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Chapter 449

Helen clenched her fists, eyes shut in complete agony. It turned out that someone was genuinely eavesdropping on them that night, and she hadbeen careless to let it happen. Next, she relaxed her hands, then her closed eyes slowly opened. "Yes, it was I who killed him."

The moment Helen admitted it, Chris completely broke down. Eyes bulging, he grabbed her arm at once. "Why are you doing this? Why did you dothis? Mom, this is murder! That was my dad!"

There was no way he could understand her. Before he came to confront her, he even thought that maybe he was mistaken. After all, his mother hadalways respected his father, and they had always been in love, so how could she kill him? However, Helen allowed him to violently shake her bodyand did not move at all. When Chris stopped, she said, "I'm doing this all for you."

"For me? It's for the sake of me inheriting the Fowler Family and its assets, right? So, the will is also a fake, right?"

"Yes! So what? You should be the one to inherit all the Fowler Family assets! Why should it be Pierre? Who even is Pierre? He almost killed John, butJohn still thinks highly of him. And you? You've been a good boy since you were little, but he never liked you!" Helen growled.

Chris locked at his mother and shook his head. "Mom, you're crazy. You killed my own father in order to inherit the Fowler Family. Do you think Iwould be happy?" My father! My actual father! From now on, I'd be fatherless!

"He wasn't even your real father!" A tear flowed down the corner of Helen's eye as she closed her eyes.

Hearing that, Chris froze. "What did you say?"

Helen silently took a deep breathand answered, "Anyway, you willknow sooner or later, so there's noharm in telling you now. John Fowlerwas not only not your birth father,but he was also the enemy of ourfamily. M last name is no Lawson,but Vale real name is Helena >Yule. Atthat time, although the YuleFamily was not a wealthy family,yodtr grandfather was the ditector ofthe local land bureau, andyourgrandmother ran a restaurant. Ourfamily had a good life, and everyonewas happy. But unexpectedly, JohnFowler was interested in a piece ofand and wanted to use it to build afactory. But the land was not acommercial one and was a farmer'sand. Of course, your grandfatherwould not approve of it, and Johnsent people to negotiate with himmany times. John even personallyvisited and brought money andgifts." Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Helen sat down on the sofa and continued, "But your grandfather is an old school and upright person, so he definitely refused to take bribes andfirmly denied John the land. Later, nobody expected John to..."Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Helen clenched her teeth. "I was onlyten years old that year, and it wasmy birthday. When I went out in themorning, my mother clearly told me_

that we wou d celebrate my birthdaywith a birthday cake together withthe family in the evening. But: when Ireturned home in the evening,fonnd the house quiet with-bloodflowing out along the doorway. Yourgrandfather, your grandmother, andyour aunt were all lying in pools ofblood..." Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Tears slowly flowed down Helen's face. "I can never forget that scene in my life. Even in my dreams, I often dream of my whole family being killed thatday."

"D-Did my father do it?" Chris also never thought that John would be such a ruthless man. Although he had heard that John was brutal, he neverknew that John could be so merciless to the point of killing a whole family.

"Who else could it be but him?”Helen clenched her fists. "Then, Ijoined Zephyr-Qrganization and

pent a few years training there. Doyou knowhow harsh the Zephyr oOOrganization's training was? Severaltimes thought I was going todie,bu then I thought of my parents andmyssister's tragic deaths, afd so Istruggled hard to survive have tosurvive! During missions, I evencame back from near-deaths severaltimes, and when I finally completedthe contract of the ZephyrOrganization, I thought I could finallytake my revenge.” Content belongsto swnovel.ne


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