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Chapter 28

Meanwhile, Megan rejoiced at the sight of Selena’s hesitancy. This matter is getting out of hand, butthe poor lady has no idea that I’m just putting on a show all the time. I can’t wait to see how shecleans up the mess.

“I don’t have a say in this matter.” Selena’s voice still sounded cold as it had always been from thebeginning.

“Oh, come on! You both are a couple, so I’m sure your words carry some weight, don’t they?Furthermore, I heard he dotes you on quite a lot, so I think he’ll definitely listen to you,” Roland saidand waved his hand.

“That’s right. I can tell that he really dotes on you too. Unless you’re still mad at Dad or me, youwould kindly lend us a hand, wouldn’t you? After all, we’re a family, right?”novelbin

“Exactly! We’re a family, and that’s why we should bear no grudge against each other. Please tellhim that we’d like to dine together someday. In fact, when Meredith becomes a Fowler, he andPierre will be in-laws by then. Thus, I’d say this is promising to him!” Roland said with a smile on hisface.

“Alright then, I’ll tell him when I get back. If there is nothing else, I should get going.” Selena couldn’tstand sticking around any longer, as she was ready to leave after giving a terse reply. When she gotto the door, she suddenly thought of something and turned around. “My mom used to have a pair ofbeautiful bracelets, but I can’t find them now. Do you know where they are?”

Roland and Jezebelle exchanged gazes with a surprised look on their faces upon hearing that, butSelena managed to notice their suspicious reactions, sensing something amiss.

“Oh, really? I can’t remember anything about them,” Roland answered while scratching his head.

“How could you not remember those bracelets? Mom used to wear it on her wrists all the time.”

“Alas! It’s been years since we last saw it, so what does it matter to you, anyway? I bet they musthave been misplaced somewhere long ago,” Roland replied as he subconsciously tried to avoidSelena’s gaze.

“I’m sure those bracelets must be somewhere in the house. All it takes is just a little effort ofsearching. Actually, I’ve been having the same dream these few days, in which my mom was askingme for them. So, please find them for me.” Knowing that Roland had a favor to ask of her, Selenawas sure that the man wouldn’t turn her down.

Soon, she heard the man say, “Alright, I’ll get Jezebelle to look for them later.”

After that, Selena responded with silence as she turned around and left the place.

At the same time, Roland happily sipped his tea while humming and patting his lap. Seeing theman’s complacent look, Jezebelle rolled her eyes at him. “Look at you! Getting cocky already, huh?”

“Haha! I am cocky indeed! What’re you gonna do about that? People laughed at me back then forhaving three daughters but not even a son. Look at where they are now! One of them is gonna bethe wife of Lake Corporation’s president, while the other two are marrying the presidents of JNSCorporation and Fowler Corporation. By then, I can just lie in my bed and still get rich!”

Jezebelle looked askance at him and said, “I hope you’re aware that your daughter is not someonewho rolls over so easily. She is already asking for her reward even before starting to do her job. I’dlike to see how you’re gonna answer her about the bracelets when she comes back for that.”

“Relax! She was just a little girl when her mom passed away, so I doubt she can still remember howthe bracelets look like. Therefore, any pair of bracelets will be good enough to fool her.” Roland wasapparently not concerned by the matter at all.

Jezebelle grunted and said, “If only everything was that simple. Anyway, she is your daughter, sothis is none of my business.”

Two days later, Selena invited Pierre to her house by texting him, while the man happened to bereading Meredith’s message in his bed at that time. ‘Are you home, Pierre? I’d like to swing by andvisit Joaquin and Jameson since I’m free today. Let’s have dinner together since we haven’t donethat in a while.’ In fact, Meredith would pay Pierre a visit at the Fowler Residence whenever shewas free.

Nevertheless, since both of their messages appeared on the top, Pierre subconsciously opened uphis chatroom with Selena. ‘I’ll be there soon.’ Soon, Pierre showed up at Selena’s house in theafternoon. When the lady opened the door, she peeked behind him and saw no signs of the kids.“Where are your boys?”

“They didn’t tag along.”

While Selena seemed disappointed to hear that, her reaction somehow upset Pierre a little deepdown. Did she invite me over because of my sons?

“Oh, I should have told you to bring them along because I specially made their favorite dish today.Anyhow, maybe you could take some away for them when you leave later.” It was only afterfinishing her sentence that Selena let Pierre into the house.

“Mr. Handsome!” Juniper excitedly ran toward Pierre the moment the man entered the house. Whilethe girl’s adorable voice made Pierre’s day, he was reminded of his sons, who usually behavedindifferently toward him. I wish my boys could be like Juniper.

Soon, the three of them began to enjoy dinner at the dining table full of dishes that were Selena’sspecialty.

“Today is your lucky day. I wouldn’t have cooked so much had I known you’d come alone,” Selenasaid as she distributed the plates and cutlery around.

Meanwhile, Juniper covered her mouth while tittering. “Mr. Handsome, you’re the first man Mom hasever cooked for. As you can see, she cares about you a lot!”

Taken aback by the girl’s innocent reply, Selena felt speechless. Seriously, Juniper?! “Be quiet, girl.”

After hearing her mother, the little girl placed a piece of chicken in her mouth and started chewing it.

In the meantime, Pierre only responded with silence. Nevertheless, he approved of Selena’scooking after trying her dishes a few times. Therefore, her cooking was one of the reasons why hecame over.

“By the way, I’ve just enrolled Juniper into Sunflower International Kindergarten. I bet you must haveheard of that school, right? Since Jojo and Jamie are about the same as Juniper, it’s time for themto go to school. So, I’ve signed them up too and prepared everything necessary for theirenrollment.”

Upon hearing the lady, Pierre froze in place. K-Kindergarten? My old man hasn’t planned to let hisgrandchildren go to school.

“Don’t tell me you have no plans of enrolling your boys into a kindergarten. Kids should startschooling when they reach the age of three. In fact, some of them do that even before they turnthree. Furthermore, Sunflower International Kindergarten is a good choice out of all the schools. Isurveyed that myself, so you can trust me. In this case, let’s consider it decided then,” Selenaadded while proudly placing a slice of meat on Juniper’s plate.

Pierre was speechless. For the first time, he got to see the lady’s domineering side. How could sheenroll my children into a kindergarten without informing me ahead? I didn’t have a chance to speak

my mind.

“Wow! We look just like a family!” Juniper exclaimed while drinking her soup.

Selena paused, taken aback by the girl’s response. Deep down, she agreed to her daughter thather conversation with Pierre did look like a discussion between parents about enrolling their child ina kindergarten. “Just finish your meal.”

After the meal, Juniper sat on the couch with Pierre while Selena proceeded to wash the dish. Upontaking a glimpse of her mother, who was busy in the kitchen, the girl leaned closer to the man andsaid, “I’m sorry that I ruined your proposal plan the last time, but don’t you worry because Mom’sbirthday is just around the corner. You could propose to her by then, and I believe that’ll make hereven happier.”

Proposal? That’s right! I need my ring! My ring!

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