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Chapter 82

At that moment, Pierre’s phone rang in an untimely manner. As unhappy as he was about theinterference, he paused for a while and continued his intimate moment with Selena, only to beinterrupted by his ringtone a second time. In the end, he reluctantly decided to answer the call.“Hello?” The man sounded angry, while Selena quickly took the opportunity and wrapped herself inthe blanket.novelbin

“Pierre, Jamie is having a high fever now, but your dad is not at home at the moment, and there isno one else here who can tell us what to do. So, please hurry back home at once!” Helen anxiouslysaid over the phone.

Pierre then gritted his teeth and stared at Selena, who had wrapped herself in the blanket.‘Impeccable’ timing! My boy really knows when to ruin my business! Why did Jamie pick now to fallill of all times? And the best part is that this has to happen when my old man is away! Well, hewould’ve taken care of this issue if he had been at home, wouldn’t he?

“Alright, I heard you. I’m on my way back now.”

In fact, Helen was not in a position to make any decision since she was not Pierre’s biologicalmother and Jameson’s grandmother after all. Therefore, she wouldn’t want to end up making a badcall, because that responsibility was too great for her to bear. Hence, she decided to call Pierreback. In the meantime, Pierre didn’t want to weigh her down with that obligation since heunderstood her difficulty in dealing with the situation.

At the same time, Selena covered every inch of her body with the blanket, except her big, roundeyes that were filled with horror. Deep down, she was still fearful toward having an intimatemoment. Even though she was already a mother, she could only remember her painful firstexperience and barely anything in her second one. Thus, she considered herself a virgin mentallydue to her inexperience in love-making.

Soon, Pierre stood before his closet and took some clothes out of it before he took off his pants,shocking Selena greatly as she quickly buried herself under the blanket. Amused by her reaction,Pierre couldn’t help but chuckle before he walked out the door without saying anything.

A few moments later, Selena heard nothing from her surroundings, so she slowly peeked fromunder the blanket, only to realize that she was alone in the room. “Where is he?” She then emergedfrom under the blanket and pricked her ears up to listen closely. As she continued to hear nothingbut silence, she got off the bed and suddenly heard the sound of someone starting the car engine.At that moment, she quickly approached the window and saw Pierre driving off in his car.

Perhaps something urgent has come up all of a sudden. Selena heaved a sigh of relief and grabbedher down jacket before running back to her house. At that time, Juniper was fortunately still soundasleep. Selena returned to her own room and soaked herself in the bathtub with warm water tosteady her nerves. However, even in the warm water, she still couldn’t help but feel her heartpounding rapidly when she recalled what had happened earlier.

On the other hand, Pierre arrived at the Fowler Residence, and Yoel the butler quickly approachedhim in an anxious manner. “Young Master Jamie has been having a fever since last midnight. Wedon’t know what is going on, but the doctor has already taken a look at him. Now that he has takensome paracetamol, he seems to be feeling much better,” Yoel said while following behind Pierre.

“What did the doctor say?” Pierre asked as he headed upstairs.

“The doctor has taken some blood samples for further testing. Although nothing can be confirmed atthe moment, he said Jamie will be fine since he doesn’t show any symptoms of a serious illness.Nonetheless, the doctor said Jamie could have gotten Roseola since he has never been infected bythis disease before. While the infection rate is commonly higher among infants that are two weeksold or younger, older children, like Jamie, are also vulnerable against this disease. Thus, the doctorcan’t really draw a conclusion since Jamie’s condition is considered a rare one.”

Soon, Pierre arrived at Jameson’s room and saw Meredith carrying the little boy in her arms. Shewas seen humming a lullaby while gently patting Jameson.

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