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Chapter 152

“I don’t care. You’re not allowed to do that.” Averting her gaze, Selena knew her resistance wasalmost futile. With Pierre’s status and personality, she wasn’t in a position to oppose anyway, as shecould only obey his wishes. However, she was determined to go against him.

Never perceiving their relationship as a proper one, she assumed that it was a transaction of sortsthat would allow them to each obtain what they desired. It wasn’t until they started the relationshipthat she realized she in fact had hopes for it going somewhere.

“I don’t think it’s appropriate for you to do this on our first date. Being in a relationship means thatwe’ll have to love each other before we have sex.” Hearing her own words, she was aware howridiculous she sounded by trying to imbue the concept of love to a man who only knew abouttransactions, as she deemed him incapable of love.

Meanwhile, he was staring at her calm expression. Due to how close he was to her, he could hearher heart pounding. He also noticed she was shivering out of fear. She’s afraid? But why? Is sheafraid that I might hurt her?

Despite noticing that Pierre didn’t utter a single word, she dared not turn to look at him. She figuredthat her protests fell on deaf ears, as he already exercised an incredible amount of patience on heras things stood. “I can’t deny you if you insist. We’re merely engaged in a transaction anyway.”

“Focus on the movie!” Without warning, he reverted into a gentleman, surprising Selena. Turning tocheck on him, she saw his face illuminated by the flickering lights from the screen, which made himlook even more morose. Averting her gaze, she tidied her disheveled clothes.

“I will not have sex with you without your consent,” he said all of a sudden. She whipped her headaround to look at him, wondering if that was a promise. “You have my word.”

With that, she turned around to continue watching the movie. Furtively, Pierre cast her a glance, andseeing her facial expression soothing managed to calm him down. He wished she could let herguard down toward him, as well as stop fearing him.

After that, they resumed watching the movie. The latter part placed emphasis on its thrillerelements, so there were no more graphic scenes. Thus, they managed to finish their movie withouta hitch. While on their way home, none of them spoke, nor did Selena muster up the courage tospeak despite constantly stealing glances at him. She decided she should remain silent as sheknew he had to be angry.

Upon their arrival at home, Selena got out of the car. “I’ll be taking my leave.” Pierre got out too.With the moonlight shining on his tall gesture, he gave her the impression of being a knight inshining armor while standing before her. Before he could speak, Selena stood on her toes to givehim a peck on the cheek.

“Goodnight!” she said. Then, she scuttled back into her house and slammed the door shut. Pierre,at this moment, still hadn’t come back to his senses. There was a tingling sensation on the spot thatshe pecked him on, but it was comfortable. Caressing his cheek unconsciously, he returned to hishouse.

Meanwhile, Selena was leaning against the door with her face still burning from embarrassment.She didn’t plan to kiss him at all, but decided that he deserved a reward for making such a hugecompromise.

After a while, she took a peek through the peephole before going upstairs. By the latter half of thenight, she kept tossing and turning in bed as she was unable to fall asleep, her mind thinking ofnothing but Pierre. Unbidden, she recalled Linda’s words of warning about her relationship.novelbin

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