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Chapter 462

Embarrassed by what Selena had said, Helen pointed at the door and snarled, “Get lost! We don’t welcome you here!

“If I leave, this show will be less interesting.” Selena turned around and gazed at the will before sneering. “To all the Fowlers here, you're supportiveof Helen because you've gained some benefits from this will, right? All of you became wealthy because of Old Mr. Fowler. If he found out that you'resupporting his murderer to inherit his wealth, he'd be incensed in heaven.”

All the Fowlers flushed in anger. "Selena, get lost now! You are the murderer! How could you accuse someone else?”“That's right. You're doing this because you want a share of the inheritance!

All of them couldn't bear to see their assets taken away from them, so they rose from the chairs and started defending Helen and Chris. Meanwhile,Chris remained silent. He knew the truth behind the murder, so he couldn't reprimand Selena like the others did.

Selena scoffed, “I'm doing this for the money? I'm wealthy myself, so why would I do that? Indeed, the inheritance is attractive, but my money isenough to last me for a lifetime, so I don't have to take the risk for the inheritance that will only rot in a bank.”

All of them sneered at her remark. She was indeed wealthy, but no one in this world wouldn't want more money.

“I know you won't believe me, but that's none of my concern. I'm here to tell you one thing.” Selena tock a glance at Chris with a dejected gaze, butshe soon locked away. “Chris Fowler has no right to inherit Fowler Corporation because he is not Old Mr. Fowler's son!

Before coming to this place, she was conflicted internally. She knew that Chris was an innocent and benevolent man. Just like what he had saidbefore, there was no way people who loved music could be bad.

Therefore, she understood thatHelen must ? the mastermindbehind all thése, and Chris slgeletclel)'yknew nothing, including the fact thathe wasf't John's child. Howeverwherishe said those words, shetook: a look at Chris, who gave noreaction at all. It meant that he hadfound out about it. Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org

“You are lying!” Helen pressed herhand against her chest and growled.Perhaps she was too agitated thatshe fell intotrer chair and stared at.Selena with teary eyes. “Selena, howcould you be so ruthless? My ->husband i is dead! He was your ~father-in-law! It's because ofyouthat his corpse can't be buried andthat he's even dismembéted! Andnow, you're even trying to falselyaccuse my son! I don't care if youwant to destroy me, but you can't dothat to my son!” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

At that moment, Helen appeared to be a pitiful single mother, arousing the sympathy of those in the room.

While the Fowlers were infuriated,the other shareholders stayedcalmly on the side because theywere doubtful about the legitimacy.of the will’ John's will had nothing todo with them. However, since ll theFowlers had gained more shares, itwould affect the shareholders’ rightsand make them have les say in thecompany. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

"Selena, stop spouting nonsense! Get lost, and don't come back again!”"Why did the security guards let her in? Throw her out of this place now!”

“If she’s not leaving, just call the police!”Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

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