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Chapter 128

“Doesn’t it hurt?”

In response, Pierre snorted. “Of course it freaking hurts! Do you even need to ask?”

It wasn’t until then that she realized she had asked a pointless question. They were both onlyhuman, so he would of course feel pain as much as she could, but it was just that he had a highertolerance to it.

All of a sudden, she was reminded of a rumor she heard about him a few years back. He had beenserving in the military for five years, but something happened that caused him to retire. According tothe rumors, it was because he broke the military’s code. “Why did you retire from the army? I heardyou broke the code, but what exactly was the mistake that you made?”

Without even opening his eyes, he answered, “I forced myself on another woman.”novelbin

Her eyes went wide as soon as she heard that. “That’s bullsh*t! How could you even get the chanceto do that?”

Smiling, he made no reply. She knew he was tired, so she didn’t press on.

The sky was clear, so the moon and the stars could be seen shining brightly. She observed thestarry sky while thinking, The night sky on Sterne Island was beautiful, but the sky here looks evenmore beautiful by comparison. She was hit with a sudden recollection of Pierre’s earlier remarksabout staying on this island. How nice it would be to live forever under such a beautiful night sky.We can get married and lead a primitive lifestyle!

A moment later, she was surprised by her own thoughts. Then, she glared at him before avertingher gaze. A breeze blew past them without warning, causing her to hug herself tightly. Night time onthe island sure is cold.

On the other hand, Pierre cast her a glance before throwing his shirt at her without a word. Selenawrapped it around herself immediately. Hmph. Maybe this man still has that little bit of conscienceleft in him.

Perhaps she was exhausted, for she soon fell asleep beside the fire while leaning against the rock.

It took Pierre some time before he noticed that she hadn’t stirred in a long while, so he opened hiseyes to check on her, only to find her fast asleep. “How could she still sleep after spending themajority of the day doing nothing but that?” Sticking his face closer to hers, he could see her longlashes fluttering.

She looked so unassuming, yet at the same time so mesmerizing; the sight of it had seduced himsomewhere along the line. Without warning, he was overcome with an urge, which had happenedrepeatedly ever since he met her. Slowly inching closer, he gave her a peck on her cheek.

However, he furrowed his brows right away before resting his palm over her forehead. Shoot! She’shaving a fever! No wonder she’s so groggy! He blamed himself for not realizing sooner that she wastired because of the fever. Although the bullet merely grazed her, she was still injured and had spenthours in the water, so it was almost inevitable that she would catch a cold.

Patting her face, he tried to wake her. “Wake up. Stop sleeping.”

“Hmm...” She only managed a grunt without even opening her eyes. For lack of a better option, hecarried her on his back. While half-conscious, Selena could tell she was on a bumpy ride, but thegentle movements were quite soothing. “Pierre...”

Stopping in his tracks, Pierre questioned, “Hm? What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?”

“Why must you be Pierre Fowler?” With a pout on her face, she was talking in her sleep.

“Who else can I be if not Pierre Fowler?” He continued to march forward.

“It would be nice if you weren’t Pierre Fowler,” she mumbled.

“Who do you wish I would be then?”

“Pierre Moody. It’d be great if you were him.” That would mean she could be with him without havingto worry about any backlash. Unfortunately, that would never happen... Then, she sank into anotherlengthy dream, in which she was being laid on top of a huge, soft Simmons mattress, coupled with awarm duvet, a soft pillow, as well as sunshine and flowers.

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