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Chapter 420

Selena felt her heart sink. In the eyes of the public, Pierre was just the heir of the Fowler Family, who started a company on his own and became thefounder of Empire Group. No one could have possibly guessed that he was someone whe developed advanced weapons and was even a General!

Was it because of me? By bringing Pierre to television, I've inadvertently placed him under the spotlight. Besides that. there’s also that chain of otherevents. Previously, probably Satan and Hades didn’t even know about Pierre's identity. What have I done?

It was then Selena realized that she had unknowingly placed Pierre in the most dangerous spot ever!“Miss Yard, did you hear what we just said?"“Sorry. Come again?” Selena lifted her head up.

“Now you know his identity, will you still insist on marrying him? You know, you can still go back on your wards. If it weren't because General Fowler'sidentity was exposed, we wouldn't have told you this now. But since everything has been revealed, it’s actually not advisable for him to get married.However, General Fowler is determined with his choice, so our organization can't do anything about it.”

“That's right. Our organization called up General Fowler to advise him against getting married, but he refused to listen and was determined to have ithis way. Who knows what has gotten into him?!

Upon hearing that, Selena could feel tears streaming down her face. He did it all because of her. Now, she regretted being so forceful toward himback then. She could imagine how difficult it was for him to decide on getting married and how much stress he went through.

“Miss Yard, if you wish to back out of the marriage, we can apply for a protection order for you. As soon as we've settled you and your children to asafe place, we can even help to create a new identity for you, so you can start afresh.”

“No,” Selena said while shaking her head. “I wish to marry him.”After exchanging glances with one another, one of them asked, “Are you sure?”

“Of course. I won't abandon him. Even if the road ahead may be difficult, I wish to face it together with him.” Smiling, Selena had her eyes filled to thebrim with tears. “Let’s move on to the next question.”

With that, the two inspectors continued to ask a few other questions, and Selena was then asked to fill out a questionnaire

The inspection rules toward military spouses had always been strict, especially for a person who held a crucial role such as Pierre. Undoubtedly, itwould be much more rigorous.

At the end of it,_one of the inspectorssaid, “Miss Yard, I believe that youalready know about it, but we naveto tell you that military marriagescareprotected by the law, so no onetanruin. your marriage. You don’ tneedto2worry about anyone getting inbétween your marriage.’.Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

When Selena heard that, she couldn't help but chuckle. "I know that.”“Great! I guess we're done here. Take this form with you and follow the address stated there to get a body checkup. After that, you're done.”

“When can we get registered?

The moment the inspectors heard this, they couldn't contain their laughter. Her cheeks turned crimson with embarrassment. and she realized howimpatient she sounded just now, as though she couldn't wait to get married.

“You two are amatch made inheaven! General Fowler soundedthis eagertoo. He kept requesting - _the orgakization to speed up thes ~proces&- Otherwise, this process willtakeat least 6 months. Some~complicated cases may even takeUf to a year.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Orgnovelbin

“Really?” Scratching her head, Selena felt that they were indeed rushing things through.

“However, since General Fowlerholds such acrucial role within theorganization, his case is indeed the,first evercvase in which we expeditethe process this quickly. Once yourreports out, we'll proceed rightaway to submit all the inforsiation,then you can probably getregisteredfor marriage a week later.” Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Great!” As Selena left the place, she walked out into the bright sunlight. which caused her to squint her eyes. No matter what happens in the future, I'llstay by your side and never leave you again.

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