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Chapter 284

Juniper even lifted her clothes to check on her own belly button. “Wow, Mom! Let’s choose to givebirth to a baby! Not only will it cure me, but I will also finally get a sibling!”

While observing her innocent smile, Selena couldn’t help but give her a pinch on the face. “Then, doyou want a brother or a sister?”

“A sister! I want a sister! We can wear pretty dresses together if I have a younger sister! I can alsoplay pretend with her! But I think a brother will be fine too. I will love whoever you give birth to!” Themore she spoke, the more excited she got, as evident from the glint of yearning in her eyes. “Mom,since I used to live in your stomach, I think that having a sibling is such a fateful encounter since heor she will also be living in the same place where I used to live in.”

“Indeed.” That was especially the case with siblings, as they grew up in the same womb one afterthe other. “We’ll talk about having a baby later on. For now, I will have to go find your biologicalfather.”

“Okay! You can go without worries! I will be a good girl!”novelbin

When Selena heard that, she nodded, feeling grateful that she had Juniper as her daughter. Afterthat, she didn’t dwell any further on the subject of Juniper’s biological father, as she knew for surethat Megan couldn’t possibly have paired her up with anybody remotely decent. Hence, shewouldn’t hold high hopes for him, but neither did she wish for Juniper to have any hopes for him, asthey were bound to be disappointed.

Therefore, all Selena hoped for was that he was healthy enough to function as a donor; his currentappearance, character and occupation wouldn’t matter to them. Soon, she got in touch with Melissato discuss the matter, but the latter didn’t think it was a wise decision. “Selena, Hades took the testout of his own volition, so you have nothing to worry about. He wouldn’t have taken the test if hewasn’t willing to be a donor.”

There was a moment’s pause before Selena asked, “Melissa, have you ever thought of leaving?”

“Leaving?” Melissa wasn’t quite sure what she meant.

“Yeah. Leave here so you can get away from such a risky lifestyle that requires you to go onmissions that put your life on the line. You can live a normal life by getting married with Joshua andhaving kids together.” There was a serious look on Selena’s face when she stared at Melissa.

However, Melissa merely let out an awkward chuckle. “I don’t think my current life is bad,considering I’ve already died once. I no longer fear death. I was brought to the organization when Iwas ten to be groomed into who I am today. I’ve been living like this ever since then. Yes, it’s ablessing that I get to meet Joshua, but I never thought of giving birth to children, as they’re a hassleto deal with.”

“That’s why you’ll never understand a mother’s feelings, especially when I managed to pushthrough my life because of Juniper. I do not wish a life of tribulation upon her. I don’t care if I am putthrough all of it, but she shouldn’t be as she’s far too young. She should live like a normal child, andI can only give her a normal life if I also live as a normal woman, as a mother.” Heaving a sigh,Selena went on to say, “I have no other choice. I no longer wish to be associated with Hades, so Iwill not reach out to him unless the situation dictates that I absolutely should.”

When Melissa heard that, she smiled faintly. “I do not claim to understand your circumstances as amother, but I will support your decision. Hang in there, Selena. You’ll find that man.”

Selena nodded resolutely. For now, she would put all thoughts of conceiving another baby aside, asshe couldn’t possibly do it alone. After leaving Juniper in Melissa’s care, she returned to Astoriaalone. It was a risky move in itself, as she would be at a disadvantage if John ever found out thatshe did so. Thus, she returned to Astoria discreetly.

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