Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 391 Victoria’S Invitation
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Chapter 391 Victoria'S Invitation

Chapter 391 Victoria's Invitation

And on the other side at this moment!


Mason was practicing boxing in his underground arena with Dennis accompanying him.


Mason, who used to look down on physical strength, suddenly swept his leg fiercely onto Dennis'arm while he was holding protective gear.

Lachlan "customized" cultivation techniques tailored to Dennis and Mason's trusted subordinates'needs. Currently, Dennis had made a breakthrough in strength and reached the level ofTransmutation Force.

If they were to encounter the "Wild Wolf" from the NC Organization now, the outcome would beuncertain.

However, at this moment, Mason kicked him back a step.

"Mason, you're amazing! You've already reached Dark Force? Mr. Willis must have given youhigher-level techniques compared to what he gave us," Dennis complimented, giving a thumbs-upto his boss.

Mason had recently shown signs of being obsessed with martial arts. Coupled with his decentaptitude, along with the assistance of supplements like the Tempering Body Pill and Meridian-Opening Pill that Lachlan had given him, he had become a master of Dark Force.

Mason smirked and replied, "Of course, he's my brother-in-law! But the techniques he designed foryou guys aren't that far off. It's probably because you haven't been diligent in your training lately."

Mason spoke the truth. Dennis couldn't spend all his time practicing; he and the other subordinateshad to help Mason manage their operations.

"And stop flattering me! I'm only at the Dark Force level. Can I even kick you?"

"You brat..."

Mason pointed at Dennis and laughed, teasing him.

Dennis chuckled awkwardly, saying, "You're the boss."

At that moment, Mason's phone, which was tucked in his nearby clothes, rang. Dennis handed it tohim.

Surprisingly, it was a call from Victoria.

A hint of doubt flashed across Mason's face. He gestured to Dennis to leave before answering thecall.


Although there had been many disagreements between his family and Victoria, Mason, raised withstrict manners, respectfully greeted her.

"Mason, how about having dinner with me tonight?"

Victoria's tone seemed filled with kindness.

Upon hearing this, Mason was momentarily stunned. "Grandma, what are you saying?"

"I said I miss you. How about joining me for dinner tonight..."Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Victoria's voice remained calm.

"Ah? Grandma, is everything alright? Is something wrong?" Mason asked, puzzled.

Victoria sighed, her voice tinged with regret and emotion. "Nothing's wrong! Maybe it's just becauseI'm getting older. The heart becomes more fragile. Lately, I've been thinking a lot and realized thatwe're still family after all. At six o'clock tonight, in the private room on the top floor of the Lowe'sGrand Hotel, I will be waiting for you. Oh, by the way, don't tell your parents and sister yet. Yourmother and sister hold misunderstandings and resentments towards me, and I'm afraid they won'tcome, or worse, they might stop you. You come first, and let's resolve our past misunderstandings.I'm counting on you to help me persuade them. When I grow old, especially after I nearly died lasttime, I start to see things differently. It's best for a family to be united, harmonious, and peaceful."

Victoria's tone then changed. "Mason, you're not angry with me and refusing to come, are you?"

As Mason listened to Victoria's weak and elderly voice on the phone, he felt a tinge of sadness inhis nose. Memories of his childhood with Victoria playing with him flashed through his mind.

"Why would I be angry, Grandma? I'm overjoyed that you've opened up! I can't wait to see you!"Mason's voice trembled with a hint of choking.

"Good, I'll be there tonight."

Mason's voice carried a touch of emotion as he spoke.

"Good... Good..."

Victoria seemed extremely relieved and happy upon hearing Mason's agreement. After hanging upthe phone, Mason took a deep breath and composed himself. Although Victoria's words had stirred

up some emotions, he still felt a sense of doubt deep down.

Grandma, what is she up to?

Thinking about the things Victoria had done to his family, especially to his sister and brother-in-law,Mason couldn't fully trust her words about reconciling.

On the other hand, inside the Lowe Residence...

"Mom, how did it go? Did that brat Mason agree?" Romeo and Harlow eagerly asked, their facesfilled with anticipation.

A sly smile appeared on Victoria's face as she replied, "He agreed! As a grandmother, if I say so,how could he refuse? Heh, Emmanuel and his family values relationships the most. As long as I'mwilling to make amends, anything is possible."

"Haha, that's great!" Romeo exclaimed with a smile.

Harlow clapped her hands and said, "He's so gullible, falling for a few casual words every time!"

Victoria let out a few cold laughs, her face filled with satisfaction.

It had to be said that some people in this world were despicable and heartless. Victoria herself knewthat the Emmanuel family valued relationships deeply, yet she didn't cherish or maintain thatprecious family bond. Instead, she used their strong emotions and loyalty to repeatedly hurt anddeceive them.

Why? She knew that Lachlan possessed great strength and could single-handedly take on all theexperts of the Lowe family, yet she continued to target Emmanuel's family without any restraint.

That was because she knew that Emmanuel's family, including Lachlan as his son-in-law, wouldn'tdo anything to harm her.

At that moment, Victoria's eyes flickered, and she muttered to herself, "No, for the sake of caution, Ineed to make some preparations!"

In the next second, she dialed another number.


The phone was answered almost immediately. Emmanuel's voice came through the line.

"Emmanuel, come to the Lowe Residence tonight and have dinner with me."

Victoria spoke.

"Mom, you... what are you..."

Emmanuel was silent for two seconds, then his voice trembled as he asked.

"When a person grows old, their heart softens! You're my son, can your mother not have a peacefulrelationship with you until she dies? I want to reconcile, come over tonight! By the way, Mason andMiranda probably have strong objections towards me, so don't tell them. Just the two of you come.Understand?" Victoria instructed.

"Alright! I understand!"

"Then I'll come tonight!"


Emmanuel's agreement was even more enthusiastic than Mason's, and his voice became chokedwith emotion towards the end. Clearly, he was very moved and emotional!

After hanging up the phone, Victoria's face showed a smile devoid of warmth.

"Emmanuel, don't blame me for being ruthless! If I didn't plot against you all, I wouldn't be able tosurvive!"

"Since you're so filial, it's only right for you to help your mother, isn't it?"

At this moment, Emmanuel was outside accompanying Cara as she shopped for clothes.

Lachlan had refined various types of pills, not only for himself and for selling to the Graham familybut also for his own family. Among them were several detoxifying and rejuvenating pills. After takingthem, Cara appeared even younger.

This beautiful mother-in-law, who was already over fifty, now looked like Miranda's sister. When shewent out with her husband, everyone thought she was Emmanuel's mistress. This allowedEmmanuel to happily accompany his wife shopping for clothes, thoroughly enjoying it.

After making the phone call, Cara snorted, "Whose call was it? Victoria's?"

Emmanuel pinched his nose, clearly still feeling a bit stirred and touched.

"Yeah, it was Mom. She asked us to go to the Lowe Residence tonight for dinner!"

"Seems like Mom has had a change of heart and wants to reconcile with us..."

Emmanuel said with a face full of contentment and joy.

However, upon hearing his words, Cara sneered and pursed her lips, "Reconcile? Is she planninganother scheme or trick?"

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