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Chapter 198

“Later, take the little girl away. You don’t need to say anything. Just claim that you mistook her foranother child, and make everything seem natural. Do you understand?”novelbin

“Got it.”

Subsequently, the video changed to Selena and the little girl sitting on a bench as they chatted andlaughed. A while later, Selena received a phone call and went to the stairwell to answer the call.The little girl, on the other hand, went to the vending machine to buy something. All of a sudden, aman took the little girl’s hand and strode away. And it was precisely the man who was talking withMegan earlier, proving that this wasn’t a coincidence but a premeditated plan!

When Selena saw this video, she was likewise convinced that this was a premeditated event.

The video then ended there.

“I’d like to ask whether any of you here are mothers or fathers. If your daughter were once slappedby a woman, and she then went missing right under your nose, would you be anxious? And if it sohappens that you bump into the person who once hurt your daughter, would you go and confronther right away?”

Selena’s words finally turned fervent. “Many families failed to search for their children at once whenthey went missing, and they were never again found. I think many who are parents themselves willunderstand my feelings at that time. I was looking for my daughter when I happened to bump intoMegan Yard, so I naturally had to question her. To obtain the answer I want at the fastest possiblespeed, I wrapped my hands around her neck. As for her taking a tumble down the escalator, I wastripped. I don’t know whether the person who tripped me did it deliberately, but I was indeed trippedby someone. I lost my footing, so she likewise lost her balance and fell down the escalator. If youwatch the video circulating on the internet carefully, you’ll notice that my body lurched at that time,and the only reason I didn’t take a tumble was having grabbed the escalator’s handrail.”

The reporters nodded. As this was a major incident that attracted a lot of attention, the mediaoutlets assigned their experienced reporters to cover the press conference, so many of them werealready parents. Thus, they naturally understood Selena’s feelings when she couldn’t find herdaughter at that time. Everything makes sense now. It was Megan Yard who asked someone to takethe little girl away for some inexplicable reason, perhaps to give Selena Yard a scare, but she shotherself in the foot.

“You said you were tripped. Is there proof?” a reporter continued questioning.

“There’s no proof. There were too many people at that time, and no one would’ve been taking avideo from beneath, yes?” Selena initially wanted to say that the person nearest to her then wasMeredith, but on second thought, she didn’t say anything considering Pierre furtively cut a segmentof the video. Furthermore, she also felt that no one would believe her if she were to say that.Rather, they’d think that she was trying to shift the blame.

“For the incident at the bakery, we don’t know what was said since there was no sound. Perhaps itwas your daughter who was rude and said something nasty that offended Megan Yard, leading toher slapping her in a fit of pique? This is also entirely possible.”

“That’s right. Selena Yard, we don’t know Megan Yard’s personality, after all. However, you knew fullwell that she’s pregnant, so even if it’s for the sake of your child, shouldn’t you have taken herdelicate condition into consideration? Yet, you choked her when she was a pregnant lady.”

“I didn’t know that she was pregnant.”

“How are you going to prove that?” a reporter swiftly countered.

Selena went silent. It’s a matter of a person’s mind, so how is such a thing to be proved?

“So, you’re actually aware that she’s pregnant! All these excuses you gave have been prepared inadvance!” Seizing her hesitation, a reporter immediately pounced.

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