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Chapter 195

At the same time, Meredith had also noticed these videos. Pierre appeared suddenly back then,and he came from behind the crowd, so the videos didn’t capture his face. Nonetheless, she couldtell that it was him from a single glance based on her familiarity with him. Both her hands shook, asdid her entire body.

I thought that I could use this incident to render the Fowler Family disappointed in Selena and severthe possibility of her marrying into the Fowler Family while also enkindling Pierre’s suspicion of her. Ithought that she’d leave because of this matter, but unexpectedly, not only is Pierre not suspiciousof her, but he even saved her! How can I not be enraged? The two of them look so intimate, and Ipersonally created this opportunity? No, it looks like I’ve got to put my second plan on the agenda!

The day after the incident at the parking lot, Selena posted a tweet on her company’s Twitteraccount—she was going to hold a press conference!

In the blink of an eye, the fact that Selena Yard was holding a press conference skyrocketed to thetop search queries on the internet at a speed so fast that it had people exclaiming in astonishment.novelbin

Apart from announcing the press conference, she even announced the time and venue. Besides,she also declared that she wasn’t inviting any media outlet to the press conference this time, thushoping that the various media outlets would actively attend, for everyone was allowed entry as longas they had a media pass. In other words, this press conference was entirely true and transparentwithout any falsification.

Undeniably, such a press conference was extremely risky and could get out of control. Generallyspeaking, celebrities or companies invited media outlets themselves when they hosted a pressconference, excluding those that had once been bluntly rude or criticized them. Even the media’squestions and statements were arranged in advance. Thus, Selena’s move instantly caused an

uproar as people wondered about her trump card that she dared to do something so bold in DigtonCity.

When Meredith saw the news of the press conference, the corners of her lips curved into an evilsmirk. “Well, well. You’re not afraid, yes? You want to prove your innocence? Then, I’ll help you out!”Subsequently, she made a phone call. After the phone call had ended, her gaze gleamed withtriumph.

The press conference was held that afternoon itself at the biggest hotel in Digton City, the verysame hotel in which Selena was currently staying. When the press conference was still three hoursaway, the media started making their appearance.

Selena had been waiting upstairs, so a staff member came to knock on her door. “President Yard,more than a dozen media outlets have flashed their media passes. Should we start now?”

Turning, Selena looked at the staff member and chuckled lightly. “They truly give me quite the credit.I thought we’ll be moving it up an hour or two at most, but they’re all impatient when there are stillthree hours to go. Very well, let’s start.”


“Check the media passes carefully. You know what to do if you see any fake media passes, yes?”


The reception of the media outlets officially commenced. Within three hours, it seemed that all majorand minor media outlets in Digton City had gathered here. They all entered the conference hall asdirected by the staff, the entire hall packed to the gills. Selena had been preparing for this, so therewere more than enough seats in the conference hall. Some media personnel were summarizing the

questions they needed to ask, while some had started a live broadcast, and others were shootingthe breeze.

When the time came, the press conference began on the dot. Selena walked in without any makeupin casual attire and a simple ponytail, not at all looking like she was a mother with a four-year-oldchild.

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