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Chapter 453

Jude stood up, and just as she was about to turn around, she leaned down again. Cupping Wyatt's head, she gave him a deep kiss on his forehead.After this, she left, while Wyatt bowed his head and smiled to himself.

When Jude drove back home, the property manager hurriedly caught up with her. "Miss Knight!"Jude rolled down the window. "What is it?""There is a courier package for you here. It was delivered several days ago."

"Courier package?" Jude took it and looked at it, and there was indeed her name written on it. But there was no information about the sender at all,even though her address was written very clearly on it.

"Okay, thanks."After Jude returned home, she looked at this package, then opened it up. It turned out to be a document. It's a document about Helen!

It clearly recorded Helen's background, and only then did Jude find out that Helen's entire family was killed by John Fowler. Jude hurriedly sat downand began to study this information, which also clearly recorded the time Helen entered the Zephyr Organization, as well as every mission she tookthere. In addition, it also recorded that her partner in the organization was codenamed Black Bear.

So it's true that Helen did it for revenge!

Jude hurriedly brought the document to the police station and asked to see Selena. Since Juniper was very ill, the police were accommodating, andalthough they didn't allow Selena to go out, they allowed Jude to visit so that she could discuss with Selena issues related to Juniper's treatment.

"Have the autopsy results come out yet?" Jude was curious to know.

Selena shook her head. "As this is the most detailed level of autopsy, some time may be required for them to run the tests. So, I'm afraid that theresults will not be out so soon. How is Juniper?”

"Juniper is doing okay for the time being, but the effect of treatment isn’t..."Selena knew what happened because the doctor had informed her about this before.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

"Right. There's no need to say anything more. I understand.” Selena felt exhausted in her heart.

"Selena, you have to decide whosebone marrow’to use. The doctorsaid tha Juriper fortunately has twotwin brothers, so there should be noproblem+in using their bone marrow,and the treatment effect will also beexcellent. It's just that do yolrwanttéruse Jojo's or Jamie's? Gr... Well,you have to make a decision.”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Selena propped her head up with one hand. "I don't know."

Any surgery was risky, and especially for such a major surgery. the risk was even greater. After all, all three were her children, so she really did notknow what to do.

"Luckily, there's still time for you tothink about it. Look at this first. Thisis the medical file given by thedoctor’ Jude handed the documentoverto Selena, emphasizingthephrase ‘medical file". Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org =

"ls this true?”"It could not be wrong."

The gears in Selena’s mind were turning rapidly. "Chris was born after the marriage between John and Helen. He was said to be born prematurely atthat time."

Jude looked at her in astonishment. "Do you mean to say—""Go and check it out. I think it's very possible!"

Jude nodded and replied, "Right, I will look after Juniper well. You don't have to worry. I will take my leave first.”

With that, Jude left the policestation, then put on her sunglassesand sat in hetear, looking at thedocumentin her hand. She knewvery welfwho had sent this ~~document. Even if the handwritingon itWas not his, it could not beanyone else other than Satan whocould give her such a coafidentialdocument. So, he's still payingattention to me, right? Contentbelongs to swnovel.ne

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