Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 191 Eduard’S Request
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Chapter 191 Eduard'S Request

Chapter 191 Eduard's Request

When Lachlan took down the Bloody Butcher, Eduard was shocked. And when he also took outSagi Fujino, Eduard was even more stunned. Now, with yet another master taken down by thisyoung man, Eduard couldn't help but feel that there was something mysterious about him.

He dared to speculate about just how powerful Lachlan really was.

"Mr. Willis," Eduard couldn't resist asking. "What level of martial artist are you?"

Lachlan hesitated for a moment before shaking his head and saying, "I'm not sure."

All he knew was that he had just broken through to the Uppecia realm. As for what level thatcorresponded to for someone like Eduard, Lachlan had no idea.

"Well... okay then," said an embarrassed Eduard who assumed that Lachlan didn't want to revealhis true strength and didn't press any further.

But in the next second, this leader's tone changed as he said, "I wanted to tell you that these ninjayou killed were tasked with kidnapping Tiffany and holding her hostage so they could negotiate withme in exchange for Conor! Even Sagi Fujino from last time wanted Scarlet as leverage against me!"

"Mr. Willis," continued a grateful Eduard. "You've done me a huge favor twice now! I don't know howI can thank you enough."

"Conor?" raised an eyebrow Lachlan as he thought back to when Scarlet first brought Conor aroundwhile wearing Skiola's unique clothes.

But then he shrugged and said, "No need to thank me. It just happened at the right time! Besides...anyone who dares act recklessly in Priocia will be punished by everyone! You don't have to explainall of this secrecy stuff."

Eduard laughed heartily, "If you're interested in developing your career within our military ranks…what's a little bit of secrecy? So…are you interested?"

Lachlan shook his head, "Not really interested at the moment."

If it were several years ago when someone offered him such an opportunity like this one presentedby Eduard today - full of passion and ready-to-serve-the-country spirit - Lachlan would have joinedwithout hesitation. However now…he had a wife and daughter which made things less realistic...

"Okay then," sighed Eduard disappointedly before continuing on, "However…I do have one morerequest if I may be so bold…"

Hearing this request made by Eduard caused Lachlan smile knowingly without saying anything else.

Eduard let out a sigh and his face turned red with embarrassment. He thought about his attitudeand reaction when Lachlan asked for his help in promoting Lowe's Golden Wound Medicine in themilitary.

This made Eduard feel a little ashamed.

"Mr. Harris, if it's personal, then forget it! If it's not your own personal matter, you can tell me and Ican help," said Lachlan calmly.

Eduard forced a bitter smile, feeling the distance between himself and Lachlan. He knew thatLachlan didn't want to talk about any personal relationships with him anymore.

"It's not personal! It's about Conor. He is currently being held captive in the Edoland SecurityPrison."

"As far as I know, Edoland Biological Research Institute has made breakthroughs in geneticresearch recently. I cannot disclose any specific research results due to confidentiality reasons."

"But we suspect that Conor has some relevant information because he used to work there before.That's why Sagi Fujino and Miyasaki Kojiro have appeared at Edoland several times trying torescue him."

"I want you to help us by escorting Conor to Iylonio and handing him over to their authorities."

"You are very capable of doing this job without fail if you agree!"

"What do you think? Are you willing to do something for our country?" Eduard asked eagerly.

Lachlan rolled his eyes, "Mr. Harris, don't try flattery or use national righteousness as an excuse forme. Just tell me when approximately?"

"In ten days' time? How does that sound?" replied Eduard hopefully.

"Okay! If nothing unexpected happens, then yes," answered Lachlan after thinking for a while.

After parting ways with Eduard, Lachlan and Miranda had lunch together and then proceeded tocomplete the wedding photoshoot in the afternoon.

After the events of the morning, the staff at the bridal shop treated Lachlan and Miranda with utmostpoliteness and respect. The service was impeccable.

Of course, the morning incident had its information sealed. Both the film crew and the personnelfrom the scenic area and bridal shop signed nondisclosure agreements, prohibiting them from

revealing any related details to the outside.

For the next few days, Lachlan didn't bother to see Victoria or treat her. It seemed like he reallydidn't care anymore! Meanwhile, a powerful "pharmacist" appeared in Edoland, selling a pill calledthe "Nourishing Essence Pill" to wealthy people. Its effects were highly sought after by manypeople, especially those whose bodies had been depleted by alcohol and sex. After taking theNourishing Essence Pill, they seemed to be rejuvenated.

This evening, in the sales department office of Hodge's Wine.

Allison finished her day's work, which had become a routine for her, often working overtime untilaround eight o'clock, just like the night of the class reunion. Today, she finally managed to leave theoffice early, but her beautiful face was filled with worry. She had to go to the hospital to take care ofher mother, who suffered from heart disease. Her mother's heart function had deteriorated to thepoint where she needed an artificial heart.

The costs involved were substantial, totaling more than eighty thousand. For Allison, in hertwenties, this amount seemed astronomical.

"Allison, ready to call it a day?" At that moment, a middle-aged man with greased hair and glasseswalked in with a smiling expression.

"Mr. Hunter." Allison greeted the middle-aged man with a forced smile, though a hint of annoyanceflashed in her eyes.

"Allison, how are you doing with this month's sales target?" Brandon Hunter, the middle-aged man,asked with a grin. "I checked, and with the bonus this month, you'll be making over twelvethousand. Not bad, not bad. But I heard your mother needs heart surgery, and that requires a lot ofmoney."Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Allison, feigning concern, replied, "Yes, I'm working on it. Mr. Hunter, you don't need to worry."

Brandon made a sarcastic sound, "Allison, stop pretending! How about the matter I mentioned toyou last time? Considered it yet? As long as you join Dillon, not to mention eighty thousand, eveneight million won't be a problem! Why work so hard every day, having to run the business and puton a fake smile for those people? You're not a young girl fresh out of school. This society is realistic.Stop pretending to be innocent!"

Allison, irritated, retorted, "Pretending to be innocent? Haha, pretending to be pure just because Idon't want to compromise? Mr. Hunter, did Dillon offer you a lot of benefits for delivering me tohim?"

"You..." Brandon was momentarily silenced by Allison's strong response. He then sneered, "Fine,pretend to be high and mighty! Let's see how you're going to raise over eighty thousand! For thesake of your reputation, you don't even care about your mother's life, right? Can't even fulfill filialpiety. What's the use of pretending to be a pure and innocent flower? Pah!"

Hearing these insulting words, Allison's chest heaved with anger, and her pretty face turned brightred. She took a deep breath, and tears of frustration and resentment involuntarily welled up in hereyes. At that moment, the image of someone and a particular sentence uttered by that person cameto her mind.

Biting her lip, Allison said, "Who told you I can't raise the money?"

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