Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 410 What Do You Think?
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Chapter 410 What Do You Think?

Chapter 410 What Do You Think?

Lachlan was pleasantly surprised to find that, in addition to a significant increase in his absolute strength, the Pulse of the Earth bloodline awakeningtechnique had also been strengthened and upgraded.

It now had an effect that increased gravity by ten times!When using this technique, Lachlan could apply ten times the normal gravity on his enemies while dealing them terrifying damage.

At first, Lachlan thought that this upgrade was somewhat useless. Ten times gravity? What was so special about it? He believed he could handle tentimes his own weight without any problems due to his strength. However, upon further reflection, he realized just how powerful this upgrade reallywas.

For cultivators like himself who were not yet at the Nascent Soul Realm level, their internal organs were relatively fragile compared to their skin andmuscles.

Therefore when Pulse of the Earth was used on an enemy, their internal organs would directly bear ten times more weight than usual and suffersevere damage as a result. Additionally, during combat with someone affected by this technique their speed would be impacted as well

In high-level battles such as these, even small mistakes can determine life or death outcomes; therefore Lachlan felt satisfied after considering allthese factors.

The only drawback was that, after upgrading Pulse of the Earth, casting it would consume all of Lachian’s true energy. This forced him to use itcautiously.

Unless it was a matter of life and death, this divine ability couldn't be used casually.

"Big Lizard, until we meet again!" Lachlan smiled at the Fire Giant Lizard, knowing it was time for him to go.

This time, his goal was not only the divine medicine but also a certain reward from the personal trial, which he was determined to obtain.Above the volcano!

Everyone sat there, continuously absorbing the black mist, diligently practicing.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org


“Did the medicinal aura disappear so quickly?”

"Why do I feel so uncomfortable, and my head is heavy?"

They sensed that the foul-smelling black mist had disappeared, feeling somewhat unsatisfied and regretful.

However, the next moment. these young powerhouses from various families and sects found that their condition was not quite right."Why do I feel so uncomfortable?"

Phoebe, already severely injured, looked even more pale, with a hint of black mist

"Me too..."

"Ugh!" Benjamin shook his head, then vomited. feeling waves of discomfort. Others also felt physically uncomfortable, dizzy, and nauseous.Savannah's situation was slightly better; because she had reservations about these people, she didn't dare to focus on meditation.However, after inhaling the black mist for such a long time, she also felt a bit uncomfortable, but her condition was relatively mild."What's going on?"

"Could it be that the medicinal power of the divine medicine is too strong, and our bodies can't digest it for a while?" Theodore asked in confusion."Probably! Once we go back and digest this medicinal power, our strength will definitely improve!" Nathaniel nodded, analyzing the situation seriously."Right, that's the logic. It's like getting drunk on good wine.”

“Damn, the medicinal fragrance of this divine medicine is quite overwhelming." Finn took another deep breath and smacked his lips.Swish!

At this moment, a figure jumped out from inside the volcano, landing steadily on the ground.

The whole person exuded a powerful and profound aura.


Seeing this figure, everyone present opened their mouths wide, showing expressions of disbelief.

"Landon!" Phoebe exclaimed, her pretty face filled with astonishment.

Benjamin and the others were equally shocked beyond measure.

Savannah's expression was full of surprise and excitement.

Lachlan actually made it up?

He really survived?

“Everyone, is it so surprising to see me?" Lachlan, observing their expressions, chuckled with amusement.

"How... how can you still be alive? Weren't you killed by that Otherworldly Beast?" Benjamin asked with suspicion and astonishment."Who told you I was killed by the Otherworldly Beast?" Lachlan countered.

"You fell and there was no movement. Didn't the Otherworldly Beast kill you instantly?” Phoebe inquired.

"Hehe, you're thinking too much. Notonly did that,Otherworldly Beast notattack me, but italso took meto xpick the divine medicine! Let me tellyou some bad news-l've brokenthrough!" Lachlan said, scanning theaudience and revealing a sinistersfMile. Content belongs taNovelDrama.Org

Looking at these young experts, equally formidable, he seemed to regard them as prey and fat lambs"You broke through?” Phoebe's face showed shock and despair.

The Lachlan before the breakthrough was already formidable, and after the breakthrough, he was even more formidable, beyond the reach of thesepeople.

Hearing this, the others' faces changed unpredictably, showing deep fear and panic in their eyes.

Savannah looked at Lachlan with a complex expression.

“Of course! The feeling of breakingthrough is really cool! When I brokethrough justhow, I expelled toxins .accumulated in my body for manytyears. Bidn't you on top smell anstrongStench? Lachlan said with asrairk, deliberately teasing them withthe I fascinating expressiofs on theirfaces. Content belongs to


Especially Phoebe! As his words fell, everyone thought of something, and their faces twitched.

"What did you say? The foul-smelling black mist just now was the toxins expelled from your body?" Phoebe asked with a blackened face"Yes! What else could it be?" Lachlan raised an eyebrow.

At this moment, he made a thoughtful sound and carefully observed the expressions of the people.

Suddenly, their expressions turned strange. "We thought...”"Ugh!"


Next, a series of vomiting sounds echoed one after another.

Everyone felt a surge in their stomachs.

Phoebe, who was already severelyinjured, was.tiow vomiting blood, stilldesperately trying to expel the Scontents-The beautiful young =mistress stared at Lachlan with-eyesfullefembarrassment and ¢indignation. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org 4

The others also felt a desire for death. Savannah glared at Lachlan hatefully, her face turning liver-colored.

So, the black mist they inhaled wasn't some "medicinal fragrance” at all, but the impurities expelled by Lachlan? They were all driven insane by hisfart?

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