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Chapter 470

Wyatt had always tried to restrain himself, but it didn’t mean that he didn't need sex. He was a man, after all.

"But I'm sweaty now, so it might turn you off. I have to go back and take a shower first,” Jude said.

Upon hearing that, Wyatt felt his blood racing in his veins. His entire face reddened, including his ears.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Seeing how bashful he was, Jude laughed and leaned closer to him before asking in a soft voice, “Are you a virgin?”Indeed, Wyatt had never slept with a woman before.

"Gotcha! I'll be your first woman, then.” Jude planted a kiss on his cheek. "You have a lot to learn. Don't disappoint me.Wyatt took her words seriously. “Okay...”

Gazing at him, Jude felt joyful and took his hand. At that instant, she was content with the situation she was in. If it were possible, she would love tospend the rest of her life with Wyatt just like this.

After getting into the car, they headed to Wyatt's house. Jude had a mansion herself, but she preferred staying in Wyatt's relatively smaller housebecause his place felt like home in her heart. On the other hand, her house was merely a shelter to her. Just like any couple, they held hands andstepped into the passageway.

Unbeknown to them, a car had been parked opposite the passageway for a long time. Through the window, Satan stared at the loving couple. He hadrarely seen Jude smile so sweetly.

She would always beam at him during the few days they had spent together in the past. However, he wasn't aware that her sole intention was to saveJameson, so it was hard to tell how sincere she was when she smiled at him.

At that moment, he looked fixedly ather because fie missed her dearly.Initially, he thought he could let her.go and give her the freedom she a8needed-However, every night, he”missed her so much that he felt asthough the darkness was going toengulf him. That was whye hadcome to look for her. Contenbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

In fact, he had been in this city for a long time. He had been to many places, thinking that he might come across her, or that she might have come tothe same places in the past.

After Jude got into her house andpulled the curtajns open, she saw anunfamiliar cat in the car park. Everyhouse owaer would be given a oparking slot, so the same cars wereparked on the same spots every day.Nevertheless, there was an ugknowncaren this day. She couldnt peerifffo the vehicle because the carmirror reflected the light, but shehad a feeling that someone wasstaring at her in the car. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org


At the same tie, Satan was gazingat he through’ he window. He knewthat she couldn't see him, but he ~~treasured the fact that he could bemet vl her gaze. Just then, therightfil owner of the parking: stotarrived, so he had no choice but toIgave. Content belongs ta:NovelDrama.Org

Watching the leaving car, Jude felt conflicted within as she mumbled, "Was it him?

Then, she thought, No way. Why would he be here? He promised to let me go, so he probably wouldn't contact me again. Perhaps he's alreadyforgotten about me.

“Jude!” Wyatt called out suddenly.Coming to her senses, Jude replied, "I'm coming!” After taking one last look at the parking slot, she turned around and left the room

They hadn't had any proper meals at the hospital for the past few days, so Wyatt was worried about her health. Therefore, he was trying to prepare anutritious meal for her in the kitchen

Sitting on a couch, Jude watched as the man busied himself in the kitchen. When their eyes met, they would beam at each other.

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