Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 19 Isn’T There A Bet On This?
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Chapter 19 Isn'T There A Bet On This?

Chapter 19 Isn't there a bet on this?

Nora and Chloe were already playing together now, leaving Rowan to watch the two little ones whilethe others went inside.

As per Lachlan's request, Erik had someone deliver a set of silver needles.

Caelan then lay down and took off his own mask.

Before "exposing" Lachlan, he was still very cooperative.

After taking off the mask, Erik was moved by the appearance of his old friend.

Even Reeva, who had been with her grandfather all year round, felt a chill and heartache!!

After all, Caelan wouldn't easily let his granddaughter see his true appearance.

He himself knew how terrifying that was!

Caelan's facial features were twisted! The bridge of his nose was slanted to the left, his chin wastilted to the right, and even his dental arch was exposed.

On both sides of the cheeks, there were two shocking circular scars!

His face was completely unrecognizable and unbearable to look at!

Reeva covered her mouth, and a mist rose in her eyes. Seeing her grandpa like this, she feltextremely uncomfortable inside.

If someone can really cure her grandpa, let alone make her strip naked, even sleeping with him willbe fine.

But she absolutely didn't believe that this scammer can do it.

Caelan himself didn't believe it either, lying there with a cold tone and saying, "So? Do you still thinkyou can cure me now?"

Reeva spoke coldly, "You still have time to admit that you're a fraud. If you lay a finger on mygrandfather and it doesn't work, the consequences will be more than you can handle. Think aboutit!"

People like Lachlan were nothing new to her after all these years. They were in it for the money,fame, or to gain favor with her family for other reasons.

But none of them had been able to cure her grandfather's condition. In fact, they couldn't evenmake a difference.

"Of course he can be cured! Mr. Bates' condition is mainly due to blockages and ruptures in hisfacial meridians causing his features to become distorted." Lachlan remained calm as he spoke.

"Hmph! That sounds easy enough," Reeva sneered.

Erik stood silently on the side. He wanted to see if Lachlan was really as skilled as Clifford claimedor if he only knew one massage technique.

"Old hero, you might feel a little itch later on but bear with it!" Lachlan didn't waste any more wordsand pulled out a silver needle before piercing Caelan's facial acupoints.

Reeva was surprised by how confident Lachlan appeared when he took action without hesitation. Itmade her unsure of what would happen next.

Upon seeing Lachlan's first needle go in, he held the silver needle for a moment before moving onto the second. During this time, he infused his own dragon energy through the silver needle intoCaelan's facial acupoint.

While he could use his hands to infuse Nora with dragon energy to ease her symptoms, treatingCaelan required precise control of the flow of dragon energy through the use of a silver needle.

This was why he held onto the needle and spaced out each insertion for an extended period of time.Once inside Caelan's acupoint, the dragon energy flowed along specific meridians, repairing andclearing blockages.

The dragon energy that surged from Lachlan's left kidney nourished and strengthened his physicalbody - it was no wonder that Nora was able to come back from near death with such powerful lifeforce within her.

"Hmph! You call yourself a miracle doctor? It takes you so long just to insert one acupunctureneedle! Can't you do any better than this? If not, get lost!" Reeva coldly scolded Lachlan whilestaring at him skeptically.

Even Erik looked doubtful as there were several minutes between each insertion, which made itseem clumsy and unfamiliar. However, as soon as Reeva finished speaking, Caelan spoke up withan uncertain tone, "Using needles to transfer energy? Is this... using needles to transfer energy?"

Immediately after that statement came out of his mouth - despite previously having no hope or evenresistance towards this treatment - Caelan shouted at his granddaughter, "Reeva! Be quiet! Don'tdisturb him!"

While others could only see Lachlan's slow movements as being "clumsy," Caelan personally feltevery single strand of heat flowing through him which brought about an overwhelming sense ofshock!

This young man was actually using a silver needle to transfer energy into him?!

Although he had never heard of such methods, as a warrior, Caelan understood how incredible itwas!

Reeva was stunned for a moment; she didn't expect her grandfather to scold her for this fraudster.

At this moment, Lachlan said seriously, "Old hero, please don't speak and don't move!"

"Oh! Okay! Okay!"

Caelan always said that he didn't want to be cured, and that this face which was neither human norghost was a badge of pride for him.

But in reality, only he himself knew that these words were just self-consolation under desperation.

Didn't he want to take off his mask? Didn't he want to see the light again?

Over the years, he had completely given up hope.

However, at this moment, Lachlan showed him a glimmer of hope!

Therefore, Caelan with a difficult personality obediently agreed twice like a good child at thismoment, then closed his mouth and didn't move.

Next, as Lachlan slowly pierced down with each stitch, an astonishing scene unfolded!

First, the scars on Caelan's face began to fade, and then those contorted features graduallyrealigned to a noticeable degree right before their eyes.

The dragon energy within Lachlan's body was gentle, but when activated by the silver needle andentering Caelan's body, it appeared somewhat domineering!

"This... this isn't an illusion, right?"

Reeva blinked her beautiful eyes and muttered to herself in disbelief, still too afraid to speak loudly.

"This isn't medicine, it's pure magic!" Erik exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Time ticked by slowly as Lachlan carefully inserted twenty silver needles into Caelan's face.Throughout the process, Caelan felt a mixture of numbness, itching and pain on his face. But beinga seasoned veteran who had weathered many storms in life, he gritted his teeth and remained still.

An hour later...

Caelan stared at himself in the mirror with trembling hands. Despite all that he had been through inlife, tears welled up in his eyes as he saw the transformation before him.

"Haha... is that really me? Is that old man staring back at me from the mirror?" Caelan burst outlaughing uncontrollably, throwing caution to the wind and disregarding any sense of dignity orcomposure.

Looking closely at himself again, he noticed how much better he looked compared to before - notonly were his features more symmetrical but also smoother and younger-looking. Even scars onboth sides of his cheeks had faded significantly.

In this moment of euphoria and liberation from decades-long emotional burden weighing down onhim like a dark cloud overhead, Caelan felt like a new person altogether.

No one could experience the kind of ecstatic joy that seemed to clear away the clouds and reveal asunny day, except for him.

"Grandpa..." Reeva choked up a bit.

The more her grandpa acted like this, the more Reeva could imagine how much pain he had beenliving in for so many years. At this moment, she was both happy and sad.

Her beautiful eyes looked at Lachlan with a hint of gratitude.

"Hehe, am I still a good liar?" Lachlan laughed and teased when he saw the performance of thesetwo generations.

"What's so great about it? It's not completely cured yet." Reeva held back tears and refused toadmit how amazing Lachlan was.

"Well, your grandpa's condition is quite serious. The blockage in his veins has caused deformationin his facial bones. He won't be able to fully recover from just one treatment. He'll need another oneafter a month," Lachlan nodded honestly.

Just then, Caelan who had vented his emotions walked towards Lachlan with big strides and boweddown!

Lachlan was taken aback by this sudden gesture and quickly supported him to prevent him fromkneeling down.

"Mr. Bates, what are you doing?"

"Doctor Willis, please forgive my previous rudeness and negligence! You cannot imagine the pain Ihave endured over these years with this half-human, half-ghost appearance. What kind of suffering Ihave had to endure? I bow down to you as an elder!" Caelan said excitedly.

Lachlan shook his head speechlessly and said, "You did it for the country and for all people'sinjuries in Priocia (the country where they are living). Without heroes like you sacrificing their livesand shedding blood, how could we have peace in our country today? Therefore, it is only right that I

treat your injuries. Besides, I am not treating you for free; your granddaughter made a bet with me."As soon as he finished speaking, Reeva standing next to him blushed so much!

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