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Chapter 19

Back at the White Swan Bakery, Selena had lodged a police report. The police officers arrived andwere retrieving the surveillance footage of the bakery. Thankfully, the bakery had a surveillancesystem in place.

Selena saw the scene showing Megan grabbing Juniper’s hair and slapping the little girl. Thedisturbing sight almost caused her to faint.

The world was filled with man-eating beasts, but how could she forget that human nature was theworst of evils.

Selena had always been wary of human traffickers, but she totally overlooked the existence ofmonsters like Megan.

“It’s her! It must be her!” She shot up and screamed, pointing agitatedly at the screen. The officergestured at her to sit down. “Miss Yard, please keep calm. Let’s finish watching the entire footage.”

The next scene showed Megan and Meredith leaving the bakery. About five minutes later, anunkempt man dashed into the bakery, grabbed Juniper, and ran out at lightning speed.

The footage was paused at the scene where the homeless man appeared. Of course, Selenanoticed the homeless man at the time of the incident. She had also run after him but failed to stophim.

Despite the graphic evidence, she suspected that the kidnapping had something to do with Meganand Meredith.

“Miss Yard, from the footage, we believe that we should focus on this homeless man. But we can’ttell his features from the footage, so the only way to identify him is to look through the entire

homeless population in the city.” As he was speaking, he started dialing a number to coordinate theeffort.

“No! You should start investigating Megan! It must be her! This definitely has something to do withher!” Selena bellowed with confidence.

“Miss Yard, why do you insist that she is implicated? Although Megan Yard was involved in a conflictwith Juniper, the person who snatched your daughter is that homeless man! In the footage, the twowomen definitely left the bakery.” The officer did not think that the kidnapping was connected toMegan and Meredith.

“Like what I said, it must be her doing!” Selena panicked. Based on Megan’s character, after Juniperaccidentally spilled juice on her, and considering her bad blood with Selena, she would not sparethe mother and daughter easily.

“Do you have proof? Or did you have any conflicts with Megan Yard?”

“I can’t clearly explain everything to you right now. Anyway, you should immediately arrest Megan.Once you get that woman, you can definitely find my daughter!”

The police officers exchanged looks, and they secretly thought that Selena was crazy. Of course,they recognized Meredith Yard on the screen because she was a public figure and a perfectgoddess. How could she kidnap a kid? That was out of the question.

“Miss Yard, please calm down. You are panicking, and that affects your judgment. Could you leavethis case to us? Please have trust in us.”

“This is not a matter of trust. Every second that passes affects the chances of finding my daughteralive! You need to arrest Megan right now. Otherwise…”

At that time, her phone suddenly buzzed. It was an incoming call from Pierre. She had wanted todismiss the call, but he repeatedly attempted to reach her. Left with no choice, she picked up thecall. “I don’t have the time to… What? You said that Juniper is with you?”

After that, she rushed back home, and the moment she stepped in, she yelled, “Where is Juniper?”

Pierre and the twins had been waiting in the living room. Selena dashed over and grabbed Pierre byhis shoulders.novelbin

“Calm down. She’s in the bedroom, but she’s acting strange.”

She went upstairs and found Juniper in bed. In the bakery’s surveillance footage, she could not tellwhat Megan had said to Juniper, but she definitely witnessed Megan grabbing Juniper by the hairand slapping her.

Juniper had always been well-protected by Selena and never experienced such aggressiveness.This unpleasant incident had likely traumatized the girl.

Selena tiptoed to the bedside, where she saw Juniper’s red and swollen cheeks. She badly wantedto tear Megan into pieces. How dare she hit a four-year-old?

“Juniper, are you hungry? Mommy will make some delicious food for you. Okay?” She tried to holdher tears back as Juniper lay there motionless with her eyes closed.

Feeling pained, she gave her daughter a gentle hug. “Juniper, if you want to sleep, sleep well.Mommy will stay by your side. No matter what happens, I will be here for you.”

Then, she tucked Juniper in and left the room. At the door, the concerned Pierre was waiting for her.“How was it?”

She shook her head. “Where did you find her? Has she been acting this way since then?”

The two went downstairs to the living room, where they listened to Joaquin describing how Juniperwas seen in the van. However, he left out the details of the Fowlers’ bodyguards.

On the other hand, Jameson was out of it. “Oh, is she your daughter, pretty lady? In that case, canwe come to play with her often? Heh heh.”

Selena was feeling down, but she expressed her gratitude. “Thank you! Thank you for savingJuniper. I guess there is no time to celebrate my daughter’s birthday today. Sorry for making youcome all the way for nothing. I need to take care of Juniper now. You should all head home.”

Upon saying so, she slowly stood up before heading upstairs.

“What do you plan to do about this?”

Upon hearing Pierre’s question, Selena paused and answered, “I’ll seek revenge.”

With that, she firmly walked upstairs to tend to her daughter.

Seeing her desolate figure, he felt a gut-wrenching pain for her.

After hopping into the car with his sons, Pierre sent a text to Niall. ‘Please investigate this incidentthoroughly.’

When Megan and Meredith left the beauty salon, night had fallen in Digton City. Earlier, the sociableand friendly Meredith had entertained the barrage of requests for photos and autographs from thepeople at the salon.

After exiting the salon, Megan could not help but grumble, “Look at you! You’re too popular to giveout your autographs to everyone! Even if you wanted to, you could have just entertained a few ofthem. Why did you have to take everyone’s request? It’s a waste of time, and I’m getting hungrynow.”

As for Meredith, she was sanitizing her hands with a disgusted look on her face. Just now, thepeople at the salon all shook her hand, which she thought was disgusting. When she got homelater, she planned to throw out the outfit she wore today as well.

Just then, the phone in her pocket rang—it was from her secondary phone.

Thinking that Juniper’s case must have been settled, she took the call without much thought.

“What did you say? You lost her?”

“Girlie, it’s a long story. In short, we did not manage to settle the little girl for you. I admit it was myfault, and I’m really sorry about it. I could only say that my men were unlucky because they ran intothe young masters of the Fowler Family.”

“Who?” Meredith looked terrified.

“For some unknown reason, the young masters of the Fowler Family insisted on buying that van.My men did not want to get into trouble with the Fowlers, so they sold the van, knowing fully that thegirl was still tied up in it. They dared not come clean about the kidnapping and fled from the scene. Istill need to tie up some loose ends fast. If Pierre Fowler looks into this, we will be in grave trouble. Ihave to go now. Ciao.”

Beside Meredith, Megan overheard the conversation, and her legs suddenly felt weak from the fear.

“Merry, we’re done for!”

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