Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 330 The Britt Family Is Completely Finished!
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Chapter 330 The Britt Family Is Completely Finished!

Chapter 330 The Britt Family is Completely Finished!

Upon seeing Fabian being held up by others, Abel and the members of the Britt family present allfelt a jolt in their hearts. At this moment, Regan threw several papers at Abel's face.

He glared at the head of the Britt family and said, "This is Fabian's confession! The Britt family issuspected of kidnapping children and women, even engaging in organ trafficking, drug smugglingand other crimes!"

"Take away all surviving members of the Britt family! Anyone who dares to resist will be killed onsight!"

Looking at this confession as well as Fabian hanging his head low, Abel's heart sank to rock bottom.He felt like he had lost all his strength and slumped onto the ground.

It was over. Completely over.

"No! We didn't do it!"

"This is a mistake..."

"Let me go..."

Some members of the Britt family were still struggling and shouting with an expression full ofunwillingness.

Bang! Bang...Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Several muffled sounds were heard as some soldiers decisively shot them down.

At this moment, Regan looked towards Francis. "Francis! Do you know about these heinous crimescommitted by the Britt family? Have you... also been involved?"

Francis shuddered before shaking his head quickly. "No! I haven't been involved in anything like thatfor years now since I joined the military. Besides, I'm not directly related to the Britt family so I reallydon't know anything about it."


The end had come for the Britt family!

Even though news was blocked off from spreading outwards quickly enough, this matter still spreadthroughout Capital City like wildfire.

Many people were shocked upon hearing about it!

Among them was naturally first on line, the Austin family!

That afternoon!

Inside the Austin family's conference hall, everyone fell silent with fear lingering on each person'sface

Alexander took a deep breath while trying to calm himself down inside; he felt scared right now!

His wife Amelie looked slightly pale-faced sitting there feeling uneasy while other members from theAustin family also wore solemn expressions

"The Britts are finished..." Caelan spoke up with a heavy voice

The next second, he swept his gaze across everyone present within their clan, then asked self-mockingly, "Now does anyone still think that my decision to expel Isa from our clan was wrong?"

As soon as those words came out, everyone's expression changed rapidly

Alexander and Amelie exchanged glances then both remained silent without saying another word.

At this moment, the second son of the Austin family stood up and said solemnly, "Dad, you are stillwise!"

"Yes, Grandpa is still wise!"

"Caelan, you have foresight and decisiveness!"

"Dad, we owe it to Lachlan that the our family didn't completely offend him. Otherwise, theconsequences would be unimaginable!"

After someone brought up the topic, everyone chimed in.

At this point in time, no one was giving any face to Alexander and his wife. They certainly weren'tgoing to argue for Isa's sake.

Isa had caused trouble and ran away by himself without considering how the family would helpclean up after him! It was impossible for others not to have any opinions about Isa.

Laurence Austin, the second son of the Austin family, looked at Alexander before turning to Caelanwith a deep voice. "Dad... You should stay within our family from now on since you're alreadyrecovered. You're good at planning ahead which helped us get through this crisis without Lachlanretaliating against our entire clan! No matter what happens next time, if Alexander continues leadingus as he has been doing so far, then I'm afraid that Lachlan will come back for revenge."

"I think it's better if my older brother and sister-in-law keep a low profile from now on."

Currently within the Austin family, Alexander was only nominally considered as their future leaderwhile Caelan hadn't passed away yet but he used to spend most of his time in Iylonio which meantthat basically everything fell under Alexander's jurisdiction right now. This was also why Isa acted sorecklessly; because there will always be power struggles within large families like theirs.

Laurence saw an opportunity here; he wanted to seize control over the family by suggesting thatCaelan should take charge while letting Alexander step down behind-the-scenes. This way it wouldbe certain that Alexander lost power permanently.

"Laurence, what do you mean?"

Alexander's face darkened when he heard Laurence speak.

"Alexander... Am I wrong? Your well-raised son causes trouble wherever he goes but your disciplineleaves much room for improvement! Finally kicked into gear thanks to Dad being decisive enough.Otherwise, we might've been wiped out entirely! Is there something wrong with me asking Dad stayhome instead?" Laurence sneered as he asked his question.

"Yes! I support his proposal too!"

"Caelan handles things smoothly every time."

"Alexander, let's keep a low profile for now! Wait until Lachlan forgets about the feud between usbefore we do anything!" The others chimed in agreement.

After pondering for a while, Caelan turned to Alexander and said in a serious tone, "Alexander, youshould temporarily put aside your family affairs that you were responsible for before. Let Laurencetake over management for a while. You and Amelie should go out and travel to relax."

Upon hearing this, Alexander and Amelie's faces immediately turned sour.

Put it aside temporarily?

Ha ha, once power is relinquished, can it be regained?

Alexander knew he had lost his influence within the family...

All because his son had angered someone he shouldn't have!


That afternoon!

Alexander and Amelie sat at home with dark expressions.

Alexander's face was filled with strong unwillingness.

"It's okay honey. Your dad just wants us to stay out of sight temporarily so we don't provokeLachlan! I believe that in the future, you will still be the one who calls the shots in the family!" Ameliewalked behind her husband and comforted him by rubbing his shoulders.

Alexander shrugged off her hand directly with anger on his face as he pointed at his wife accusingly."You're still saying that? It's all because of you spoiling that good-for-nothing son of ours whichcaused this big trouble!"

Amelie blushed upon hearing this accusation from her husband as she gritted her teeth whilestaring at him fiercely. "Why are you taking your anger out on me? Isa has been disabled sincechildhood; shouldn't I feel sorry for him more than anyone else?"

"Feel sorry? Is that what you call it? That's called indulgence! And ultimately it led to harm! Don'tthink I don't know; did you send that little brat over to your family? You better make sure that little

brat keeps a low profile over there, don't let any rumors spread. Otherwise, be cautious not to bringtrouble to your family too!" Alexander warned as he pointed at his wife's nose.

Upon hearing these words from her husband's mouth, Amelie sneered coldly through gritted teeth,"Cause trouble even with my family? Willis dares attack my family?"

"If your family can't protect my son, then mine can!"

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