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Chapter 159

It originally belonged to a family named Murray. According to this saying, Selena thought that hermother should be carrying the Murray name as well. However, her mother’s maiden name wasCecilia Davis, which had nothing to do with a name like Murray.

But she couldn’t care less. No matter what, this bracelet belonged to her mother, and she had tobuy it today. Soon, the bidding started, and sure enough, many people were here for it. The startingbid was three million, and the price went up to fifteen million after just one round of bidding.

“How much should we bid in the next round, President Yard?”

After a moment of hesitation, Selena replied, “Thirty million.”

“We’re doubling it directly?”

“That’s right. I want the other bidders who are just following the price to retreat. I want to put an endto this quickly.”

As expected, once the thirty million bid was placed on it, the ones who were following the biddingprice all retreated. During the third round, Selena went straight for fifty million, and there were onlythree bidders left in the end.

“Sixty million!”

“Seventy million!”

“Eighty million!”

It seemed as though all three of them were determined to buy this bracelet! Selena found it odd.Although this bracelet was historical and looked very pretty, unless they had a special relationshipwith it, no one would spend such a huge amount of money on it.

“President Yard, for the next round… what should we do?”

“A hundred million! I don’t think that they’ll follow!” Selena answered as she clutched her cell phonetightly.

The jade bracelet was unexpectedly popular with two other people still vying for it with her at thisstage. At this, she was really curious about the people who wanted the bracelet as badly as her!

“President Yard, a hundred million is our maximum bid and not a single dollar more than that. We’vesubmitted a deposit for this auction, and we’re required to pay up within a day. Otherwise, thedeposit will be forfeited. Not only that, we’ll also be banned from participating in future RoyalAuctions and blacklisted. We have only one hundred million in funds which we could use, andanything additional will have to be transferred from Springvale, but we won’t have enough time forthat,” Linda said, explaining the current situation to her.

Right then, Selena could only regret not setting foot into Astoria earlier. If only she had developedher business in Astoria as soon as possible, she wouldn’t have had to care about all these. After all,it was merely a hundred million, and even if it was a few hundred million, it would be consideredpeanuts to her.novelbin


Everything depends on this final strike now, she thought.

Praying silently, she hoped that the other bidders would retreat from the difficulties or maybe knowabout her intentions and let her win the bid.

“A hundred million! Room number eighteen calls for a hundred million! Is there any higher bid?Anyone?”

Everyone else who was watching the auction were at the edge of their seats as well since it wasn’ta common occurrence when the bidding became this heated.

Meanwhile, in room number one, Niall was covered in cold sweat as he made a call to Pierre.“President Fowler, the other bidder offered a hundred million. Are we going to continue bidding?”

“Didn’t I already tell you that you have to get it? So don’t waste my time!” Pierre snapped and hungup angrily.

Gritting his teeth, Niall couldn’t figure out what was going on in Pierre’s mind that he could bringhimself to spend such a huge amount of money on Meredith. Whatever it was, he would give his allsince the money wasn’t coming from his account.

Just when Selena’s hands were tightly clasped together in a silent prayer, the host exclaimed,“Okay, room number one is offering one hundred and ten million!”

The crowd broke into an uproar, and Selena stared wide-eyed at the screen as her final hope wasshattered.

The other bidder was really giving his all!

The man in a black suit in room number three frowned as he picked up his cell phone and asked,“Are we still following the bid?”

In the end, the jade bracelet was sold at one hundred and ten million!

Unable to hide the disappointment on her face, Selena felt as though she had let her mother downbecause she couldn’t even get her bracelet back in an auction.

Looking at her, Linda sighed. “This person is such a nuisance. Why can’t he spend this one hundredand ten million on something else instead of pitting it against us! What do you think he’s after?”

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