Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 396 Do You Think You’Re Funny?
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Chapter 396 Do You Think You'Re Funny?

Chapter 396 Do You Think You're Funny?

At 8 am, everyone who was supposed to be there had already arrived! At this moment, Isabel andrepresentatives from other hidden forces were standing on the high platform as judges.

In addition, standing next to Isabel was a stunning figure. It was none other than Phoebe, thebeautiful young master of Hudpids Sect!

Phoebe was dressed in combat gear today and carried a long sword emitting an aura of sharpness.

"Phoebe will also participate in today's personal ranking trial. However, she won't harm anyoneunless necessary," announced Isabel.

Upon hearing this announcement, the faces of all the participants turned slightly serious. EspeciallyBenjamin from Golden Blade Sect and Finn from the Wynter family; they both had early CoreFormation strength and believed that they could compete for first place today. But with Phoebejoining in as another strong opponent, their hopes of winning first place became slim.

Furthermore, Nathaniel from Black Moon Cult also looked gloomy upon hearing this news.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Isabel continued to talk about other matters after announcing this news. She only made anannouncement without seeking agreement or consent from any participant since it was organizedby Hudpids Sect; their rules were absolute.

Next, Hudpids Sect presented the prizes for this competition. The first-place reward was a divinesword named Frost Soul Divine Sword, emitting a substantial chill that clearly marked it as anextraordinary weapon.

"This Frost Soul Divine Sword has already developed a sword spirit, making it the reward for thefirst place in this ranking!" Isabel declared, drawing the sword.

Then, she glanced at Phoebe beside her, and Phoebe responded with a smile, showing a hint ofexpectation.

Everyone's gaze turned fiery as they looked at this sword with inherent icy properties, especiallysince it already had a sword spirit.

A weapon, once it possessed spirituality, ceased to be lifeless. After nurturing and becoming familiarwith it, the weapon could synchronize with its master's intentions, unleashing more terrifying powerin battle. It might even evolve additional abilities and divine powers.

Despite the envy in everyone's eyes, they knew that the ownership of the Frost Soul Divine Swordhad already been decided. Common sense told them it was prepared as a trial reward for theHudpids Sect's young master.

At this moment, Isabel took out another treasure-a sword. With a length of a meter and a half, itexuded an ancient and sturdy aura.

"This Glacier River Dragon Sparrow Blade, like the Frost Soul Divine Sword just now, is also craftedfrom thousand-year cold iron. In terms of material and craftsmanship, it is on par with the Frost SoulDivine Sword, but it lacks a weapon spirit. Nevertheless, it is still a rare divine weapon, and in thefuture, it may also develop a blade spirit. This sword is the additional reward for the second-placeranking!" Isabel explained, stirring another wave of eager looks.

Following that, she revealed the third to fifth prizes: a powerful martial technique, an Uppecia Pillthat could aid practitioners in breaking through to the Core Formation Realm, and a protective bodyarmor.

Apart from these, the top three participants from each family or independent cultivators also had theopportunity to join Hudpids Sect and become disciples of this secluded sect.

As for participants beyond the fifth place, there were no additional rewards.

Savannah stood beside Lachlan at this moment, silently repeating to herself, "Top three, I mustsecure a spot in the top three! Joining Hudpids Sect!"

This talented girl from the Graham family saw things clearly. Although the Graham family managedto retain its aristocratic status in this Clan Grand Competition, there was no guarantee they wouldbe as fortunate in the subsequent competitions. Especially if the one hosting the Clan GrandCompetition was the secluded Wood family, the Graham family would face even greater risks.

However, if she could join Hudpids Sect and become one of its disciples, it would mean that theGraham family had affiliated with this secluded sect. If the secluded Wood family or the ancientmartial Wood family dared to make a move against the Graham family, they would have to weightheir decisions carefully.

While it was said that the top three participants could qualify for joining Hudpids Sect, it practicallymeant the second and third places.

Phoebe was practically guaranteed first place, having already been Hudpids Sect's young master.Therefore, Savannah had to compete fiercely for either the second or third place.

However, apart from Phoebe, this trial also included two Core Formation experts, Benjamin andFinn. The possibility of Savannah achieving her goal would undoubtedly be quite low.

"What about you?" Savannah turned her head towards Lachlan and asked. In her eyes, Lachlan'sparticipation seemed like a mere formality, perhaps to collect some herbs casually.

However, at this moment, Lachlan's starry eyes were fixed on the Glacier River Dragon SparrowBlade on the high platform, where golden brilliance flickered.

"As for me? At least I'm aiming for second place!" Upon hearing this, Savannah was momentarilystunned and then displayed an expression of speechlessness, accompanied by a dismissive sound.

"Landon, do you think you're quite humorous?" she commented with a smirk.

"Hehe..." Lachlan shrugged.

"Now, all participants, follow me. Before entering the Sacred Medicine Valley, no loud noises ordisputes are allowed. Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!" Isabel declared, then gracefullydescended from the high platform and walked towards the depths of the Hudpids Sect domain.

The participating contestants, including Lachlan, followed suit without daring to be negligent,maintaining a respectful silence.

Arlo shot a cold glance at Lachlan but refrained from saying anything. Killing this guy wasn't urgent;they could settle things in the Sacred Medicine Valley.

Following Isabel and other members of Hudpids Sect, the group passed through the sect's buildingsand continued toward the sect's rear mountain.

Lachlan hadn't anticipated that the sect's domain would be so vast. The initial path was relativelyflat, but after traversing more than twenty miles, they entered a mountainous area.

After walking for a while, a cliff face appeared in front of them.

Isabel stopped and pressed a few times on the cliff. Suddenly, an elliptical light screen, over twometers tall and more than a meter wide, appeared on the cliff.

"Sacred Medicine Valley is a secluded realm isolated from the outside world, and it can only beopened once every three years. You are lucky to have caught it this time, leading to the individualranking trial. However, whether it's good fortune or misfortune for each of you depends on your owndestiny. Only those with strength below the Golden Core Realm can enter Sacred Medicine Valley.Once inside, if any danger arises, rescue will be impossible. The realm will automatically close atsunset today, and you will be transported out. Now is your last chance to reconsider. If anyonewants to give up, leave now."

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