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Chapter 87


“If he wasn’t trying to search you, then he must have gotten interested in you because of your looksand body. When he took off all your clothes, he realized that your body was flat and skinny. He musthave thought to himself, ah, how boring!”

Hearing that, Selena glanced at her own chest and let out an awkward cough.

“Or perhaps he saw the scar from your C-section and lost all interest. A man like him wouldn’t wantto touch a woman who has given birth before. Now, the second possibility sounds more plausible tome—he suspected that you were spying on him, so he took off your clothes for a thorough ‘bodysearch’.”

Selena agreed with Jude’s reasoning, but she could not shake off a vague feeling ofdisappointment. Believing falsely that she had slept with him once, she thought that it would notmatter to do it with him for the second time. That was also the main reason that she had agreed tosleep with him to save JNS Corporation. When she found out about the truth now, she suddenly feltuneasy and nervous.

“Hey, you look a little disappointed.” Jude could instantly read her friend’s mind.

“That’s not true! Are you having breakfast here? I’ll make some food for you.” Selena denied thetruth and changed the topic before heading to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, at Fowler Residence, Jameson’s fever had gone down the day before, but it came backwith a vengeance after he threw up all over Meredith in the morning. At one point, his bodytemperature reached a high of 40 degrees Celsius, much to everyone’s horror.

Among all of them, Meredith was the one who was the most badly shocked. During the doctor’svisit, she stole out of Jameson’s room and took out her phone with trembling hands.

“Hey! What’s wrong with that substance you gave me?” Hiding in a corner, Meredith made a call tosomeone while keeping an eye out for the people in Fowler Residence.

The Fowlers had too many servants around, and if she was overheard, the secret would easily beleaked. Therefore, she had to constantly keep her guard up.

“Didn’t you promise me that the substance was safe? And that the kid would only run a fever withno major issues? Last night, we gave him some paracetamol and his fever went down, but thismorning, he started throwing up and running a high fever again!”

As she spoke, she did not forget to look around warily. If anyone overheard her conversation, shewould be dead meat.

Before this, she had planted an informant in Fowler Residence by bribing the person to keep alookout on the grounds. This time, it was the informant, a family servant, who had added themysterious substance into Jameson's food.

Noticing Jameson’s deteriorating condition, the servant freaked out and had secretly met withMeredith earlier in the morning. After their conversation, Meredith panicked as well. If their shadyaction was exposed, they would find themselves in hot water because they were messing withJameson, John’s precious grandchild.

“The substance should only cause fever in children without showing other symptoms. Normally,once the fever goes down, the kid will be fine, but if he has never experienced rashes before, hecould get rashes over his body as a result of consuming the substance. We can’t predict thedevelopment of rashes because symptoms vary between people.” The other person on the otherend of the call sounded pretty calm.

“Rashes? Didn’t you say that the substance was safe?” When Meredith heard the word ‘rashes’,she was instantly scared out of her mind, especially since she had no knowledge and experience inraising children at all.

“Gosh, Miss Yard, you really have no idea, do you? Rashes in children are not life-threatening. Hewill run a fever for another three to five days, and once the rashes are gone, he will be fine.” Theperson sounded impatient at Meredith’s cluelessness.

“Are you absolutely sure that he will be fine?” Meredith finally calmed down upon hearing that.

“Yes, of course.”novelbin

“Then, I will trust you this time. If anything happens to the kid, I will hold you accountable!” Shethreatened the person on the other end before hanging up. Taking a deep breath, she slipped herphone back into her pocket and left the corner as if nothing had happened.

Meanwhile, Joaquin was standing upstairs and could see her talking on the phone through thewindow. Unfortunately, the conversation was inaudible to him.

Soon, Meredith returned to the children’s room where the doctor was discussing something withJohn and Helen at the door. Seeing that, she hurried over to join them.

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