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Chapter 281

Most specialists would recommend patients to get a transplant—either a bone marrow or a cordblood one—if they met the requirements, as a relapse would most probably be more severe thanthe first time. If anything went wrong, it was likely that not even a bone marrow transplant wouldhelp.

Needless to say, modern medicine was constantly being improved, so nobody had the final answerregarding treatment methods. Nobody dared to claim the methods as either foolproof or unfeasible.In fact, a lot of the doctors tended to leave the outcome up to fate.

Therefore, Selena promptly submitted a request for the hospital to start finding a match for Juniper.When Melissa caught wind of the news, she had everyone get tested in an attempt to find a matchfor Juniper. After all, the more tests they conducted, the higher the chance in that regard. Aftereverybody was tested, all that remained was to wait for the results. Due to the complexity of thetests, a few days were needed before they could get the results.

When the doctor did his rounds, Selena inquired about the progress of the matching test. Shakinghis head, the doctor told her, “Don’t worry too much. We have yet to get results.” Selena nodded inresponse, as she knew she was being impatient. On the next instant, the doctor asked, “However, Ihaven’t seen the child’s father. Does she not have one?”

Selena’s heart sank upon hearing the question, as she had totally forgotten about him, or rather,she had always thought that Juniper had no father. All along, Juniper belonged to her alone, so shewas without any other relations. However, she realized at that moment that Juniper’s father mightcome in handy.

“Um, I am not judging you. However, from a purely medical point of view, the patient’s siblings arethe first choice as donors, as fully compatible transplants have a lower chance of rejection, as wellas a higher success rate. The second choice will be to find a full match from the bone marrow bank,

but there is a low chance of being able to achieve that. Besides, there are a lot of people on thebone marrow bank’s waiting list, so we won’t be considering that option for the time being. Instead,it will be our backup plan. The third option will be a half match from the patient’s parents. As thechild has half of each parent’s genes, the parents will be a half match, but the father’s marrow willbe preferred for its higher compatibility rate. Usually, male donors are preferred over female donors,the young over the old, and the children over the parents. I hope you can understand that if you andher father are her only immediate family, we will actually prefer the father as her donor.”

After listening to the doctor’s explanation, Selena realized all of a sudden how cruel of a joke thewhole ordeal was. She wished that she could be a matching donor for Juniper. “Let’s discuss itagain when we have the results.”novelbin

“Sure. We might have better options once the results are out.” With that, the doctor left.

On the other hand, Juniper was in better spirits while she looked at Selena. “Mom, I miss Mr.Handsome.”

When Selena heard that, she caressed Juniper’s face while asking, “Why are you missing him all ofa sudden?”

“I just miss him. I never got to bid him goodbye when we left. Mom, did you have a fight with him?”Juniper was a sensitive child, and her sensitivity was what pushed her to become so mature.

Heaving a sigh, Selena explained, “We have some bad blood between us, so I don’t think we will begetting married. Juniper, I know you like him a lot and had been hoping for him to become yourfather. Will you blame me for this?” She stared at her daughter as if she wasn’t her daughter, buther best friend.

“No, I won’t blame you. Mommy, although I have been pushing you to get married, I still wish foryour happiness above all.”

Without warning, Selena’s tears fell. “Thank you, my darling. Thank you for your understanding.Having you is the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

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