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Chapter 443

Selena shook her head in a hurry. "No. it's too long! I can't wait that long!"

A lot could happen in a week's time, and she believed that if it was really Helen’s doing. that woman would make sure to convict her during this week!By then, there would be no turning back.

"Unless you can have sufficient evidence to prove that you did not poison the wine yourself and that there is no motive for you to do so, it will bedifficult." The lawyer's words were like a death sentence for Selena.

Selena bit her lip tightly; she absolutely would not allow such a thing to happen. "You go and think of something first.""Of course, President Yard. I will definitely help you fight in your best interest.”novelbin

After the lawyer left, Selena fell into despair. There was no way to contact Pierre, so what was she going to do? When the officer came to interrogateher again, before he could speak, she took the initiative to say, "I want to request an autopsy!"

The officers looked at each other, and then one of them said, "We have already checked and confirmed that he did die from the poison in the wineglass. Moreover, the poison in his body and the poison in the wine glass is the same, so we can be sure that it was the wine that killed him."

Selena shook her head. “l’m aware that the police have procedures for conducting autopsies, and I’m certain that you've only done the most basicautopsy to know the cause of his death. I wish for you to conduct a more detailed autopsy."

The officers, however, shook their heads, showing little interest in Selena's request, as they felt there was no need for that.

"First of all, I'm not the murderer. Iknow you don't believe me even if Isay so, and I don't want to argueabout it. Secondly, Helen Fowler is avery suspicious individual becausethe heir of ta Fowler Family hasalways been Pierre Fowler. Thus, a>mothe cwho wants to fight for herson's inheritance will do anythiagshe san. Thirdly, John Fowler'shealth was not at all like what youthink. The outside worldshad alwaysfelt that John was in good health,and he had always maintained ahealthy image as well. But hevomited blood before, and he hadso been secretly undergoingreatment, and the only person whoknows he was in treatment is Helen.hink it is very worthwhile for you toinvestigate whether Helen has ahand in accelerating John Fowler'sdeath.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org



The two officers looked at each other. Then, one said, "We want evidence, not just empty words."

"Yes, but you also do not haveevidence that I poisoned the wine.You must have seen the surveillancefootage and know that I had been inthe lounge roem doing my makeup,so I did nat touch the glass of winesat all beforehand. The glass of winewas giWén to me by the staff, and Iwasalways surrounded by people,setsimply did not have time topéison anything. In order to makesure the wedding went on smoothly,I did not even drink water because Iwas worried about having to go tothe restroom. After all, it’s tooinconvenient to go to the restroomina wedding dress. Since I did noteven go to the restroom, when did Ipoison the wine without anyoneseeing?" Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

The officers did not speak because Selena was right. They had checked the surveillance footage and did not find any evidence of Selena poisoningthe wine

"I know you must not have found the surveillance footage that would convict me; otherwise, you wouldn't have interrogated me repeatedly."

These words left the officer speechless.

"Lam not going to plead guilty, andit’s impossible for me to harm myhusband's father. Even though theyhave a bat father- son relationship, Ilove my.than deeply, and naturally,have k much respect for his father.Besides, he was my children'sgrandfather, so I would never bewilling to let them see théirgrandfather die in front of them!"Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

The last sentence slightly moved the officers; they were also fathers, so they could understand that as parents, they were definitely most unwilling toinvolve their children in their own matters.

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