Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 125 I Won’T Let You Be Wronged
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Chapter 125 I Won'T Let You Be Wronged

Chapter 125 I won't let you be wronged

That evening, Lachlan and Miranda left the factory together to pick up Nora from kindergarten.Although Mason's men, Dennis and Jeremy, had been secretly protecting Nora, Lachlan alwayspreferred to pick up his daughter himself as long as he had time. They had planned to grab a bite toeat together outside.

However, just after leaving the kindergarten, Miranda received a call from Cara asking her andLachlan to come over for dinner that night. She also mentioned that there was something theyneeded to discuss.

Lachlan dropped off Nora at Emperor Garden first and asked their nanny Lina for help with takingcare of her and making some food for her before driving with Miranda towards Emmanuel andCara's house.

He had considered bringing Nora along but decided against it since Emmanuel and Cara hadn't fullyaccepted him yet. He didn't want his daughter exposed to any potential harm if they said somethingin front of her.

When they arrived at the house, Mason had just arrived too. "Brother-in-law! Sis!" Mason greetedthem warmly.

Miranda rolled her eyes dismissively at him, "Since when did you start calling him brother-in-lawfirst?" She couldn't help but feel like Mason was closer with Lachlan than he was with his own sister.

The three of them entered the house chatting away only to find out that both Emmanuel's andCara's faces looked grim despite having prepared dinner already.

"Dad? Mom? What happened? Why did you ask us over for dinner if you're going look sounhappy?" Miranda asked confusedly while both Lachlan and Mason looked puzzled too.

"Let's sit down first," Cara waved her hand and glanced at Lachlan, saying, "By the way, Lachlan,you didn't bring your daughter with you?"

Lachlan hesitated for a moment, surprised that his mother-in-law was asking about Nora.

"No, I didn't."

"Next time, bring the child with you. We haven't met her yet. Also, if you and Miranda have the time,you should go shopping for wedding dresses and have some bridal photos taken. I mentioned thatwe should have a wedding for you, and it's time to start planning."

Emmanuel and Cara exchanged a look, and Emmanuel casually added.

Lachlan was somewhat surprised, looking at Emmanuel and Cara, feeling a wave of emotionsinside. Could it be that they truly accepted him now?

Miranda pursed her lips, a mix of emotion and delight crossing her face. She cast a glance atLachlan, and for some reason, a sense of happiness welled up inside her.

Regardless of what Victoria and others thought, did her parents completely abandon the idea ofmarrying her off to Isa?

"Hmm, after this busy period," the goddess CEO nodded with a smile on her lips.

"I'll let you know in advance that I'll be the best man!" Mason's face lit up with excitement when heheard this and he emphasized his words.

"Okay, let's not just focus on this happy news! I need to talk to you guys about something..." Carasaid with a furrowed brow.

"Oh... what is it?" Mason asked inexplicably as he put away his smile.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Cara explained the situation to all three of them. After she finished speaking, Miranda frowned inanger. "Grandma wants to throw a celebration for Uncle Romeo? And we have to go too? Whyshould we go?"

"My grandma is too biased! Isn't she making us go just so we can see their faces?" Mason also saidsternly.

A celebration banquet? Lowe's Pharmaceutical owed its success today entirely due to Miranda andLachlan's efforts. Romeo took over their hard work and now wanted them all - including Miranda'sfamily - to attend his victory party? Who would tolerate such bullying behavior?!

"What kind of talk is that?! Your grandmother called everyone from the Lowe family together-including distant relatives- isn't it normal for us all to attend?" Emmanuel scolded his childrensternly.

"Didn't she kick us out from our family before? What does attending a celebration banquet haveanything do with us?" Mason was unhappy about it.

"This shows that your grandmother still considers us as part of the family! Maybe this is even asignal for us - an opportunity for reconciliation within our family." Emmanuel knocked on the table ashe spoke seriously.

"Emmanuel, don't be naive! I think your mother has ulterior motives here! I also believe we shouldn'tattend." Cara rolled her eyes before saying, "Now that both Miranda and Mason don't want to goeither; then it's settled! Let's eat!"

As soon as she heard the news, she firmly opposed it. Emmanuel wanted to go, but he insisted oncalling Miranda and Mason back to discuss it.

"You... Miranda and Mason are not sensible. How can you say that as a mother? What are youeating?" Emmanuel was scolded by his wife until he turned red in the face.

The next second, the father-in-law looked at Lachlan and asked, "Lachlan, what do you think?Should we go?"

"Is there even a need to ask? My brother-in-law definitely doesn't want to go! My grandmother anduncle never have anything good to say about him. Dad, if you ask my brother-in-law about this, isn'tit just making things difficult for him?" Mason defended Lachlan.

This little brother-in-law was quite something.

However, this time Lachlan seemed ungrateful towards his brother-in-law's defense. He smiled andnodded his head saying, "Since your dad wants to go then let's just go! It will give Miranda'sgrandmother an opportunity while also giving us one."

"That's great! You're such a good son-in-law!" Upon hearing this statement from him, Emmanuellaughed heartily while patting Lachlan on the shoulder heavily.

However Cara along with Miranda and Mason had changed their expressions completely.

"Lachlan what did you say? Their grandmother clearly has ulterior motives behind this invitation.Won't we be humiliating ourselves if we attend? Have you lost your mind?" Cara glared at Lachlanwith dissatisfaction before speaking out in anger.

"Brother-in-Law there must be some involvement from my uncle behind all of this. Our grandmadefinitely holds grudges against both of us so how could she possibly have our best interests atheart?" Mason furrowed his brow as he spoke out in concern for everyone involved in the situation.

Miranda didn't say anything but her eyes were filled with doubt and confusion regarding everythingthat was happening around them all of sudden.

"Don't worry. I won't let any harm come your way! Trust me! If your grandmother is really offering usan olive branch like Mr. Lowe said, then that would be great! But if she wants to humiliate usinstead, I promise that she will regret ever crossing me! I'll make sure all those years of grievancessuffered by both yourself and Miranda will finally get resolved once-and-for-all!"

Lachlan grabbed onto Miranda's small hand while looking towards Cara confidently, promisingeverything would work out fine between them all eventually.

After hearing these words, Cara hesitated for a moment before ultimately nodding her headapprovingly.

Her eyes were still slightly red as if thinking back over these past few years where they had beentreated unfairly due simply being daughter- in - law.

"Good! Lachlan I hope you don't disappoint me!"

"The old lady has been domineering all her life, and she's biased in her actions. I don't know howmuch frustration I've endured over the years. There's no hope for Emmanuel, who is foolishly filial!"

"That's what you said. Help me find it all back!"

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