she's afraid of dying after all!

She's in a hurry for me to help her solve the crisis, huh?

"Didn't you ask me to come as soon as possible?" Victoria snorted coldly and hung up the phone.

Unfazed, Lachlan called his father-in-law and went to pick him up to head to the Lowe Residence

Upon hearing that Victoria was so forthcoming, Lachlan's mother-in-law, Cara, was somewhat surprised and expressed her desire to go along as well,curious to see how Victoria's face would look so displeased.

Knowing Cara’s desire to vent her frustrations, Lachlan naturally obliged his mother-in-law's request and drove her there.

Victoria, leading the rest of the Lowe family, stood outside the gates of the old mansion, facing Lightless and the other two

Perhaps it would be inappropriate to say they were confronting each other. To be precise, they were like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered,awaiting their judgment.

Every second felt like an agonizing torment to them."Dad, do you think Lachlan will come?" Harlow and Romeo, father and daughter, were hiding at the back of the crowdHarlow lowered her voice and asked.

Romeo nodded. "He definitely will. He doesn't know that something has gone wrong here. He probably thinks it's about Victoria transferring hershares.”

Harlow nodded, her emotions conflicted as she asked, "Do you think Lachlan can handle these people?"Upon hearing that, Romeo sighed. "The President of the NC Organization is here. I'm afraid Lachlan... is doomed."Harlow's face turned pale at his words!

Although she had always hated him to the core, at this moment. she truly hoped that Lachlan could be even more impressive.

Perhaps because the waiting timewas too > agonizing, Victoria looked atLightlesS and asked sternly, ' ‘Are-youthe President of the NC .Organization? I wonder, whatkind ofStrength do you possess?” Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org ~

Lightless looked at her mockingly, a cold smile appearing on his face.

“Old lady, I knw what you'rethinking, but fet me make it clear foryou. You cargive up any hope. Evenif Lachlag iS powerful, he will neverbe myf raatch! A Grandmaster-levelpowelfiouse like him would be.crustied with a single slap from me!You ordinary mortals canevenbegin to imagine my strength."Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Upon hearing this, Victoria's expression changed, and then she let out a few hoarse laughs.


"I have lived for so many years, and it's worth it even if I die! It's enough to drag that guy down before I die!"Just then, a Jeep Wrangler slowly drove up.

Seeing a car arriving, everyone's gaze was immediately drawn to it

In the car were none other than Lachlan and his companions

From a distance, they could already see the situation with the Lowe family.

Emmanuel and Cara, sitting in the back seat, wore expressions of astonishment and uncertainty upon seeing the scene.At the entrance of the old mansion, a row of bodies was unexpectedly laid out

Standing there were three figures, emanating a fierce and unfriendly aura.

Inside the old mansion gate, the Lowe family members appeared anxious and fearful.

Just by looking at this scene, one could tell that something serious was amiss.

“Lachlan, something's wrong here! We need to leave quickly!” Cara urgently reminded from the back

“Don't worry. I can handle it.”Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

From afar, Lachlan recognized Black Star and Lightless, causing a meaningful expression to appear on his face.Hearing Lachlan's words and sensing his calmness, Emmanuel and Cara felt a slight reassurance in their hearts.At this point, they had developed an inexplicable trust in their son-in-law.

Since their son-in-law said it was fine, then it should be fine...

But in the next moment, Cara suddenly realized something and her face showed a strong sense of anger.

Victoria ligd to you and your Nfather- in-faw, saying it was abouts”transferring shares, but it was ?cleady a setup! That cunning-andmalicious old hag} It infuriates me!”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Emmanuel also realized this and his face turned sour. He sat there in silence.

Lachlan smiled, and at that moment. he drove the car directly to the entrance of the Lowe Residence and finally came to a stop.

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