Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 308 Don’T You Have Anything To Explain?
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Chapter 308 Don'T You Have Anything To Explain?

Chapter 308 Don't You Have Anything To Explain?

At this moment, Mason also came over and looked at his sister and Nora with concern. Then heexclaimed with enthusiasm and admiration, "Brother-in-law, I knew you were invincible! This oldghost looked pretty tough, but he was still beaten to death by you? Haha..."

Lachlan coughed and said, "What do you mean beaten to death by me? He just fell down on hisown accord. It has nothing to do with me!"Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Hearing this, Mason made a strange expression as he looked at Lachlan.

The others also had a puzzled look on their faces...

They thought: Mr. Willis, we may not be well-educated but don't try to deceive us! How could amaster like him be killed by falling down himself??

But no one exposed the lie; they all just laughed along.

At that moment, Emerson walked over and felt guilty when he saw Lachlan.

"Mr. Willis, it's my fault! I couldn't protect Ms. Lowe and Miss Nora!"

Lachlan waved his hand dismissively saying, "It's not your fault."

After Emerson recovered from his injuries, he didn't stay at the Emerald Green Estates villaanymore; instead, Lachlan sent him out to sell pills and recruit more people for training.

Lachlan did not specifically instruct Emerson to protect Miranda or Nora either. He went back homethat day thinking he would return soon enough so there was no need for such precautions today.

Of course, in the face of Hawkeye Ghost who was in Core Formation stage, even if Emerson stayedbeside Miranda or Nora, it would have been useless anyway.

The steward of the Graham family came over at this time, and bowed respectfully towards Lachlansaying, "Mr. Willis, I am from the Graham family. Congratulations on turning danger into safety. Iwonder if you're available tomorrow for our family head's invitation?"

Lachlan raised an eyebrow, his eyes flashing meaningfully.

In the next second, he nodded slightly saying, "Of course it is convenient! I happen to want to thankyour old patriarch for saving my life last time!"

He understood everything clearly in his heart. He knew Raul's previous "seven-day agreement" wasalso a test towards himself. And after Hawkeye Ghost died, the attitude of the Graham familytowards him might change again.

That night, Lachlan, Miranda, Nora, and Mason went together visiting Emmanuel and Cara' house.

There were some surprises, but fortunately, no dangers occurred tonight.

Even Emmanuel, Cara, and Mason wanted know what exactly happened during those events too.

It was worth mentioning that Mason's subordinate, Dennis, was previously severely injured by WildWolf, but luckily he survived and saved his life.

It was after 9 pm when Lachlan finally left his in-laws' house and returned to Emerald GreenEstates.

Miranda came along with him, perhaps wanting to appear still affectionate towards Lachlan in frontof Emmanuel and Cara.

In the car ride back home, Nora sat next to Miranda and they seemed especially close. They hadboth recounted the events of what happened earlier at Emmanuel and Cara's place which movedLachlan deeply.

He never expected that Miranda would risk her life for his daughter like that. Even little Nora hadsaved Miranda's life during their most desperate moment by relying on each other.

This made Lachlan feel even more complex emotions towards Miranda while also feeling guiltyabout what happened to her and Nora.

Lachlan couldn't help but feel scared at the thought of what could have happened if he hadn'ttrained hard enough. Hawkeye Ghost might have killed them all! He would never forgive himself ifsomething like that ever happened.

On top of everything else, Claudia had once again conspired with Kayden after working with Tigerbefore. She almost killed their daughter! Did she even have any humanity left in her?

Lachlan felt an unprecedented level of anger towards Isa as well as a desire for revenge unlikeanything before. Unlike last time where Isa used Nora as leverage against him, this time Isadisappeared only to try killing his own daughter instead! It was unforgivable!

"Isa," said Lachlan through gritted teeth. "I won't spare you this time. You're nothing but trouble!"

"Caelan, don't blame me. Your grandson brought this upon himself!"

Lachlan seethed inside at Caelan's previous pleas for mercy; he promised Caelan that he wouldonly kill Isa if they ever crossed paths again... but now it seemed like it was up to him to seek outIsa instead!

No amount of apologies or compensation from Alexander could stop him now; a dragon has scalestoo sensitive not be touched without consequence!!

In addition to that, there were also the mother and son from the Mclaughlin family.

These two ungrateful scoundrels cannot be allowed to remain any longer.

If it weren't for them, he wouldn't have gotten involved with the Ghost Plaque Sect and faced such aclose brush with death.

Even worse, Miranda and Nora were almost killed because of it.

At this point, Lachlan's heart became softer towards Miranda and Nora, but his attitude towardsenemies became even more ruthless.

Claudia, Isa, and the McLaughlin family's mother and son!

He would handle them one by one and thoroughly settle the accounts himself!


After returning to Emerald Green Estates, Lachlan first woke up Lina and helped her treat herinjuries.

After waking up, Lina expressed her resignation to Lachlan with a hint of fear and hesitation.

Last time it was Anthony and Giovanni who stormed into Emerald Green Estates, and this time itwas Hawkeye Ghost coming to seek revenge on Lachlan. Lina felt like her life was in danger bothtimes.

This nanny was really scared!

Lachlan also expressed understanding and agreed to Lina's resignation, and gave her 500thousand as compensation.

Then he helped Miranda tidy up a room by himself.

Afterwards, Miranda and Nora were seen sitting in the living room, with Nora still snuggled upagainst Miranda.

Tonight's event completely won Nora's recognition of Miranda as her "stepmother". She called out"Mommy Miranda" with great affection.

Upon seeing this, Lachlan couldn't help but feel a little jealous...

Claudia had never fulfilled her motherly duties, even when she was still married to Lachlan, sherarely spent time with their daughter.

Spending Lachlan's money all day, either going for beauty treatments or shopping all day!

After Nora fell ill, that woman became even more indifferent towards their daughter, seeing her as aburden.

Therefore, Nora was very lacking in maternal love and extremely longing for it.


Lachlan hesitated for a moment as he looked at Miranda before opening his mouth and saying,"Miranda, why don't you stay here tonight? You must be tired too."

"Miranda Mommy..."

Nora blinked her big eyes and shook Miranda's hand.

Miranda's expression changed, and finally she faced Lachlan with a blank expression and said,"Okay, I am indeed tired and don't feel like fussing anymore! But I want a separate room."

Lachlan gave a bitter laugh and said, "I know, I never intended to share a bed with you."

Upon hearing this, Miranda coldly glared at Lachlan and inwardly cursed him as a "scumbag"through gritted teeth.

The next second, she stared straight at Lachlan and asked word by word, "Lachlan, don't you haveanything to explain to me?"

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