Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 164 Why Apologize?
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Chapter 164 Why Apologize?

Chapter 164 Why Apologize?

Philip's face flashed with panic and he smiled, making an excuse, "It's almost autumn, and thosetwo ponds attract mosquitoes. I had them filled in."

"Oh, I see..." Emerson Hurst nodded and looked deeply at Philip before saying nothing more.

The next second, Emerson pulled out a design plan and placed it in front of Philip.

"Mr. Mclaughlin, you have such a large courtyard that needs proper care! This is the new designplan I created for you. Do you like the layout? My idea is to place two mythical beasts on each sideof your mansion's entrance..."

Emerson explained his vision to Philip who couldn't understand any of it as his mind was blank. Heonly felt worried and suspicious that Emerson would use geomancy tactics to harm their familyagain.

"What do you think about this Mr. Mclaughlin?"

"Mr. Mclaughlin? What are you thinking?"

After Emerson finished speaking, he asked Philip who quickly nodded and said, "Good! Good! Mr.Hurst, please go ahead with your plans; thank you for your efforts."

He didn't dare show any other reaction but pretended everything was fine with him.

"It's nothing; it's my professional work."

Emerson said smilingly while a cold light flashed deep in his eyes.

After this encounter ended when Emerson left the room, Philip tried calling Lachlan several timesbut no one answered the phone which made him even more anxious than before so he called oneof his trusted employees instead, "Hurry up! Find out where Mr. Willis is located by any meansnecessary. Tell me as soon as possible!"


Just after hanging up from talking with Philip on the phone, another number called Lachlan's phoneline immediately afterward,

"Ms. Fields?"

Lachlan picked up politely asking who was calling.

It was Nora's teacher calling from her class whose voice sounded serious when she asked, "Is thisNora's father Mr. Willis?"

"Yes! Ms. Fields what can I help you with?" Lachlan felt nervous sensing her attitude over the phoneline.

This seemed like a common problem among parents - feeling uneasy when talking to their child'steacher.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Especially when the other party's tone was serious...

"Mr. Willis, can you please come to the school right away? Nora got into a fight with her classmateyesterday, and you should know about it, right? Today, his parents came to the school and hope thatyou can come and resolve this matter," Alicia Fields said.

"Uh... okay, I'll be there right away," Lachlan hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

He was surprised that the other party's parents had actually found their way to the school?

Lachlan didn't take it seriously when children fought and played around.

Without thinking too much about it, Lachlan quickly picked up his speed.

Half an hour later, he arrived at Eastview Kindergarten.

It was already past three in the afternoon and many parents were waiting outside to pick up theirchildren.

Because this was one of Edoland's best aristocratic kindergartens, there were quite a few luxurycars parked outside of the school gate.

Audis and BMWs were nothing out of ordinary...

Entering into Alicia's office, he saw a young female teacher in her early twenties apologizingprofusely to another woman with wavy hair who appeared upset. The young teacher was Nora'shomeroom teacher named Alicia. Beside her stood an older woman wearing black-rimmed glasseswhose dress style leaned towards seriousness; she was Eastview Kindergarten's principal.However at present she also wore a smile on her face while accompanying this upset woman.

Nora stood behind Alicia with some nervousness and grievance on her small face while anotherchubby boy held onto his mother's hand staring fiercely at Nora with pride written all over his face.

"Daddy!" At this moment Nora saw Lachlan and immediately called out excitedly as she ran overquickly.

"Good girl!" Lachlan patted Nora's head soothingly as he comforted her softly.

"Jamie's mom, Nora's parent is here," Alicia said to the middle-aged nursery director.

The middle-aged director glanced at Lachlan and then put on a smiling face, addressing the wavy-haired woman, "Madam, we do admit that there have been lapses in our supervision at thekindergarten, and I apologize for that. However, the majority of the responsibility lies with the otherparty, don't you think so?"

Molly Foster, the wavy-haired woman, stormed over, pointing at Lachlan, and demanded, "How doyou teach the child? Learning to hit people at such a young age, are you promoting delinquency?Look at what she's done to my son!"

As she spoke, she pulled her chubby little boy forward and showed Lachlan. Indeed, Jamie wassporting a swollen and bruised face.

"Daddy, he pulled my skirt first," Nora said with tears in her eyes.

"I know," Lachlan replied before turning back to Molly. "Shouldn't I be asking you how you'reteaching your child? Teaching him to be a hooligan at such a young age?"

"What did you say?" Molly retorted arrogantly, pointing her finger in Lachlan's face. "Do you daretalk back to me? Who do you think I am? Do you know who my husband is? If I make one phonecall, your daughter will be kicked out of this kindergarten and make it so that Edoland is no longertolerable for you."

Lachlan chuckled when he heard this threat. Make it so that Edoland is no longer tolerable for him?Ha! But he didn't want to do anything drastic against a woman; after all, this was just childrenplaying around.

Lachlan had always been one for resolving issues peacefully and not making mountains out ofmolehills. So he furrowed his eyebrows slightly before asking, "Kids will play around like kids;there's no need for us parents to get worked up about it. What would satisfy the parent here?"

"What would satisfy me?" Molly sneered confidently while pointing at Lachlan's nose with her finger."Your daughter should apologize to my son! And as for yourself... slap yourself twice in the face andapologize!"

Lachlan laughed incredulously, "You're quite amusing aren't ya'? Are we joking around now?"

At that moment, Alicia gave Lachlan an urgent look, "Mr. Willis," she mouthed silently while shakingher head frantically, "I advise that you comply with her demands." Jamie's mother was not someonethey wanted trouble from.

The principal also chimed in seriously, "Nora's father," she said sternly. "It'd be best if we put an endon this matter by having both of you all apologize."

This only made Lachlan more upset as he turned towards Alicia and the principal indignantly. "Herkid started it all by bothering my little girl! Why should we have to apologize?! How could you twoteachers handle things like this?" He couldn't help feeling dissatisfied with both Alicia and thePrincipal right now.

He thought they would help mediate and come up with a fair solution that would satisfy both sides.But to his surprise, they were completely biased and took the other person's side.

"I'm doing this for your own good. Do you even know who her husband is? If you don't want tocause trouble for yourself, make your daughter apologize and give yourself a few slaps," Alicia'sface turned cold upon hearing Lachlan's words, and she didn't hold back.

"That's right! If you're not as strong as others, you have to bow down! What is there to bedissatisfied about?" the principal also spoke with a cold expression on her face, looking at Lachlanwith impatience and disdain in her eyes.

She knew that Lachlan was only able to enroll his child here because of his connection with theWard family. But so what?

Molly's husband was the nephew of Eastview Kindergarten's board director – although he wasn't adirect nephew but rather an uncle-nephew relationship – it was still quite influential.

Lachlan only had connections through the Ward family; he wasn't even part of their family himself,so his connections were hardly worth mentioning.

There was no need for Alicia or the principal to consider whose side they should take; it wasobvious which way they should lean.

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