Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 408 Can He Still Come Up?
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Chapter 408 Can He Still Come Up?

Chapter 408 Can He Still Come Up?

This crazy old man was extremely fast. As he rushed towards Lachlan, his figure turned into a blur and easily avoided Lachlan's punch.Boom!

The next moment, the dirty body directly collided with Lachlan.

Lachlan groaned and felt like he had been hit by a planet. He almost spat out blood.

His body lost balance and flew backwards!

And behind him was the smoky, hot volcanic crater.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Everyone present watched as Lachlan, who had just seemed invincible moments ago, was knocked into the volcano without any doubt.��Hahaha, so much fun!"

"Really fun!"

"Fell in... hehehe...��

After knocking Lachlan in, the crazy old man danced around and clapped his hands in excitement.


The next second, everyone's faces twitched as they retreated back with horror. They seemed afraid of becoming the next unlucky person to bethrown in there.

But after knocking down Lachlan into the volcano, it seemed like the crazy old man lost interest in everyone else too. He left while still laughingcrazily.

Phoebe's expression looked strange on her face - she couldn't tell if she should feel relieved or what...

She had prepared herself to fight alongside Lachlan until death but now he was knocked down by an insane old man?

Was this divine intervention?

And how could such a crazy and powerful old man appear inside Sacred Medicine Valley? She never heard any of her elders mention him before...The one with the most unsightly expression among the onlookers was undoubtedly Savannah.

She never expected that, just as Lachlan demonstrated his formidable strength, even overpowering Phoebe, a terrifying old lunatic would suddenlyappear. How could the situation take such a turn?

In the next moment, everyone realized something was amiss and gathered by the edge of the volcano, carefully listening to the commotion below.Did Lachlan fall? With his strength. perhaps he could restrain the Otherworldly Beast. Could they take advantage of this opportunity?

However, to their surprise, the expected intense battle below never materialized. Phoebe's expression flickered, "What's going on? No sounds?"��Did Landon... get directly killed?�� Theodore suggested.

"Quite likely! The aura emitted by those Otherworldly Beasts is at least at the late stage of Core Formation. Although Landon could defeat MissBishop, it's not an instant kill. So, he couldn't have crossed an entire major realm to defeat the late stage of Core Formation!" Nathaniel explained

"What should we do? If he was torn apart by the Ctherworldly Beasts, wouldn't we face the same fate if we go down?" Finn voiced concern. "Doesn'tthat divine herb become unreachable for us?"

With a thud, Lachlan fell heavily below the volcano, landing in a state of disarray. A scorching sensation on his back prompted him to quickly get up,using his true energy to resist the surrounding heat.

Looking upward, all he saw was smoke, and he could faintly make out the volcano's mouth. Below his feet was a blackened patch of ground, onlyabout twenty meters square, surrounded by the billowing red-hot magma.

The ambient temperature had undoubtedly exceeded a hundred degrees Celsius. For an ordinary person, falling into such an environment would leadto a swift and thorough cooking. However, for Lachlan, at the late stage of Uppecia, it wasn't particularly challenging.

However, at this moment, the magma violently churned in a certain direction. The next second, a colossal figure emerged from the molten rock.

Lachlan's pupils contracted, asolemn expression on his face as herecalled the formidable OtherworldlyBeast lurking below. This particularcreatur@ resembled a lizard, coveredin thisk, fiery red scales. Let�� Sstemporarily call it the Fire GiantLizard. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Its two bright red eyes were fixed directly on Lachlan, radiating a greedy and bloodthirsty gleam. A fierce aura seemed to rush towards him.With a close encounter, Lachlan could confirm that this creature's strength was definitely beyond the late stage of Core Formation.��Damn it, that crazy old man!��

"He's trying to kill me!��

Lachlan cursed through grittedteeth, ready to'engage inalife-and-death battle with the Fire ~Giant Lizard. However, at this ==moment, as he emitted his powerfulauraspreparing for the fight, the FireGiant Lizard unexpectedly let out afew "whimpers." Content.belongs toNovelDrama.Org

The next second, it behaved like a submissive dog, lying down on the ground. Its massive body trembled as if in fear. Lachlan, observing this, wasmomentarily stunned, his expression becoming extremely peculiar.

"What's going on?"

The Fire Giant Lizard, possessing considerable strength, seemed to have its own intelligence. In response to Lachlan's words, it whimpered as ifacknowledging them.

"Aren't you going to fight me?"The arched eyebrowed, Lachlan askedWhimper..

The Fire Giant Lizard emitted another low sound, and its immensely thick tail swayed slightly. It remained prostrate on the ground, clearly displaying asubmissive posture.

Lachlan��s face flickered, and he couldn't help but speculate. Could it be that the aura emanating from him, thanks to inheriting the Dragon Ancestor'sremnants through the Dragon-shaped Jade Pendant, instilled a sense of awe in Otherworldly Beasts?

"Alright, get up!""I came here to find a divine herb. Do you know where it is?�� Lachlan tried asking

The Fire Giant Lizard did seem to understand Lachlan����s intention. Its massive body turned slightly, presenting its back to Lachlan. In that manner, itwas indicating Lachlan to climb on.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Lachlan jumped up. The next moment, the Fire Giant Lizard swam back into the magma.

A few minutes later, on a wall inside the mountain, a divine herb resembling Lingzhi unexpectedly grew. Lachlan��s eyes lit up. revealing a look ofecstatic joy.

He could sense.a dense spiritualenergy mixedin the heat waves,rushing tewards him. The rich ��spiritual �nergy emanating from thisdivine Herb, just on the surfaces»hinted at its potency. Lachlan.knewthat-absorbing its essence wouldbfing remarkable effects,Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Moments later...

Others stood outside the volcano, still carefully listening to the commotion below.

"From falling down until now, there hasn't been any sound of battle! It seems like Landon is done for! Tut tut..."Finn sneered, a touch of schadenfreude in his tone.

Shaking his head, Nathaniel sighed, "If Landon is truly finished, it seems we're all out of luck with this divine herb.��Hearing this, Phoebe frowned, a hint of reluctance in her eyes.

Benjamin sneered, "Miss Bishop, there��s no need for such reluctance. You should be grateful. Otherwise, you would either be forced to jump down orend up dead at Landon's hands!"

"Everyone, since Landon is already done for, I think it's time to settle some other matters, don't you agree?"

At this point, Theodore looked at Savannah with a malicious intent. Hearing this, the others also stared at the talented young lady from the Grahamfamily with unfriendly glares.

"What do you think you're doing? Landon might not be dead yet. If you dare touch me, he'll definitely kill you when he comes up!" Savannah'sexpression changed abruptly, issuing a warning with a mix of firmness and uncertainty.

"Hahaha, dreaming, aren't you? He��s still alive?"

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