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Chapter 422

“That's all?"“Yeah.” Selena blinked her eyes.

Pierre stared at Selena, feeling annoyed because she was all so happy when she was talking to the children, and she even showered them withkisses and hugs. On the contrary, he didn't receive any affectionate gestures; even her attitude toward him was rather indifferent.

“Go and prepare dinner then!” Pierre looked away and continued to scroll away on his phone.“Weird!” mumbled Selena as she headed toward the kitchen.

A while later, Pierre felt too restless to just sit around, so he rose up from his seat and stormed toward the kitchen. He closed the kitchen door behindhim as well.

While Selena was washing the vegetables, she asked, “Why did you close the door? With the two of us here in the kitchen, we won't be able to hearthe children if something happens to them.”

“It's only for a short while. They know what theyre doing.” The children, the children, the children! She only has eyes for the children!“If you have something to ask me, you can do it now.

Scratching his head, Pierre tried to make himself sound more natural and said, "I don't have anything to ask.”

Without sparing him a glance, Selena said, “Then I guess you'd better go out now, because I’m about to cook soon.”

Yet, Pierre didn’t want to leave just like that. “Can't I just be here to supervise you while you cook?”

“Well, suit yourself.”

“Uhm... The inspectors came today?” Pierre tried to sound indifferent, as though he was just having a casual conversation with Selena.Feeling amused, Selena knew this man wanted to ask her about this, but he wasn’t bold enough to do so. “Yeap.”

“How was it? Did they make things difficult for you? If they did, I'd beat them up!” said Pierre in a childish manner.

“It went alright.” Selena deliberately answered curtly, and she refused to elaborate further.

“So what was the conclusion?" Pierre asked in the end.

“Conclusion? What conclusion?"

“I mean how did it end!” We're already a pair with three children, and yet we don't seem to have a tacit mutual understanding, he grumbled internally.

“Oh! They've asked me to do a body check-up. Once the report is out, we can get registered in a week or so.

Upon hearing Selena’s words, Pierrefelt a weight Qeing lifted off hismind, because she didn't back out.Pierre was well aware of the Sprocedures, and he knew hat thesinspectors would clearly list outvallthe ottellenges to Selena. In fact, hewas afraid that Selena would backoat at the very last minute=Trying tosuppress his smile, he finally felt hiswhole body relaxing. Then, all of asudden, he cupped Selena’s faceand kissed her. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Startled by the sudden and strong kiss, Selena snapped, “Are you out of your mind?“That's my woman! Alright then, you can go on with preparing dinner. I'll go check on the kids!”novelbin

Selena couldn't help but chuckle when she saw the way he behaved. "So, you're not going to chat around with me now?”

“We can't just chit-chat around. What if something happens to the kids?” Lifting up his chin, Pierre walked out and started to hum a little tune

Selena shook her head and thought. Men!

After dinner, when Selena waswashing the dishes, she suddenlysensed a littlé figure standing by thedoor. When she looked toward the:door, she saw that it was Joaquin‘What's wrong, Jojo?” Usually,Joaquin wasn't the type whe wouldGame up to her without a-particularreason. Content belongs t toNovelDrama.Org

After taking a quick peek outside of the kitchen, Joaquin closed the door a little. “There's something wrong with Daddy.”“What's wrong with him?” Feeling a little anxious, Selena knelt down and gazed at Joaquin. “What happened?”“You need to bring him to consult a doctor.”

“Why so?” Selena asked nervously and wondered whether Pierre was diagnosed with an illness, which he had hidden from her.

“A normal person urinates up to sixtimes duringsthe day. Above eighttimes, it can mbe considered as ~~polyuria,but he actually went to ) thetoilet aight times injustone ©aftersoon. That's not normal-at all,so-tsuspect there's somethi nigweong with his health.” Cgntentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

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