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Chapter 456

Tears were raining down on Selena's face as she mumbled, "Jojo, I really wish you don’t know so much. If you're afraid, or if you don't want to, I reallywon't force you."Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

But Joaquin knew that if he didn't do it, Juniper would die.

"I am willing to." He was still very determined to say that. So, Selena stroked his face and nodded

At the Fowler Residence, Helen was a little surprised by the arrival of the police officers. Then, several of them briefly explained to her the real causeof John's death

Wiping her tears with her handkerchief, Helen said, "But John has always taken his medicine very carefully, and they were all prescribed by thedoctor. I was responsible for supervising him to take them, and he did take them after every meal without fail. When he was alive, there seemed to beno problem with him, and during the last physical examination, even the doctor said that his condition had improved." She sobbed and wailed like anignorant woman as she spoke.

The officers looked at each other; they were aware that Selena said when she left that Helen was the most suspicious person involved in this case.Since it involved family feuds, the officers also felt that Helen was highly suspicious.

"May we know how you and the deceased knew each other?"

Helen wiped her tears. "It was many years ago. I was just a dumb girl at that time, and I lived on the second floor in an apartment. I really like growingplants on the balcony, but on that day, there was a very expensive car parked downstairs. When I was watering my plants, I accidentally knockedover the flowerpot, so it fell down and hit the car. The owner of that car did not sympathize with me and insisted that I pay for the damages, but I reallydid not have that much money to pay him. Then, I met John, who helped me out, and then we got to know each other. Later, I married him, and thatwas how..."Of course, the police naturally knewall about this before they came over,and Helen's posture and expressionwere veryretaxed. She did not looklike she was lying. Naturally, Helen”had undergone harsh training when

Na i .she was in the Zephyr Organization,

N Rs .sothis was peanuts for her Besides,when she left the Zephyr. ;~Organization, her identity had alsobeen cleared as this was one of therules of the organization. Content

belongs to swnovel.ne

Just like when Selena left the Zephyr Organization, her background and identity were also clean. It was impossible for anyone to investigate anything.Helen looked up at the officers and asked, "You guys don't suspect me, do you?"

"Please do not think too much. Nowthat the case has becomecomp cated we're just routinelyconducting inquiries andinvestigations, and we will not let-goof anypossible leads or suspects.As John was killed due to taking theWréng medication for a long time,you are now considered @ suspectbecause you are the one who servedhim the medication.” Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org


"But in that case, the maids in the house are also suspicious!" Helen hurriedly said.

"Naturally, we will interrogate them one by one.”

Then, the officer asked her to gatherall the maidsdn the house, theninterrogated them one by one. NFinally, trey went to Helen and NJohn's bedroom o check John'smedication. A police officer -collected all these medicines andasked Helen about the specifics ofeach one of them. Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org


"Are all the medicines here? Are there any that were finished and you didn't have time to get more?" the officer asked.

Helen shook her head. I just went to get more a short time ago, and he hadn't had much yet. I did not expect him to..." As she spoke, she burst intotears again.

Chris was looking over from not far away. Since he was naturally also a suspect who lived in the house, he also had to be interrogated by the police.But when he looked at how his mother acted, he felt rather disillusioned.

The officers spent almost a full day in the Fowler Residence because it was really too big, and they had to check a lot of places. In fact, they evenchecked the water John usually had as well as his cups and obtained samples from them

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