Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 106 A Good Son-In-Law?
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Chapter 106 A Good Son-In-Law?

Chapter 106 A Good Son-in-Law?

Monty's voice was gentle, respectful, and cautious. But to the others' ears, it sounded like athunderbolt on a clear day! Cara and Emmanuel stared in shock. Celine, Cannon, and cousin Elliewere dumbfounded. And Daniel's contemptuous expression froze on his face.

Normally he would flatter Monty to no end; he'd remember every little thing the man said or did.How could he not recognize Monty's voice? Was it really Monty outside? And was he really comingin to toast Cara?

"Come in," Lachlan said calmly.

Compared to everyone else's shock, Lachlan and Miranda seemed much more composed.

The door of the private room opened as Monty walked in with various expensive gifts in one handand a glass of white wine in the other.

"Mr. Willis, Ms. Lowe, hope I'm not interrupting?" Monty asked while bowing respectfully.

"No," Miranda shook her head while Lachlan waved his hand with an air of superiority.

"Oh good... good..." Monty smiled as he looked around the room before walking towards Cara andEmmanuel.

He noticed Daniel inside but didn't have time for him at this moment.

"Mrs. Lowe, I heard today is your birthday. These gifts are just a small token from me." He handedover the presents then turned towards Emmanuel, "I wish you good health, Mr. Lowe, and all yourwishes come true! Cheers!"

In fact, Monty was several years older than Cara, but since she was Lachlan's mother-in-law, headdressed her as Mrs. Lowe out of respect.

Cara and Emmanuel were confused by Monty's behavior at first but quickly raised their glasses fora toast with him.

"Mr. Atkinson, you're too kind! Thank you..." Cara smiled. Her face went from shame due to Lachlanearlier, to surprise now that she received such nice gifts.

Emmanuel drank his glass happily, his face flushed red. At this moment, Celine's family membersincluding Daniel had their mouths wide open without closing them for quite some time.

"Daniel... is this really Mr. Atkinson?" Celine asked with a look of disbelief and skepticism.

But in the next second, Daniel's actions answered all her questions. He quickly snapped out of itand rushed to close the box, hiding the precious stone inside.

"What are you doing, bro? Isn't this gemstone a reward from Mr. Atkinson? Why are you hiding it?"Lachlan suddenly spoke up with a teasing tone.

After finishing his drink, Monty turned around and his gaze fell on the gemstone.

"Mr. Atkinson... hello!" Daniel froze, sweat pouring down his forehead.

"Daniel? What are you doing here? And why is this piece of junk here?" Monty asked suspiciously.

Daniel's expression flickered uncertainly as he struggled to find an answer.

"Junk? Isn't this an exquisite gemstone? He gave it to my younger sister as a birthday gift," Celineinstinctively spoke up without thinking twice about her words.

As soon as she finished speaking, Daniel's forehead was covered in cold sweat and he glared atCeline helplessly without saying anything else.

Celine's husband pulled her clothes roughly while giving her a stern look.

Why did she have to speak so fast?

Even idiots can see that something was wrong now! Why would she say such things?

At that moment, Monty's face darkened instantly with anger as he walked towards Daniel furiously.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

"Mr. Atkinson... listen to me! I..." Daniel stuttered nervously.


Before he could finish speaking, Monty slapped him hard across the face.

"You're asking for death! I told you to dispose of those junks but instead you used them to fool Mr.Willis' mother-in-law."

"I'll kill you!" Monty cursed through gritted teeth.

The next second he turned towards Lachlan with an apologetic and uneasy expression, "Mr. Willis,this wasn't my intention."

"It's fine, I understand." Lachlan waved his hand dismissively.

Monty breathed out in relief before pointing at Daniel, "Do you have any connection with this idioticthing over here?"

He saw that Daniel was also present in the room so just wanted some clarification before jumpinginto conclusions unnecessarily.

"No connection," Lachlan replied indifferently shaking his head.

Miranda's cousin's boyfriend, what did that have to do with him?

Even if there was a connection, it would be a relationship asking for trouble!

Monty nodded at the words and then glared at Daniel coldly. "From now on, don't let me see you.Go get your paycheck from finance tomorrow and get out of here!"

As he spoke, Daniel stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

He looked hopeless.

"Hey? Isn't that Mr. Ellis' prized possession? How..."

At this moment, Monty happened to glance at Cara's feet and exclaimed in surprise.

"Prized possession?"

Cara was stunned by his words and instinctively picked up the jade Buddha under her feet.

"Yes! This is Anton, the CEO of Ellis' Jewellery Group's prized possession displayed in his jadestore! It was carved from an entire piece of top-grade emperor green jade. Someone once offered20 million dollars for it but Anton didn't sell it!"

"I never thought he would give it to Mrs. Lowe... you have such great influence!"

Monty looked amazed as he gazed at the statue of Buddha with envy in his eyes.

Upon hearing this, Cara laughed and waved her hand repeatedly, "No no! I don't have anyinfluence; my son-in-law Lachlan has great influence! It was given to Lachlan by Mr. Ellis."

After speaking these words, this mother-in-law smiled softly at Lachlan; her eyes were so gentlecompared to before when she had been disgusted with him.

"Oh I see now!"

Actually Monty had known all along but pretended not to know.

"Haha Lachlan you are thoughtful indeed! You're willing to give such an expensive thing away?Good son-in-law... good son-in-law haha..." Emmanuel also smiled happily beside him whileglancing over Miranda's auntie and uncle who were hanging their heads low wishing they could justdisappear into thin air right then.

Next, Monty stayed polite for a while longer before saying goodbye and leaving because he hadalready done what needed doing here; there wasn't much point staying any longer than necessaryafter all...

There was no way around it - facing Lachlan made him feel too much pressure!

Although Lachlan seemed harmless enough smiling away like that, Monty still couldn't help feelingscared stiff whenever near him…

After Monty had left, Miranda's cousin and aunt exchanged a glance and looked at Lachlan with ahesitant expression.

"Little... Lachlan! I never expected Mr. Atkinson to give you so much respect!"

"You see Daniel's job, can you help him out..."

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