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Chapter 430

Pierre threw her a glare. “What are you laughing at? How dare you laugh! We would have been home by now if it weren't for you!” It's all this idioticwoman's fault.

“I have every reason to laugh! Things have never gone so smoothly for me in my life!” she exclaimed

What? Did things go smoothly today? We had to go through so many struggles just to get these certificates! “I thought you were the one who startednagging when you saw the bad weather this morning. You complained about the jam and the lack of noodle restaurants; how did anything gosmoothly for you?"

“It's a lot better in comparison to what I had to go through in the past.” Selena turned to look at Pierre. “This is the first time that things have ever goneso well in my life.”

Pierre let out an unimpressed scoff.

“According to my mom, she had to go to the hospital for four days in a row, complaining of stomach pains, before she finally gave birth to me on thefourth day! I would encounter car accidents every time I had to rush to an exam as a child, and things would only become worse every time I getworried about a situation. The same pattern repeats itself in my relationships, don’t you think? I thought that everything would be perfect after I finallyfell in love with a man, yet the situation didn't go as planned. I didn’t just have my lover snatched away from me; I was even close to losing my lifethen! It's the same with you—think about all the pains, struggles, and near-death situations we had to encounter before finally getting our weddingcertificates!" She patted the piece of paper in her hands. “That's why today is truly a lucky day.”

Pierre was impressed by how optimistic Selena was. It's one of my favorite traits of hers. I hope that she will be able to employ the same beliefs andattitudes when she is faced with other issues in the future. He abruptly slammed on the brakes right then. The couple felt their bodies jerking forwardbefore their seatbelts pressed them back into their seats. There was a car crash that happened just in front of them! Pierre would have hit the car in

front of him if he had stepped on the brakes just a second later. Selena turned around to meet gazes with him then. “Hehe. Calm down, calm down.

We have to keep ourselves calm to avoid any unnecessary conflicts.

The children were all fast asleep by the time they got home. Selena and Pierre hadn't expected to spend an entire day’s worth of time just collectingtheir marriage certificates, but then again, they were probably the only couple who needed so much time to complete the task.

Selena yawned loudly as she walked into the bedroom. "I can finally get a good night's rest!”

But Pierre tugged onto the back of her shirt then. “Did you think we're done now that we've gotten our certificates?”

“What else do.we have to do?”Selena was worn out after her longday. “You'réiot telling me to lightcandles Fine decorate our room tosadhereto some wedding night - —traditishs, are you? I don't thinkthere’ s any purpose in that since wehac slept together a long-time ago,”she mumbled. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

“Don't you want to plan a wedding?” He raised an eyebrow as he looked at her.

"A wedding? Oh...” She nearly forgotabout it. According to Astoriantraditions, a marriage certificate wasmerely a private acknowledgment ofthe union between the couple—thecouple would only be recognized asa propermarried couple once they.hosted.a wedding ceremony. s>Couples wouldn't consider.’themselves married if they oollectedthe @ certificates without hasting awedding. Pierre didn’t inténd to hosta wedding initially, but he thenthought about how it would be aonce-in-a-lifetime experience forSelena. He wanted Selena to haveeverything that any other personhad. Furthermore, he was the heir ofthe Fowler Family—their relativesmight grow suspicious if he gotmarried without hosting a grandwedding ceremony. Content belongsto swnovel.ne




They decided to proceed with theceremony, and they decided to makeit quick. The couple, therefore, beganto pick out degorations for theirwedding. Plaaning one’s weddingwas a tediots and cumbersome ™»task, and'Selena quickly lost all <patiense in getting the job donesShesimply selected the food to beprepared before she told herWédding planner to handle the otherdetails. In order to save them sometime, she went online to pick out herwedding gown. Fortunately, this washer forte—she knew what sort ofgowns would fit her well since shedesigned wedding gowns herself. Itwas nearly 2.00AM by the time theygot all of these matters arranged, sothe couple hastily went to bed.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Orgnovelbin

Many in the Fowler Family were pleased to hear of Selena and Pierre’s marriage, but many were unhappy about it. Helen was one of the unhappyones. She knew that it was only a matter of time before John would hand Fowler Corporation over to Pierre now that Pierre had gotten married.

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