Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 430 Came So Fast
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Chapter 430 Came So Fast

Chapter 430 Came So Fast

A few days ago, Summer returned to the Willis family in hiding.

The last time she tried to seduce Lachlan, she almost got killed and had to reveal some secrets to stay alive. This made Summer realize that shecouldn't control Lachlan and it was unlikely that she would get any further information about the Dragon-shaped Jade Pendant from him

So, she returned to the Willis family and reported some half-truths and half-lies before seeking out Wicked Bone.

Wicked Bone was quite fond of Summer as both his lover and disciple. Especially since she was skilled in sorcery which made their time togethereven more enjoyable.

Just then, Summer's phone rang and when she saw who was calling. her eyebrows raised in surprise.“Is it him?" muttered Summer.

"Who is he?" asked Wicked Bone as he sat up

“It's exactly what I told you, that Lachlan!" said Summer.

"Oh? The ancient traitor of the family?”

“Exactly,” replied Summer.

Upon hearing this, Wicked Bone's face lit up with interest.

After Summer returned, she talked to him about Lachlan and wanted Wicked Bone to help her control him, to extract the truth about the whereabouts.of the Dragon-shaped Jade Pendant from his mouth.

Whens he picked up the phone, Summer chuckled with a seductive voice.

"Isn't this Lachlan? Why did you suddenly decide to call me?" she asked with interest.

She thought that after he resisted her enchantment and broke the spell she placed on him last time, he wouldn't contact her again.

"My daughter fell ill again!" Lachlan said with a somber tone.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Upon hearing this, Summer quipped, "Oh? How does my relationship with your daughter have anything to do with her illness? I can't help her either.”

Lachlan took a deep breath and asked in a low voice, "My daughter's illness this time has prolonged, and she has regained a slight awareness. Doyou know what will happen after this curse? Is it possible that the duration of her illness will increase, and she will become more and moreconscious?"

Summer pondered for a moment and said lightly, “It seems that the curse of the ancient Willis family does indeed work that way. Your daughter willbecome more and more tormented."

Upon hearing this, Lachlan felt as if a huge hammer had struck his heart mercilessly.

"Then... do you have any solutions? I don't expect the curse to be completely lifted, but do you know any methods to alleviate my daughter'ssuffering? To stop the curse from worsening?”

He called Summer with a glimmer of hope.So far, only this woman knew about Nora's curse. Lachlan himself learned about it from her.

One could say that Summer, as a descendant of a collateral branch of the ancient Willis family, was currently the person who understood this cursethe most.

Although he regarded this woman as treacherous, Lachlan had no choice but to seek her advice.

Summer's face showed a hint of mockery upon hearing his words. She exchanged a glance with Wicked Bone.

"It seems... there might be a way! But I can't explain it over the phone. How about this, I'll come to see you in a few days!""Good! Please come as soon as possible.”

Upon hearing this, Lachlan's eyes lit up.

Although he was cautious of Summer and held some doubts about her words, when it came to Nora, he was willing to try even if there was a glimmerof hope.

After hanging up the phone, Summer couldn't help but laugh with a mischievous expression on her face.

Thinking about the day she had willingly offered herself to Lachlan, wanting to have a relationship with him but ended up being humiliated, Summerfelt a burning hatred.

Unexpectedly, now that guy turned around and came begging to her.


Watch how I manipulate you

"Summer, are you going to Edoland again?" asked Wicked Bone.

Summer, nestled in his arms, playfully replied, "This time I need you to come with me. I can't handle that guy on my own!”

Upon hearing this, Wicked Bone squinted his eyes and once again refused Summer.

"No, I can't gorto Edoland with you.Otherwise, the family will surelysuspect usCu rently, only the twq->of us know that Nikolas fled thereand went into hiding. We mustotlet th@ family, or even the ancientWikis family, suspect us. "Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ?

The expression on Wicked Bone's face was serious.Both he and Summer desired the Dragon-shaped Jade Pendant and had their own plans.Summer could only nod and say, "Alright then, I'll have to figure it out myself!”

Thinking to herself, she mused, "That guy Lachlan is desperate now, searching for a way to alleviate his daughter's suffering. Perhaps... I can use thisto my advantage."

In the morning, Victoria had someone handle various procedures to prepare for the transfer of shares, aiming to transfer everything to Emmanuel assoon as possible.

At the same time, she sent outnotifications to-everyone in the Lowefamily, including those fromcolla eralYsranches, the mainexecutives, shareholders, andbusiness partners of the Lowewfamily's industry. The notificationinformed them that there weuld be avery important family meetingtonight and that everyone mustattend. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org


By noon, the contracts for the share transfer had been printed and were in Victoria's hands. She planned to contact Lachlan directly in the afternoon

Victoria was having lunch in her room, accompanied by Romeo and Owen among others. Today, whether Victoria cooperated or not would potentiallydetermine the survival of the Lowe family and their fate.

It was worth mentioning that Lachlan himself didn't need to worry about this matter...

The Lowe family members who were concerned about Victoria gathered around to keep an eye on her and Emmanuel, afraid that she might suddenlychange her mind.

"Mom, after giving up your shares and position as the head of the family, what are your plans?" Romeco asked tentatively.

"What other plans can there be? When the time comes, I'll have nothing to de and will leave Edoland to visit some famous scenic spots,” Victoriareplied casually.

That was her plan all along!

Once the shares were transferred,she would essentially removeherself from this matter and leave-~Edoland as soon as possible. LettheNC Organization come to wipeoutthe Kowe family, they could deal withhereldest son and Lachlan.-Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ?

"We'll accompany you!" Harlow and Romeo exchanged glances and smiled.

Victoria snorted, "No need! I'll have a few bodyguards and servants accompany me. You young ones have important matters to attend to!”Before anyone else could say anything, a loud bang suddenly resounded.

At that moment, Charlie, who had just recovered from his injuries and was standing guard at the door, ran in with a pale face.

"Mrs. Lowe, it's not good! The people from the NC Organization... have arrived!"

As soon as the words fell, the faces of everyone present changed, showing a deep sense of panic and astonishment.

How did they arrive so quickly? Yesterday, the incident occurred, and today they come to kill?

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