Crystal's One Night of Love

Chapter 382 I Have Returned 2
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Chapter 382 I Have Returned 2

Crystal wrapped her arms around his neck.

Despite being overwhelmed by her desire, she still broke into tears.

Henry, are you really back? Do you recall the memories we shared, both happy and sad?

Henry’s heart melted at the sight.

“Stop crying.”

He spoke in a tender voice as if he was consoling a little girl. “Crystal, I’m back. I’m truly, truly back.”

Mixed within his clation was an intense bitterness.

He hugged her tightly, feeling as if they had just survived a brutal battle.

His heart shattered while they lingered in each others’ embrace.

With her head resting on his shoulders, tears streamed slowly down her cheeks.

Henry pulled over the blanket and wrapped it around her before hugging her tightly in his arms.

Amidst the quiet night, Crystal murmured, “Henry, it feels as if this is all a dream, albeit a long and.painful one.”

Henry planted a kiss on her shoulder. “I’ll never leave you again, I swear.”

The development was supposed to be a joyous one, yet she couldn’t help but feel depressed.

Perhaps he has chosen to do this on Christmas, knowing that I couldn’t resist crying.

In spite of their exhaustion, neither of them wanted to go to sleep.

They had no desire to mention their enemies and only talked about happy events.

“Do you still remember the Christmas when you made up with Ritchie?” Henry recounted softly, “As if Iwas driven mad, I followed both of you on your date and watched you. The sight of him kissing yourforehead underneath the fireworks filled me with raging jealousy.”

Crystal naturally did.

Stroking his chiseled face, she said, “Didn’t we agree not to bring up those matters?”

Henry’s gaze deepened as he took a leaf out of Crystal’s book, running his fingers across every inch ofher face.

Crystal was his wife, and he had forgotten her when they were deeply in love with each other.

How did she live through such a horrible period?

“Crystal, thank you for not abandoning me.” Henry’s voice was brimming with emotion.

Crystal circled her long, slender fingers around his chest. “Who says I didn’t give up? I was just makingdo.”

A second later, she added, “You were such a jerk!”

Jolted by her words, Henry pinned her down beneath him.

Nevertheless, he did so gently on account of the baby.

Crystal didn’t resist his advances.

Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck with her eyes glistening brightly. “Even then, I wouldnever compromise myself for anyone else but you, Henry.”

With his heart warmed by her words, he gently nuzzled his nose against hers in an alluring manner.

As he fanned the flames of their passion by gently planting his lips on hers, he asked in a raspy voice,“Crystal, when I lost my memory, did I satisfy you still? Is that the reason why you couldn’t bringyourself to leave me?”

Crystal was embarrassed by the question.

When it came to being shameless, she was simply no match for him.

Nevertheless, she had no intention of hiding from him. The words her husband had said to her struckher both emotionally and physiologically.

By then, lust was written all over her face.

Unable to hold himself back any further, he deepened his kisses and spoke to her in between them.

“Crystal, do you like me hugging you?”

Crystal couldn’t stand it any longer. Buying herself in his neck, she sobbed, “Stop talking already.”

Henry subsequently pressed his face against hers.

The reddish tint and burning sensation on his face only served to intensify the passion of the moment.

Consumed by it, Crystal raised her head and reciprocated by locking lips with him.

Henry, I don’t know how strong my feelings are for you, but no matter how big of a jerk you have been,I can never bring myself to leave you! Even in disappointment, I can still feel hope springing up withinme. Perhaps this is what true love is.

By the time Crystal woke up early in the morning, she was greeted by the fragrance of roses.

Turning on her side, she saw a white rose lying on the pillow while a beautiful diamond bracelet wasthreaded through its stalk.

No woman could ever say no to jewelry, especially when it was given romantically in the morning aftera night of passion with the man they were deeply in love with.

Crystal was naturally no exception.

When she tried to put it on, she somehow just couldn’t buckle it.

Right then, a tall figure was standing by the door,

It was none other than Henry.

Having showered and dressed early in the morning, he was wearing a light gray shirt and pants with adarker shade of gray.

With his tie knotted neatly, he looked sharp in his outfit.

Crystal asked tenderly, “Why didn’t you let me put on your tie for you?”

Walking over, Henry bent forward and gave her nose a pinch. “Times have changed. There’s no way Idare order Miss Winters around anymore.”

He then put on the diamond bracelet for her.

It looked stunning as it sparkled on her wrist.

Crystal mumbled. “That’s not true. You dared do it last night!”

The moment she finished, Henry’s eyes glistened in agreement.

He then whispered into her ear, “When it comes to that, I’m the one doing all the work. Where’s the funin that?”

Crystal blushed in response.

Not wanting to delve into that topic, she raised her hand. “Is this my Christmas present?”

Henry gave her a peck. “It’s payment for spending the night with me.”

Feeling annoyed yet shy, Crystal attempted to whack him with the rose, but her hand was caught byhim.

“All right now, no more fooling around. There are still things to be done. Come with me to themonastery once you finish breakfast.”

As Crystal fiddled with the diamond bracelet, she asked thoughtfully, “Are you going to Mr. Minsky’smonastery to express your gratitude?”

Henry nodded as he gently pulled her into his arms.

He then spoke in an emotional voice. “I’ve made a wish in front of the heavens. Now that you and thechildren are safe, it’s time for me to show my gratitude.”novelbin

After pondering a moment, Crystal suggested softly. “Henry, I would like to make an offering, too.”

Worried that Henry would be upset, she wrapped her arms around his waist and reassured him, “Don’tbe jealous. I just want to repay my debt of gratitude. There’s no one in this world that can take yourplace, Henry. I just want to show my gratitude to him for giving me the item that made it possible for meto stay by your side and for you to see me again.”

Henry knew what she wanted to give out-the locket Robert had given her as a lucky charm.

His male ego would definitely mind it, for Robert would forever have a place in Crystal’s heart. Thatsaid, Crystal wasn’t doing anything wrong from a rational point of view.

The locket had saved her life, while the Sloan family had even lost Sylvester in the process.

Finally, Henry replied softly, “All right. I’ll get it from home later.”

Holding onto his arm, Crystal gave him a peck. “You’re getting more and more gracious, Mr. Miller!”

As he wrapped his arm around her waist, he rested his forehead against hers. “Crystal, I’m not beinggracious. I just don’t want you to worry. At the same time, I want you to know that Robert and Sylvesteraren’t the only ones willing to sacrifice their lives for you. I am ready to do it, too… You’re everything tome, and I’ll do whatever it takes for your sake.”

Crystal hummed in acknowledgment, as she had never doubted his feelings for her.

Thereafter, both of them agreed that they would return to the mansion after breakfast before headingup the mountain.

Henry stopped his car halfway up and alighted from it.

Since Crystal was pregnant, he walked slowly up with her. Upon their arrival, Crystal realized theyweren’t the only ones there. Every member of the Miller family and their relatives were also present.

Hundreds of black clad figures filled the area.

The greater the wish, the grander the ceremony for expressing one’s gratitude.

Crystal felt a slight burning sensation in her nose as she turned to look at her husband.

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